Hey folks.

Well i have problem with ET&SLAC.

always when i open my ET with slac it crashes or well it will start loading ET but screen will stay grey and nothing happens.
Remove the command line
You donated money which came from the best person!
Shhh :D Morgen stuur ik het :P
Haha bedankt, word moe van geen muziek luisteren!
Fix your config
cg_Gun_Frame 0
don't play ET pls
instead of: +set fs_game etpro
try: +set fs_game etmain

for me it works tho, but i have to do that every single time or else i get the same as you.
read the FAQ - it's the first fucking thing in there
Hey folks.

Well i have problem with life&pot.

always when i open my pocket with weed it hurts, well i can start smoking but mind will stay grey and nothing happens.
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