23 Apr 2011, 23:45
Sarah Engels just made it into the Top3 of Germany's Idol, which needs some attentions as she obviously is smokingly hot!
Anyhow I wanted to know what you think about all those Casting Shows like X-factor etc., as some folks I play with are rly cheering for all those participants and I rather think the one's singing there are only fairly average and get way too much attention, especially compared to people who write and compose their own songs and take a rather long way till earning the big money..
If you don't have an own opinion, you can just post a ytube video of your favorite noname ytube-singer (must be female though and good-lookin')
kaMa wants you to move your moustache to IRC
nga pls
POTM! (from fieldplayers)
TER STEGEN RULED! (goalkeeper-wise)
but i heard of pietro like early this season? sucked bigtime, reminded me of supermario
and lol : D
victims of a over capitalistic society and its wrong ideals of success. people dont like hartz4 tv shows 'cause they know its fake. so why the majority of these people never considered talent shows as the same? its more honest to exploint people in a stalisnistic organized gulag than believing in the truth of casting shows.
Miss the times of somewhat good TV entertainment in the afternoons.
girl in the vid is hotter
sonst könnte man nämlich die ganzen mikrofon effekte weglassen, genauso wie die 49 stimmen-chöre während den refrains. von dem eigentlichen sänger hört man nix mehr.
aber ich glaub das is auch nicht so die oberste priorität bei nen solchen wettbewerb, geht nur um die einschaltquote, das leute anrufen und nach dem ende der staffel wirft der bohlen sein keyboard an, drückt auf "random 08/15 rhymus" und schon gibts 1-2 singles und ein album mit dem größten mallorca-schlager-abends-mit-60-jährigen-am-pool-sitz-dreck und das verkauft sich auch noch. danach darf das talent dann noch auf ein paar dorf- und stadtfesten auftreten und dann wars das auch schon.