An explanation

So, many of you have looked at why TLR shutdown. Obviously rumours and conspiracies will form and circulate over the next while, that's to be expected. I won't go into massive amounts of detail because I don't feel it's fair on Mike (chefinal - ie. the owner of TLR) if I did that.

When I joined last year, I only really intended on having the Rockit COD4 team there for LAN support and such due to Rockit kind of going down the drain. I knew Josh (pesteh - ie. the webdesigner) for a while and he encouraged me to join, foolishly I didn't know too much about TLR's history. Shortly after I joined, I wanted to push into the ET scene somehow and deliver on some promises. This is where I found out that TLR had truly lost the trust of the ET scene a while back, so I adopted this as my mission to regain the trust from this community.

Shortly after this, it then became apparent that ET wasn't the only community to have been let down by previous TLR antics. Now I was hit with a dillema; bail out now or work hard to regain respect from all scenes that were, well, fucked over (for lack of a better term). And here's my weakness, I don't like to abandon people because I end up feeling guilty, although it's not even my fault.

Then came the planning for the LAN event. This is something I've wanted to do for a long time so I start putting plans together and then eventually announced it. I wanted to keep it seperate from TLR but also brand it as TLR to help improve the name within the communities further, no TLR sponsors or staff would be involved apart from myself.

The progress that TLR has made from July 2010 to April 2011 is massive in terms of activity and support from "fans" and communities. However, I wanted to give more. I wanted to be able to do so much for everybody who'd been let down in the past by TLR.

Eventually, there were delays in some funding from our partners and sponsors. Essentially, no deadline dates could have been given. Without this security, we started to look elsewhere but time was running out in terms of preparing for the worst. By this I mean, "what if TLR couldn't get funding in time to deliver its promises and let teams down and then put them at risk of not being able to find somewhere to help them continue on?" This is where I took the decision to inform the teams of the situation, simply to make sure they ended up coming out of this in the best possible way.

After discussing it with Mike, he agreed to close the org down (at least as a temporary measurement). He may, or may not, re-launch in the future. That's his decision and I wish him the best of luck, and hope that my efforts have made his future a little easier with the organisation should he re-launch it.

I don't yet know what I plan on doing, I want to focus on the event and make sure it's a good one for everybody attending and for everybody at home watching.

image: hot-booth-babe

Peace and love comrades!
What flavour?
care to share some popcorn?
man she has sucking lips..

blow my whistle baby!
She's all mine, gtfo!
relax dude, im not gonna steal her from you.. im just gonna let her blow my whistle now and then..

brothas do share u know! :)
Sry m8, I'm ego.
in my case it was tl;r
I love you seanza!
eSports tough sports
explanation is obvious:

image: 0cr7z
lol u made that?
lold, what's with reference to the the 'H' in the beginning?
No idea? :D
horatio i guess, but never knew they call him H :D
Guys name. It's from CSI:Miami.
poor Seanza :`(
Sponsors didnt deliver in time, no more money, Seanza still doing LAN+Seanza saver of ET and all other games.
Everything you do... fails.
Everything you try... fails.

You're just a failure.
Everytime he tries, he wins.

We should be thankful that there are people like him who try. If there wernt any "tryer", ET would been dead long time ago
And i give a fuck about that, why?
I dont know my friend. Maybe because you commented on this journal?
I came here to mock, not suck cock.
Start ur own MGC?
Like that is easy. Requires a lot of time, experience and money.
he has the experience, I think he has the time, and he has the contacts with good sponsors

e: i never said it was easy
Yea, but how you said "Start ur own MGC?" made it sound so easy and careless and looks like it is 1 hour work.
it was just an idea about how he could spend his future in eSports...
I assume if this went wrong, surely will be the next one. or if that's not the case, he should stick with this MGC as it already has its name.
I'd rather have my own org than continue with TLR. In my explanation it mentions TLR's not-so-fantastic history. That held back a lot of progress opportunities.
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