icq :<

anyone else, most likely Germany your icq working ? mine just stopped while playing et and wont reconnect :<
icq is for nerds so who gives a fuck
no, actually icq is to talk with rl friend (at least for me)
irc is for nerdZZZ

EDIT: ye, its not working
yes, icq for talking with rl friends
msn is for nerds imo
i would say irc is for "nerds", icq is just another msn tbh
irc is for finding wars, msn > that nerd program
MSN = pop-teen-retard-program-with-alot-security-holes-and-shitty-GUI-etc-etc.
my sister has the same problem... mine is working great xD
is she hot, pictures plz, preferereably naked, k
no she isn't :s
use trillian. its a lot better plus it is multiclient.
My icq isnt working aswell...
Use QIP instead of icq, it offers a lot more features
The main ICQ server is hacked,
take a look at the the ICQ main side news.
working again
Haha my ICQ is working fine. :)
works fine again :D
my icq works fine but at 2 pm it crashed like 3 times and a reconnect was not possible
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