bananas avi

French,Spanish,Polish,Algerian(no fake really,im a pro mix my family liked to fuck in different countries)
20years Old
Uber Skilled,Stable Med+(Sometimes High-)
Can play Any Class im good at everything anyway,but prefer rifle or rambo medic
Speak French example:j'aime le fromage la baguette et la tour eiffel et si on as perdu la coupe du monde c'est parce que le terrain etait trop mouillé ou que les nuages etaient trop blancs
Speak English example:Hey im british i drink tea like a gay,i drive to left side and i dont come to euro money because i think im the best
Speak Polish:kielbasy,ziemnaki,to jest wszystko ja chce
speak Arabic:Achadou ana la ilaha ilala wa a ach adou ana mohammed rassoulou lah,nti khayb ana zwien
Speak Spanish:Soy un cabron y tengo un bigote para parecer como el sergente garcia

Need of a Skilled team,no noob team please because im skilled,if dignitas or queens see my post,yes i can join you.

Oh and i forgot i can say a stuff a finnish friend teached me

oOn ma norsu(it means im hot :) )
Tl;dr but MarseilleLeFrancis likes.
HEHEHE j'ai fais la meilleure blague du monde sur xfire

[>:-{D]Slay3r: i dont like trolls
[>:-{D]Slay3r: :(
Bananas: and goblins?
Bananas: ahahaha
reported. xD
Thought it was banaan
i love ur troll mate :D
bonjour, je m'appelle duNzy cmon ca va
/q IceQ @ #TheLastResort
need new journal
gl Netherlandsbanaan
drinking tea isn't gay :<
and the euro sucks - poor Germans have to keep paying out for every other countries mistakes.
QuoteSpeak Polish:kielbasy,ziemnaki,to jest wszystko ja chce

Made me laugh but stil get the fuck out
hahahaha dude ur just awesome :DD
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