mourinho failed again

he failed at the most important game of all 4 el clasicos -.-

image: Jose-Mourinho
ref fail...
Mourinho didn't exactly fail tbh. Was solid untill Pepe/Alves/Stark screwed us over. So i don't think you can blame this one on him.
fking tarded ref failed, thats who...
pepe on alves was dark yellow or red
adebayor running into someone i think busquets towards the end was red
marcelo stepping on pepe could have been red too

real didnt deserve to win with their boring game
Quotemarcelo stepping on pepe could have been red too

do u even fking know what ur writing????

and after that red, could of been easly a yellow only as he went for ball and yet missed, would be totally diffrent game, after that the game just crashed and real didnt even bother to put any fight into game foward.
marcelo eyes on ball only. blind much?
not rly :D
it was a red card and not a yellow one.
could easy give yellow, check replays...
i didnt really enjoy the game. too many little fouls, too biased ball posession ,very lame and defensive game by real!

a disappointment
Best part of the game was mourinho crying in his corner after he got the red card,ahahahahahaha
:D that's cause he wanted to win this match so bad

he prolly couldn't sleep for weeks, cause he was preparing the ultimate tactic for barcelona's death
Thing is,he is a great coach,he need to try play a nice football with his teams,not only try to destroy it,he made a great semifinal a boring game with his tactic...for once play and try to win mr mourinho.
the more you write the more you look stupid and seem to be a moron that hasn't any idea of what football really is. go and hide yourself...
go kill yourself moron,speak about football or su
you're not worthy enough for me to speak about football with you (since you don't know a shit about what it is really.) now go to bed before you develop more nonscence here...
go cry to your bed noob
wtf x) using noob in a comon discussion. please xD
I'l stop arguingwith you, since you're a stupid moron without any basic knowledge of the game.
Keep trolling retard,you dont know nothing about football moron,thats why you dont tak about it.
oh dear x)
go to bed ignorant peace of trash. i'm out YO.

ps: you should do the same, you would know more of the world and look less retarded.
We both trolling,so lets go to bed man,gn8 trash
someone had to do something to help the midgets, real was starting to play good
may he forever fail with what he does
It's the master tacs from guardiola which are just too superiour to mourinho's

Face hurts and mass appealing to cards..

GG, you've ruined this great sport
UEFA should start punishing actors and divers using video evidence.
but then, barca would have like 3 players on the pitch for the return?
How can anyone say that Real deserved to win.
not sayng we deserved, we played crap. 0-0 would have been more fair, but the red card did screw up our 'gameplan' so to speak. We would go offensive last 20

'"Our scheme had different stages for different moments in the game. We had to play together and then use a centre forward. Then I would use a number '10' behind the two forwards. It is the scheme for a 0-0 game, trying to capitalise on the frustration of our opponent. But the referee didn't let us unfold our plan. Barcelona's power should have been simply of a football nature. They have that power. Why use more?'
0-0 wouldn't of been fair overall.
:| i cannot believe what i'm reading. barca had possesion, but danger/chances? 1, as did real
Possesion, drive, player numbers and form were all on Barca's side imo.
RM was gaining momentum in 2nd half, putting higher pressure forward and reatining more of the ball
Real are a great team, and they proved that very recently against Barca. But last night they where 2nd best. Stats show it, and it seemed that way in the game (not that I profess to know much about football).
they were but one can't help but wondering what could have happened if mourinho could execute his gameplan as planned
The foult what pepe did isn't a red card in your opionion?
I do not think that in the heat of that match, and so many deserved yellows (on both sides) not given, this should have been yellow and maybe a clear warning. As you can see from several .gifs and replays here, Pepe did not even hit the very theatrical alves (screaming before anything hit him btw) Therefore, it is my believe that it was yellow max. and it would have been if not for the comedy and the ref surrounding by barca. Wouldve been a whole different game then but hey, its barcas tactics innit. dive their way out of big matches.
It's not all about if you hit him or not it is also about what is the intention of pepe he didn't even go straight to the ball.. he just wanted to he dani alves.

And yes stark had to give more yellows but i think he did a good job if he gaved all the cards that i think was yellow or red than thay played mayby 7vs4....
cards for dives and card asking included? minus bullshit yellows to arbs? The ball was in his reach and he was chasing it because they had possesion in that case. they know barca dives so why give them reason? they are smarter. If he really wanted alves' leg, barca would have had one defender less for the coming season,considering what a beast of a man pepe is.

e: how did you like peek-a-booskets tackle in the cdr final? same case, but heat of the game -> consistent ref -> no card.
yellow would have been correcter
Sometimes it is a Swalbe but mostly not.
But they overdo it that's right.
mostly not? out of all the times a barca player died or facegrabbed yesterday AND in the CDR final, one situation was questionnable and i will therefore consider it as justified (adebayor yesterday -> clearer red than pepe imo). May wanna rephrase that
A swalbe is when there nothing happend but their happend something but they overact.
when someone pads you in the shoulder, or tummy, and you fall down crying and grabbing your face, that is a schwalbe. It's spelled schwalbe by the way. but from your english i can deduce that you havent started taking language classes at school. maybe when your finally 16!
I live in holland so why u need to talk fluently english. Doesnt need it never need it only on the inet.
If you actually think you will only need english on the internet in your (no doubt) bright future, you are even dumber than i thought.
yes sir. If you want to be succesfull, you will need fluent english. If you want to sit at the cash register in your local super market, carry on.
If i be owner of a dutch company i can't be succesfull because i cant speak english :D
another invalid point. what are you trying to achieve by pointing that at me?
I don't expect you to believe me. I couldn't care less about your future little man; If you don't think you will need english in your future (and in your future bussiness) that go ahead. I'm not gonna stop you from throwing away a valuable asset.
I didnt say i dont need english.
I said u dont need to speak english fluently.
bussiness partners/international big clients and what not would surely be convinced and impressed of your intelligence and effort speaking to and adressing them like that.
should be easy 0-0 at least, as the real had the pressure over the 2nd part of 1st half and until the red card has been given the teams were equal and there could happen anything till the end of match, win of real, win of barca or just ended with tie, but after the red card for pepe and morinho it was obviously real didnt botherd to play till end properly...
Marcelo foult on pedro had to be red to or u think that not?:D
oh cmon, check this topic, then talk again, mkay?

u play football, not some ballet shit jeez
What real madrid plays you cant that call "Soccer" earlier handball..
they play aggresive game, and by the first link on my topic i showed u, u can see barca doesnt play so much diffrent, apart from that real's players doesnt cry for each foult and lay on ground for 5 min just to get oppo's red...
AHAAHAHA U troll me mate.

Real play aggresive let me rofl..

U never played soccer i see don't talk about something where you dont know about ok thnx.
Every comment you have made in this thread shows you know jack shit about football/spanish football nor Real OR Barca in general. You are probably some shit dutchie guy that supports them because everybody does, but havent actually seen them or anything. Please crawl back into whatever whole you came from with your bullshit comments about a marcelo red. Replays clearly show marcelo only has eye for the ball. (he wouldnt mind pedro being there) but the intention? nah. The guy you are replying to is making more sense than you ever could, and i don't say this cuz hes a madridista.
I think i have watched more match than u.
As a referee you have to think in the game but you dont know that because you only watch footbal at the tv and you are to bad to play it.
im 1000% sure ive watched more than you, spanish football in particular. Ive played football AND futsal myself for 15 years now so none of the points you made are valid. thanks for showing the community what a retard you are. Talk about tactics, the tactics were spot on. but barca's plan B codenamed 'dive in important games' worked aswell
AND futsall.
Futsall is whole other thing than foorball.
you completely missed the point that i have been playing and watching football for longer than you are actually alive. but nice reply.
Yes u watch it but u can;t place it.
you are just clueless kid. I mean, you are making zero valid points, are an amateur football player who think hes more of a mastermind that mourinho and are not at all trying to discuss matters in a mature way, proving you know shit about anything. Im just gonna consider you a I-support-barca-cuz-everyone-does-even-tho-i-know-shit-about-them person and stop replying to you, since you are a retarded dumb troll that is merely pissing me off.

come back when your balls start dropping kid.
Hahaha ok if u think that ;).
I do. shouldn't you be gone yet? I think pokemon is about to start
more like, u dont know to reply after and u are being a retard cuz nothing else is left for u and just for info i have played football for 5 years active and still playing it, so cut the crap and dont reply next time if u got nothing proper to say.
omg u so pro i play football sind i was 4 so dont talk about 5 years isi much...

Maybe u know that basic but you dont know shit about tactics.
haha lol, ur talking like u would be somekind of manager or pro player, yet ur just another wannabe trying to act smart on teh internet, proven by all ur tarded comment...

e: just to shut u up:

nuff said.
Did I ever say that wasn't a red card ??
But i know more about football that u that's clearly.
hah no u got no clue about it, as ur just talking some crap, having no clue how either of these teams plays, as i have follow all of the real and barca matches for years and i know how they play, so cut it off and dont tend to be smart cuz u got again, no clue how they play.

the link i showed u should watch before posting this senseless comments and it would spare me time to waste it on this replys made to, as u can cleary see that barca doesnt play much diffrent than real does when it comes down to agressive game.
The classico that real madrid lost with 5-0 they try to football but they just cant admin barca. and ofcoure its smart to play like handball but i as football fan dont like it.
rofl, the classico they lost was cuz the team was brand new, with no teamplay and other stuffs, we saw at last 2 matches how they played and again yday's match was obviously fked up by ref, otherwise real wouldnt have lost by 0:2. And yeh we saw when real had still that stable team, how barca couldnt stand a chance vs them... give morinho time to make team properly and to get teamwork and they will do it again, mark my words.
The last 2 real madrid didn't want to football thats why did won. I think it smart of mourinho but i just dont like it .
the thing is, u cannot play barca's game without teamplay, go check past how real played, and u will see that they played properly with open game and barca didnt stand chance vs them, the thing is, real is now new builded team with no teamplay ( yet for now ) meaning, they cannot play same game as barca does, cuz they have stable team for years now and real had lots of changes so they need to work on this first.... they played football just in diffrent way, reason morinho is one of the finest, as he know which tacs to use at particular time. And i agree with u at last sentense, neither i didnt liked the way real played the game vs barca, cuz im used of them to play open game with offensive mode, not somekind of defense mod, but they just didnt had a choice to do for now, so it was the only way for them..

Give them some time, and they will do it as they did at past... off to lunch, cu.
How lang i take's to build a new team ?
More than one season for sure. signs of improvement and 'gelling' will be there next year and the year(s) after that. New team, new coach, new tactic, new project. It's also a very talented, but young team, lacking some experience. Ozil, khedira, higuain, benzema, marcelo, ramos (k experience) Di maria, all players under the age of 24. Good future ahead. It needs time and they aren't doing to bad so far.
And you thank mourinho will stay there for 5 years?
nope, I don't expect him too either. adapting to a coach's style is only one and probably the easiest/quickest part of 'gelling'
So what is ur point of i take more that 1 year to built a team....
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