5o5 offi clanbase

rise and shine looking for 5o5 offi tonight ! 22:00-23:00 CET :) we are unranked !
ettv :on
#r&s q rS`Elviss or k1ck-sh1zzle
why not ESL=
clanbase: more active SKILLED 5o5 teams!!!!!
thats why :D
normally this would be a good statement but considering ESL dropped all ET competitions including EMS I don't think there's much point continueing to play there
I'm pretty sure if more teams would play ESL ET ladders, ESL could get at least 3x better than clanbase and ESL would be better for ET future also
too skilled, sorry
learn to spell
go esl 5o5 Ladder and i would challenge you next week :P
heyho gl elviss mate :DDDD
get ranked first 8)
lol challenge them i want to watch an awesome match
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