...two miles under the desert, the essential component of a death machine!!!

Hey there crossfire, Imma get a new pc on liek wednesday or something and I wanna know which of the not-old-as-fuck games are worth playing. The PC I'm using now was bought in 2004 and hasn't been upgraded much, so I basically just played ET, QL, Half-Life 2 and stuff along the line.

Many times I read that "newer games don't have it anymore" that it's all flashy graphics and no atmosphere at all, but come on, it can't be like that, can it?

So far I decided to try Fallout: New Vegas and Portal 2 but gimme some more examples of games that are worth it, doesn't necessary have to be the newest shit on the shelf

In exchange: some fine piece of music:

and what would a journal be without a image: celebrities-actresses-gemma-atkinson-beauty-face-tits-girls-babes-boobs-bra-hot-girl-cuerpazo-woman-side-boob-boobies
i'm an engineer
tl/dr so far, but the kilimanjaro darkjazz ensemble rules. you following denovali rex?

edit: k, read it. would suggest vampire: bloodlines and hitman: blood money. newer stuff: metro 2033 - great atmosphere.
I don't know nothing about denovali rex. Though TKDE is pretty good on CDs but live it's truly astonishing.
if youre goin to play new vegas, play fallout 3 first if you havent! story much better

mass effect1/2 if you like that sort of thing

left 4 dead ofc but that would run on your old machine :P

bioshock 1/2

just cause 2
Checked a few of these on youtube, looks good, will defo try some, thx ;]
Mass Effect 2
Fallout 3/NV

nothing for a long time

Dragon Age
you know the obvious id say ;)
There has never been better scene in CoD since attacking of the Reichstag in CoD 1. Fact.
its not like he needs a new PC for cod1
Just saying that the later CoDs aare hardly any better than the original one.
kind of true in some aspects but if one really enjoyed the first one there is no reason to not play the later parts. just for shits and jiggles and cause everyone knows the biggest selling FPS franchise and that kinda stuff.
True, I played all of them (except for BO) and I enjoyed them, they're just not as epic as the two WWII ones imho.
cod4 was a massive revolution in fps gaming (SP wise)
A bunch of scripted events, just like the first two ones. It has defined the look of todays FPS, I'll admit, but the game itself wasn't revolutionary at all.
the story and events in the game are one of the imporant aspects in a successful game, however it's not the element in the game which i was pointing out as to break a revolution in gaming
COD4 had so much more to offer to a gamer, an experience that has yet to be developed prior to 2007, it was simply the most realistic game to have been released
it looks simple and rubbish now, but it was a true master piece back then
last time i got shot in the face i laid down behind a wall and got better instantly and the guy who was shooting me in the face didn't bother to come finish me off so i was able to jump up and kill him
try having anal sex
i didn't get to that level
I'm a field ops.
Allied field ops to be precise. To be even more precise: with a terrible aim with bags full of water.
It's about the message bro, the message. Besides his skatingspeed was below average
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