
image: 418033451_db43d75cd5

Don't go crying Madrid, when you play at home with 9/11 players behind the ball, hoping on a counter, you are just sad and you don't deserve victory, sorry pepe , you are one crazy fuck, you should have seen a red card in the past 2 clasicos already and this one was again an evidence of your mentally retarded play.. fucking sicko ...

Adios Mourinho, let the grass grow another 10 inches, cause you fucking suck against Barcelona, try to play with Chelsea where 10 people behind the bal are appreciated

Guardiola <3 , attacking football and youth players 4 life !!!!!!!!!!!!

duuude they are not at wembley yet.
I havn't many hope left in me, but i damn agree with you.
besides, in the final of the championsleage few years ago, liverpool managed to come back after a 0-3 at ht and win the championsleague. lets hope for another great miracle.
Crossfire English is fun fun fun !
what's the matter?
I havent many hope left.

come on dude !
im not hoping for madrid to win.
No surprise with R. Madrid's lineup really. Pepe as DMC? No real poacher? What the shit?
Guess you werent watching the earlier clasicos where real played with same tactic and played a draw and won :D Knowledge is power sir.
and as evidence of pepes retardism:
just by his face u can tell what kind of person he is. btw his face reminds me of some dangerous dog x'D
gtfo hacker
Real Madrid sucked hard, but Barcelone was even worse :DD
image: tumblr_lkc5aptBTI1qckkm1o1_400
image: 99h5st3quqvg
solid team

mes que un club indeed
image: tumblr_lkbxb6FxxD1qam6r5o1_400

Ekhm... Ekhm...

and by the way

image: tumblr_lhba3hWS9T1qa6nhao1_400

Take care.
Haha, gy zij echt te gelukkig nu eh :p.
barcaaaaaaaaa! :D
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