autoexec problem (solved!)

hey cf,

i just got my new computer.

i have a bug with my autoexec (sometimes it doesn't exec aswell)

but the main bug is that my picmip is fixed to 3 and it always stay to 1.

i've checked already every cfg files and there is nothing about picmip exept in the first config (wich is changed many times) and at my autoexec (the picmip is after the first config, so nothing to do with it)

i tryed to delete / install ET (with ETultimate installer or with normal installer)

so wat can i do? (its boring to need to put the picmip to 3 and then vid restart when i just connect to a server)

[Edit] :

thanks to Sugarfail

to fix this problem, you need to put the right settings at r_lastvalidrender ""

(for exemples i got an ati 6970 so r_lastvalidrender "seta r_lastValidRenderer "AMD Radeon HD 6900 Series")


just make it your etconfig and exec etconfig
seta r_lastvalidrenderer ""

You need to delete the value in here and let ET write it again.
thanks, forgot about that ( formated like 4 times here and didnt give a fuck about this cmd :f )
post your cfg and you'll have more success
he changes cfg every war :)
i have the problem that whenever i want to connect to a server it starts downloading files from the server altough i have "cl_allowdownload 0" in my cfg and my cfg is write-protected.

but when i type it in console before i connect. it doesnt download any files... thats weird for me.
does anybody know a solution?
config aus dem ordner nehmen
evtl gucken ob sie schreibgeschützt sonst häckchen raus
dann in der config nach dem befehl suchen
evtl gucken ob es ihn doppelt halt
dann config wieder in et folder reinkopieren
had the same, are u starting the game with etpro or with etmain?
r_picmip "3" so if you have set or seta before r_picmip delete it
"but the main bug is that my picmip is fixed to 3 and it always stay to 1."

same here
Delete profile folder from etmain and etpro. Delete etconfig file from etmain folder and delete r_lastvalidrenderer from your personal config.

Then, start the game and before you create a profile exec your config and vid_restart. Do this 2 times and right after that creat the profile.

After creating profile exec your personal config again and thats it.

If u you do that as said, you can test it. I mean after all that shit u open Et and write in console /r_picmip and it should say value 3.
i know that, i just forgot to set " // " before my r_lastvalid blabla on this computer :f

seta com_recommended "0"
seta com_recommendedSet "1"
Delete profile folder from etmain and etpro. Delete etconfig file from etmain folder and delete r_lastvalidrenderer from your personal config.

Then, start the game and before you create a profile exec your config and vid_restart. Do this 2 times and right after that creat the profile.

After creating profile exec your personal config again and thats it.

If u you do that as said, you can test it. I mean after all that shit u open Et and write in console /r_picmip and it should say value 3.
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