Dani Alves

What a surprise that he is fit to continue playing!!
Francis, best shoutcast ever!
marcelo - crouch
pathetic how every player runs to the ref and demands a card when some1 gets fouled ..
whats it all about?
True but Di-Maria is holding him so well.

-Edit Goal xD
Should've been yellow for the foul and yellow for the swan dive.
naaah Pepe didnt even try to put his leg back after foul. that was ultimate agressive so imo yellow for and yellow for agression :)
Still a red card.
still a red card :).
I agree that Pepe ran in quite heavy. But insta red? I don't know. maybe the pressure of 11 barca players waving theirs hands (as in give cards man) kinda helped the ref make his decision. After some other fouls that deserved yellow (from both sides) that got passed without this should have been a yellow+clear warning. No surprise that it was Rat face himself that made sure pepe got card and got up instantly. For once its not Busquets or pedro with their fake face grabbing dives.
Pepe should have had red already couple of games ago. That guy shouldn't even be allowed to play at all tbh. Same for matterazi, totti etc
yes, the couple of games ago should have made him not be able to play this?
I agree that Pepe is a bad man, and quite 'daft' because he plays with all his hearts. But im 101% sure that it wouldn't have been red if barca didnt go for plan B and started waving imaginary cards whilst running at the referee with 11 man ( cept maybe alves but he was he thought he was playing his own 'death scene' on broadway so hes allowed to be distracted from Pep's masterplan)
What the fuck man
Yes, many of his red cards are for more than 1 game. Anyway I will enjoy their next game. Real has to try to play football. The last time they tried it against barca, they lost 5-0.
And messi plays with his heart, not pepe. And Marcelo also should have had red. Don't know if you saw that? Jumping on someone's legs.
If you look at that fase with your eyes open, you can see that marcelo's eyes are on the ball, and on the ball only. He doesnt even look or glimpse at pedro, who offcourse instantly dies of terrible pains. Im pretty sure marcelo enjoyed, but also that it wasn't intentional.
By playing with his heart I mean he gives his everything, always, for the club (tho in a stupid way sometimes). Anyway that comments above show me that either your eyes are in need of some serious surgery, your english comprehensive skills are to crappy to see clear points made, or you're just plain stupid. Not sure which one, but i'd suggest you sit back and let the grown ups have a conversation? Talking around statements is not the way to discuss stuff (and i am open to discussion, hell i even said barca played nice somewhere :x)
lol marcelo was looking to the ball lol
lol u must be rly naive lol
check replay, his eyes are on the ball at all time
and then what?Cmon dude that's the most easy thing to do. Marcelo knew that would step on pedro if he continues walking like that
This was 100% red. This kinda players like pepe are abit stupid. Why do you want to fight for ball what is unreachable ... Pepe does it almost every other game. It makes football unenjoyable.
And i can search the rules of being referee, that this kinda tackle is insta red. I think it is even in. Fifa.com :)
unreachable no. His eyes were on the ball (tho im sure he wouldnt mind Alves leg in between) I agree that he is a bit fucked up in the sometimes (e.g. getafe last season) But in this game and setup, Red card is debatable. There were so many yellows not giving because he the referee didn't want to (clear yellows too), If the ref is consistent then he should punish this with a (dark)yellow and next heavy foul yellow/red. Instead he was inconsistent and fell for the barca tactic. Don't get me wrong, I am a madrid supporter, but that Messi goal was out of this world. Still i can't help but wondering what if. Pepe probably screwed us over, but with some help from Stark/Alves/waving barca hands
All in all , the game was done by messi and pepe.
true that, screwed us over (eventhough we still had to somehows score a goal)
There is this type of ppl who are agressive and like to hurt and pepe is one of them.

he has been throwing punches and kicks nonstop during these recent matches against barça.


he should get banned from the pitch, get professional help to calm his fucking temperament down and then when he is not some psycho anymore he could make his comeback.

Pepes face looks like the face from some agressive dog and this face is screaming "I wanna bite u"
as i wrote higher. It was ultimate agressive, ball was unreachable and pepe didnt do anything to stop his foot. didnt even try to "hide" it after faul.
Too bad he didnt have his wand at hand the make his chasing foot magically dissapear (tho i agree he probably wouldnt have mind anyway, probably only sorry that alves didnt break anything) but the main point is the inconsistency (intimidation?)
lol those part about magic wand wasnt even funny -_-
no joke intended, thanks for letting me know tho, it clearly shows you got shit else to say
Quote by obviously not shit to say comment by youToo bad he didnt have his wand at hand the make his chasing foot magically dissapear(blablabla)

did you rly expect that i will try to say something serious after this comment :o?

Quoteas i wrote higher. It was ultimate agressive, ball was unreachable and pepe didnt do anything to stop his foot. didnt even try to "hide" it after faul

did you rly expect that i will try to say something serious after this comment :o?

unreachable? LOL
no i didnt expect u could write anything serious coz i've read your previous comments.
it was so unreachable he managed to reach it :o
at least one person here has eyes. gratz
He's a massive cunt. Not nearly as big a cunt as busquets, tho.
Were you also loving the Biscuits/Pedro face grabs?
Yes. Both teams have players who enjoy diving, which is simply despicable, but barca really excel at that. I also like their habit of surrounding the referee with all their players after every single foul.
*Waving imaginary cards*
I agree Real has them too, even though there is usually some sort of contact when ronaldo/di maria goes down (not always tho) The fact that someone hits you in the shoulder or pokes your tummy and you instantly grab your face as if you just got your eye poked out is despicable
I really liked how Pedro seemed to be dying after he ran into Arbeloa (shoulder to shoulder) and instantly grabbed his face.
Was epic. everyone that was somehow barca related almost raping the ref up the arse waving cards. As if. Part of Pep's tactic really. Even though diving like that makes your team mates look really stupid when then run to the ref that crazy. Bet they had a good laugh in the locker room. Despicable, and not just cuz they beat madrid, just despicable
deserved red.
Pepe is prolly the most agressive dickhead in the entire football world. That guy shouldnt even be allowed to play anymore.
this game was full of actors :S
pepe deserve it,in all the game he plays try to hurt the opponent,with legs hands,he try every way...but stilll messi deliver,np mourinho,go cry to your corner,or egozuit better,BARCAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
kinda like you try to get the opponents red in every important game?
Not referring the Pepe/Alves, but the CLEAR and OBVIOUS Pedro/Busquets dives and facegrab, and they say ronaldo is a disgrace to football. please
Start playing football,real play kickboxing vs barca all the time...thats why the get red cards...
Its not the nicest of football, but its effective. If we did play kickbox, your 'facegrabs' would have been justified, but we dont. Real plays hard, tough, with alot of heart. Maybe over the edge sometimes. Offcourse against the National Diving Team this could blow up in your face
Its shit football that,real can play football but with shit mourinho cant...
passing back is also effective.
didn't really help tho didn't it :)

I'm pretty neutral between real and barca but imo putting a player like pepe on the field who goes over the edge so much is just a major risk.. plan totally backfired cause real fell apart 10v11
agreed on gameplan backfired. Pepe is hard but it' s been a while since he's really gone over the edge again. He's the kinda player every team needs. I do not think he went over the edge (REALLY getafe or w/e red like) today tho
meh it was a very serious fault for me, very deserved red..

if shit like that happens in belgium after witsel case, we would all be raging VERY hard
true, but the way the ref was refusing the pull yellows for harsh fases, a yellow and last warning or w/e would be justified. (he was being inconsistent)
for me it was a red :) true he was kinda inconsistent, he should have given more yellows imo:D

that adebayor fault on busquets (admitting that he was toying with him tho) was also closer to red than yellow for me :D
:D manolo was frustrated, i forgive him (dont like him AT ALL as a player tho) true about the toying. Well if he gave out more yellows (conditional) the red would have been more justified
Iagree the fking much with you. Barca are just pussies who jump faint and cry whenever they get touched.

Thought u were an aek athens fan? So why are you shouting barca?

Picking one of the best teams and supporting them? lmao. Why didn't u pick almeria or zaragoza if you wanted to support a spanish team? No, let's pick the best one (and isn't aek athens good enough?).
pepe should be forbidden to play football anyway :/
who cares about cards if barca need 3 players to score 2 goals.

e: barca also had a red card :XD
Kills the contest though 0-0 with 11 men
2-0 with messi xavi and affelay vs 10 real players :)
cant blame dani alves for that!
-xxx- daNi alves
Diving practice scheduled in Barcelona's training program, Im sure he excells!
fuck yeah
Ronaldo and di maria are also surprising me again and again and again:)
I didn't see any clear dives from them today.
Because they didn't have the ball. O yes di maria had 2 times, and he felt 2 times!! Without getting touched.

Just to clear it out for you.
28% haha Ball Possession 72%
That really helped you to score goals 11v11
oh wait. You are clearly missing points, but i forgive you for being a retard. We all have our little problems.
well, it perhaps didn't help barca score, but surely prevented REAL to score at BERNABEU :-).
as much as i agree to your statement, i somehow have a feeling (':D') the game plan was to pressure barca 2nd half just like CDR 1st half. And the game was really (slowly) looking like that was the case until the 'incident'
actually the game was opening with every minute as madrid started to attack more and more. mourinho has long reckoned, there is no point in attacking (and scoring) against barca in the first half, because they would have plenty of time to score back. you only need to sit deep and wait the first hour and then start to put pressure and score 1-0.
gameplan in a nutshell :<

Why are you even lowering yourself to this pitiful insulting game?

We all agree that Busquets, Pedro & Alves are great actors but I still prefer the beautiful style of play of Barca and the world-class goal of Messi (which by the way completely embarrassed Real) above anything Real showed us today.

I think it's quite hard to argue with that!
If you scroll trough this thread, you will see that i agree that barca played 'decent football' passing back 99 procent of the time etc, and that the messi goal was brilliant (even though we defended quite weak there lol albiol low+max) But why could messi score that goal? cuz of weak defending, xabi not tracking back and Pepe sent off (his usuall oppponent, and trust me, pepe makes messi wanna hide more than anything) I am merely stating that possesion may seem ridiculous, the passing back and back again possesion style didnt earn them shit

Nice of you to agree that you are mostly divers and ref harrassers. Fair play award incoming probably. ':D' not saying we fair, but saying we are a disgrace is just hypocrite
Whether it's passing backwards or forward, it's still passing the ball. That's in clear contrast with not having the ball and having to make dirty fauls (like Pepe & Adebayor) to stop the opponent ;)

I find it nice of you to acknowledge Messi's brilliance though (as a Madrid fan)!
You cant defend barcelona today
you sir, are correct
He doesn't have to. Barcelona defends itself on the pitch.
The Ref defends Barcelona :D
again, passing back is provoked by madrid sitting deep. you cant blaim it as a tactic, just like i cant blaim sitting deep as a tactic. if madrid played more open, i'm sure barcelona would play more offensively as well. and that tactic didn't earn barcelona shit. it earned them safety.
Madrid sat unusually deep indeed, but the passing back is barca's way of playing, not only now. Its good for possesion and statistics but the pass forward insta pass back back back lateral back back lateral isn't that effective and i don't really see how so many people find that so beautiful to watch. The offensive insight and sudden through balls are nice, alongside with some moments of brilliance from xavi/messi/iniesta but the put the opponent to sleep tactic with back passes is not effective and plain boring. Also, since theres no better place to post it, what do you think of David Vila?
Well, I don't think they are doing it for statistics :D. I can only speak for myself as of what is beautiful in this style. Passing back, obviously, is not beautiful itself. Tiki-taka is. I consider it "intelligent" style of play. Safe, professional. Passing short, fast passes on small area, getting out of opponent pressure by using your technique and not speed or strength. But tiki-taka itself is not really an offensive tactic, I agree. Ball retention is mainly a defensive tactic (because if you have the ball, the opponent doesn't have it), as it was pointed out during World Cup and Spain's tactics in the final minutes. But then, if you combine tiki-taka with some offensive spirit (when Barcelona has to score back), Iniesta's fantastic rides, Xavi's through balls, Messis genius and Alves sprints - the whole image becomes beautiful to me. Too bad it is impossible when the opponent is sitting deep instead of pressing relentlessly (vide Villareal game 3-1 or Espanyol game 5-1; these scores do not show that both teams were close to beating barca, had few genial passes not work for barcelona).

What precisely are you asking about Villa? He is good. Even if not scoring (lack of form), he's still doing a good work with the defenders, and is definitely better than Ibra (worst transfer ever). Btw, Villa is just Henry2. Barcelona likes to buy a bit old star that has three seasons ahead of him for the left of attack so that the left side of the team stays decent skill-wise, while the main play of Barca is being done by Xavi-Messi-Alves on the right.
just cuz i wondered, i reckon vila is a misbuy and a useless tard :D anyway solid points on the style of play, but it gets boring to watch, even though the touches of genius from the midget squad are indeed a feast to the eye.Not saying im a kick and rush fan but meh. It has now however been shown how one can beat barca, and their lack of strength/intensity training may come to haunt them someday. I also think barca REALLY needs some more strong players. Their squad depth isnt all thad, relatively weak bench. Young talents but few experience. and with injuries that are inevitable... project for next year (maybe not spend 40 on cesc and buy more?) anyway i enjoyed discussing football with you, at least you know what you're talking about, unlike most barca supporters. Good night sir
Yes, Barcelona has 14 serious players. That is, all of them being fit... The strategy with a short, but versatile bench is definitely not working. Although we have to admit that the three players who are reckognized left backs are all injured is a sick joke of a fortune :). FCB has to buy one defender (most important), one midfielder (least important) and one forward. And drop Milito and Bojan...

Good night to you too! :)
you know barça make their own players we aint gna start buying bunch of stars to endup with 0 pocals liek madrid.

just because of that last comment it shows why u like madrid.
because i made a constructive comment about barca? please put off your glasses
its not any constructive, barça runs better than your madrid. only one point u did is valid.
they do lack a deep squad, valuable reserves (or reserves that allow you to play a diff tactic), strenght/intensity and height
even though their basic 11 is extremely gifted

one valid point, hah, you're a joke
exactly. their first 11 is fantastic. but what happens when xavi retires, iniesta loses his touch, messi fades, alves leaves? many barça fans still believe that they have invented a perpetum mobile, and all these young players are as talented as the current squad. they cant understand that xavi, iniesta, messi are players that are born once for half a century.
did you say the same in 2000-2003?
back then i was too young.
it still happend.
real madrid also have awesome school. the difference is, they generally sell their players all over the europe, and prefer to play with stars they buy. what's wrong with that? it's different than barça's model, but that's it. it's different.
Red card was deserving. This is not premier league where the game is so fast and fouls are coming every second.
only positive note is that the world got to see what diving cunts barca really are (not just ronaldo omg fucking diver omg) facegrab new soccer trick? not sure
Even though half wont believe it even if they just saw it with their own eyes. A disgrace to football and guess what: a disgrace to fair play. (lolol shouldve let pedro's goal count eventho offside cuz its barca WTF)

good night cules, enjoy.
O boy, talking about fair play. Thanks for the laugh!
yes because diving, facegrabbing, harassing the ref and trying to get opponents booked is fair play, sorry i forgot
if u get some lowbobs kicking u around your leg every time u do something its gonna suck really bad. in order to get rid of those lowbobs that dont let the game being played u must do theater. madrid makes an unbeliavle high amount of faults, whats rather insane is that u dont get 2 players sent off each time u play.
the fact that you justify and are proud of the fact that you have a team full of divers trying to screw other people over from minute 1 is all the prove i need. Its nothing short of disgracefull. Grow a pair and play football with some strenght. If u cant take hard play, go play futsal plz. I will not go into a further discussion with yuo since the point you made here shows that that would be absolutely pointless., as you are clearly one of them, let offside goals count cuz its barca ffs-people. trynig to discuss something on a decent level would be impossible because you are not thinking logical.

gift is fake, was manipulated by intereconomia a fascts spanish tv channel.

gg no re.
football = futsal nowadays
Score at half time was 4.9, 5.0, 5.5, 5.6, 4.5.

CU at London 2012.

Tom Daley, watch out.
hahahah just stfu, barca was just better. Real doesnt have any style. the only thing they could do is trying to get barca out of their rhythm. And as a result u get a red card. DESERVED.
The only thing barca could was try to get them booked, and succeeded. Kudos to them. All in all deserved win tho (dont know what if 11v11). nice messi goal.
image: pro_photo1303936422
allready screaming :D this is where he started to draw back his leg (alves) and fell down. pretty sure that if it was a full hit, he wouldnt get up anytime soon
pepe leg,omg what a shame player,trying to kill the opponent,learn to play noob pepe.
image: 285984574

2nd pic is edited, thats how madrid media does.
dunno if its edited, just think its a better angle :P
it looks like pepe is hitting the ball, while he clearly hit alves' leg.
yes but I meant that it doesn't really have to be edited for that! I know that he hit him on the leg :)
yeah edited in a way that it would look like the fault is not a fault, but it could be edited in another way since they are known for editting stuff.
ah ok:) funny indeed :D
your point behind this?

worth red, he was going for the leg, ud just leave your leg there so it gets broken?
guess it wasn't thet 'edited' after all huh. The point is alves should not have gnone down crying like that, its hard, deserving yellow, but there was hardly (if at all) any contact. Yellow would have been right. and alves should be punished for such an awesome dive. and running back on the second pepe gets his card. sad
there was going to be some bigass contact if he didnt move the leg, and after that alves wuda be out because he would get injured. the theater is to actually punish the guy since he did have the intentions and u can keep telling it shud still be yellow even tho this cud mess up his leg, just check it at the fifa website or whatever.

and it actually was edited. and AS.COM (the newspaper that did it) had several cases of editing already this year.
sigh, whatever infected your brain, it is impossible to discuss with. Yiou just don't WANT to see, like most barca supporters. Face it, your team isnt all that. a eteam of diving scumbags with heaps of talent, its a damn shame really. Enjoy your mes que un club diving team son. See you next year
u realize ur an hypocrite rofl
youcan think all youwant, personally i think barca supporters like you are the biggest hypocrites of them all. I mean, can you not see or are you just that dumb? talking to you about this is pointless, because everything barca does is right in your eyes. Scoring offside goals whining they should count, falling down like leafs in fall, harassing the ref with 7+ players asking for cards. but hey, whatever makes Pep's machine work right. dreamweaver for example is open for discussion and actually talks some sense, you on the other hand...
there was no offside goal, u claim that a harsh fault is nothing at all. ur just as dumb.

ima sleep cu
referring to cdr finals
the one that didnt count? rofl
the one that every barca fan cried for the make it count afteraards. cuz its barca, who cares if it was offside?
nobody was crying rofl, it was actualy offside? not even barça media whined at it.
Alves pulling away his leg to avoid months of recovery justifies the death-kick. Yep makes sense!
then why the theater? I mean...
image: BusquetsXabiCopa
Who cares about the theatre? It's straight red card anyways.

When somebody kicks your leg, you don't say "oke man it's no problem", because it IS a problem. You do everything to make that not happen again, so that the guy thinks twice before doing that again.
Like the guy above me said, theatre is part of earning the card. It's sad but true that a referee expects the theatre or starts to doubt whether it was a foal or not. And surely at the Bernabeu this is a huge factor :p
encouraging barcas way of play. awesome. justifying theatre. I aggree cr7/di maria fall down, but they dont facegrab pretend to die verytime (trying to get them red cards) get a foul, get up, get on with it. ffs
i wonder if you'll not open your mouth knowing that in the next second your leg might get broken.
straight red card or a yellow at least. wasn't at full speed though.
not given cuz barca
question mark
or not given cause the ref didn't see? why do you have to seek a conspiracy agaisnt madrid everywhere? and when tottenham didn't get a single penalty in london, were you saying "not given cause of real"? The ref gives once, takes the other time.
coincidences on occasions no? the penaltys in london were all pretty weak and sought after (i agree that like 3 weaks/questionable dives are one solid penalty but still) its not about conspiracy, and consistency. And refs letting themselves get intimidated.
image: I0000_Lm0AO85MKQ
There IS no real conspiracy against madrid, even tho uefa sure screwed us over.
Come on man :D
Just admit your defeat like you were defeated in Camp Nou :)

You got the CDR cup (or at least a replica) already so be happy cause that's already more than the bookies expected Real to get.
hopefully better setups next year when we have gelled more :>
we indeed did better tham some (most?) expected, afterall this is a new team. now keep the team and maybe next year. the main point is that the barca dominance has somehow been somewhat broken. I am proud of what madrid accomplished this season and looking forward to the next.
Liked the game, red card was deserved, Real fans are mad+ emotions.
You're just mad because Barca is a stronger opponent for your English team in the final!
ofc they're playing with 12
UEFA is probarça, that's for sure
You remind me of Mourinho when he says he always blames the ref when the ref is wrong while Guardiola blames the ref when the ref's right... The world upside down.
i'm not blind, that's just it.
Oh ye so I bet you're convinced Barca got passed Arsenal thanks to the ref?
no, but they passed chelsea thanks to the ref. And their players are overprotected, you can't touch them if you want to stay on the pitch
hahahhahahaa it's funny you only remember retourn leg on stamford bridge. watch the first leg in barcelona and see who benefitted from referee's mistakes.
it was the decisive game
Not really. If Barcelona won at Camp Nou, Chelsea wouldn't be able to just sit back and wait for Barcelona. Retourn leg is not always decisive. Would you, for example, call Tottenham-Real in London a decisive match?
and now that i think back, van persie's red ...
van persie eliminated himself with his stupid behaviour. also, he should see the second yellow in the first half.
the ref was on the other side of the pitch, how could van persie hear him ?
why are you lying? he was in the centre of the pitch, 30 meters from him.
referee's whistles are perfectly heard, even on camp nou.
maybe, and maybe he did it on purpose too, but what kind of ref gives a yellow in that circumstances, knowing it'll change everything ... + when you're focused on something, you don't pay attention to other things, at least that's what happens with me.
the kind of ref that is pissed off by van persie :). the whole first half vP was shouting at him. I'd rather say it's something between the ref and vP, not Barcelona+UEFA against Arsenal...
It's like with small fouls in the penalty areas. Most often you don't get a penalty for that, but sometimes...
the fact that his nick is portuguesse should explain alot
should i say the same things about your cf flags ? I used to be a barça fan till i noticed they were ballerinas, and nobody could touch them.
whats wrong with our cf flags, i think they are very collorful and look nice?
what's wrong with my nick ?
nothing lol, its just portuguesse, nothing wrong with that but portuguesse are patriotic tardos and should explain why u defend mou
QuoteIf you ever see me go off on a stretcher and then run back on play, I give everyone on here the green light to hit me with a two-footed tackle"

Rio Ferdinand
hahaha master :D Now tell that to Di Maria :)
what? Di maria did not show off any real diving talents to me (and no facegrabs)
went down quite easy sometimes tho

Quote"This diving is a joke/embarrassing. When Pedro watches that do u think he'll think what was I doing!? Rugby players must laugh at football!"

the "foul" with yellow for alves - if you see the replay, alves attempted a tackle but then stopped in the middle, and then di maria just touched him and fell down. the other two occasions he went down quite easily, as you say.
image: ronaldo%20cry
coming soon...
today he said he hates the way madrid plays:D
If you would be able to read, he said he hates how barca gets the favours and always needs the ref's help. he claims he likes to play attacking football but also clearly states mourinho was right and his tactic was spot on. and he was lookng forward to the next phase of mourinhos gameplan
i heard him saying it live at the radio

http://www.marca.com/2011/04/27/futbol/liga_campeones/1303939325.html if u mind translating.

its even on madrids webpapers, u are talking bullshit. madrid aint got shit on barça
He hates the defensive play, but also says the tactic is the right one
since its sleepy time: general idea
QuoteYou looked in control during the copa, and in the last league game. But control, particularly in your own third, doesn't equate to anything without goals. And you never looked particularly dangerous when we had eleven on the pitch.

We didn't deserve to win that match - we didn't do enough with the ball when we had it. But I had no doubts we wouldn't lose, until the red. And i feel the red was very harsh, as was Arbeloa's yellow

thank you and good night. Gl in finals
English football > *
I guess that half of the people here never had played football before :D
more than a half
so nerds, q nunca saem sequer de casa, a falar sobre futebol xD
get a grip
Odd how his foot switches direction inhumanly instafast.

image: ThisLooksShopped
some respesct english/french/what not sport shows had it in their reviews, where pepe also clearly did not hit alves (the intent is another matter, its the hitting part we're on about here) would they shop video footage? heh. That rat alves made a great meal out of it. oscar inc.
Dude come on now :P

Pepe's movement was deadly, hit or no hit that was a red-worthy movement.
Alves is a great actor but it's still a deserved red, which is almost always the case with Mourinho's reds in clasicos. Ramos last time the same deal, yet Mourinho cries that the ref is always against him. Sad tbh :p
ramos was terecht, dit in deze match geel
Complex mad :D
a barca supporter with the spanish flag? ':D'
both teams had nice actors. Barca just had a little bit more of them and got the advantage of the match out of it.
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