w31rd pr0bl3m


Since the last time I formatted my pc I have got this weird problem. I play ET, everything is ok'n stuff. Then I quit ET and try to do something else. My pc lags like hell and I can't do anything. When I look with ctrl + alt + del, I can see that any program I am trying to use after playing takes 99% of CPU. for example if I try to chat, mIRC takes 99% and if I try to listen to music iTunes takes 99%. If I try to explore teh mighty web Mozilla Firefox takes ~40% but if I load bigger pages or use 2 tabs at same time it takes 99% too. This doesn't happen everytime I play, approximately once or twice a day but it's very annoying.

Anyone knows how to get rid of it?
happy birthday to you
noone made u a journal :(
lets cry together :(
sounds like ET is not really shutting down. any processes going on after quitting ET?
yep, ET works well but after closing it other programs make problems
no, my question was if u r sure that ET is closing completely. sure there is no ET anymore on ur screen. but maybe "et.exe" or sth goes on running in background?
g3t 0th3r m4!nb04rd dr!v3r5
try some other drivers indd or call superman
I lol'd @ your profile
there is your problem > AMD Athlon 1700+ 1.47GHz
too much userbars :(
how many prosecs you have running ?
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