schnee's good morning journal .

Hey girls & boys =)

Its Thursday already, I’m so happy to having a short week. And finally (hopefully) find bit time for a game and watching one piece ofc. its so exciting i dunno what happen if i have done/read/watch all :OOO. Rain maybe would be the best. If not summer is calling. Its 1st of May (on sunday?!) so big big party day n night in berlin city.

Questions of the day:
1. w/e how much of ur time do u spend for et?
2. Love in a company/circle of friends?
3. Best live performance?
4. Are u a dancer? What kind of?


Pic : image: 1bi68vlaecwn

Shoutout to flo floo, my old mates, sick miNd(still ?), dialer (uiiiiiiiiiiih), alan (shy boy) + perfo!, fiNs & buddies ofc and the freaks! =)


SONG to add!
summer is calling!
Questions of the day:
1. w/e how much of ur time do u spend for et? 4h per day @ moviemaking
2. Love in a company? no.
3. Best live performance? when I was 7 and i was playing on flute xD
4. Are u a dancer? What kind of? Im freestyle danxer! only in klubz!

cheers honey!
have a good day :)
why no dancing?
im a toe breaker when i come to dancing
Its 1st of May
Questions of the day:
1. w/e how much of ur time do u spend for et? atm unfortunately none, but i used to spend about 3h/day
2. Love in a company? didn't understand :p
3. Best live performance?
4. Are u a dancer? What kind of? yes, this kind
Its the 28th of April here :)

1. w/e how much of ur time do u spend for et? very little.
2. Love in a company? no.
3. Best live performance? Don't know.
4. Are u a dancer? What kind of? Not really.
1. ca 13 hours a week
2. i love Bv Borussia Dortmund
3. Rammstein - Bück dich , live in Berlin
4. If u dance, you dont have money to drink
1. when im waiting for something. (like 1 hour per day iin last week and 2 hour per week in last month)
2. love in the company? lol what do u mean?
3. 2 years ago i won tequilla on cyprus @karaoke but i think they didnt want to hear me anymore 8D those was the most awful version of wind of change ever performed :D
4. whan im drunken in club

shoutout :)
Relationship/affair with a colleague I assume..
u sir assume right
lol i wont call it love :x
not talking about me boy
more like adventure
couldnt imagine this word but yes fits :)
morgen :D

1. 2h per week
2. no :orf
3. Rise Against
4. i'm tricking, not dancing :D
Questions of the day:
1. ~2hours/day including mapping/adminning/randoming/playing
2. Sure thing
3. Germany FimS on CIC7
4. standard & clubbinggg
still sick and missed my first exams cause of it, sucks, cause usually i have nothing serious there to do and for once i do and im sick for a first time on this year :() ( i guess thats what u get when u basicly out 5days in row drunk )

1. Lately not much as ive been away alot partying lol, gotta play some more or my teammates will be mad!
2. wat is this, yes yes alot
3. Moby @ estonia summer bear festival, do not remember that much but what i can it was one hell of show, u can find vids on youtube just awesome going on nonstop!
4. No, but i love to watch nice dance, too bad i cant dance at all myself i wish i could be like Justin Timberlake when it comes to dancing!
Moby the bald guy u mean?
didnt i say so
dno i didnt expect u to like such artist so i needed to make sure.
justin is the best dancer imo :x
i like, alot :P
Good morning schnee, did you make breakfast already? :>

1. Not much lately, like 5 hours per week.
2. No I dont love in a company or circle of friends, whatever you mean with that Ô_ô
3. include#steve vs Atr on supply
4. No, just no.
good morning , i dont eat breakfast tbh. :)

dancing is goood :x
you really should do it, it's like a legal drug :o)
i have to go to work >s
i am alrdy :/
im back !! going to gym today, first time since im here jupppi
1. 10hours / week
2. why not :D?
3. flex and unblind singing
image: philosoraptordancer
mornin saskia. today's morning sucks, it's so cloudy and windy again

1. when i'm on college i don't play, but when I come home let's say 2 hours a day tops

2. yes plz

3. Drazen Zecic :D

4. house / techno beat dancer in clubs. love that
i would like to play 2h a day as well :(

hope weather became better? here it is windy but as long as i can see the sun all is fine :)
1. w/e how much of ur time do u spend for et?
0 h/week
2. Love in a company/circle of friends?
no friends (offline) and working in a sport editorial office.
3. Best live performance?
EF i guess (awezum! )
4. Are u a dancer? What kind of?
1. w/e how much of ur time do u spend for et?
0 h/week
2. Love in a company/circle of friends?
3. Best live performance?
Metallica at ferropolis
4. Are u a dancer? What kind of?
tiny dancer
2. Love in a company/circle of balls?
2. Love in a company/circle of balls?
1. Just 2/3 hours / week or so

2. Hell no

3. Dunno, the ghost Inside prolly

4. Violencedancer ofc
1. 0h/week although I've tj'ed for an hour with some mates yesterday.
2. Don't really understand what you mean.
3. Coldplay, Daft Punk
4. No.

Found this song while playing Gamma Mill Trickjump:
dunno why but i do like the song :o
Have you ever heard it in the map itself?
1. 0-3h/d
2. _o_
3. I was too fucked up to remember the artist, it was some jamaican reggae band, also liked Soul Captain Band's Performance, while it was more of the setting than the actual music.
4. Randomly doing stuff, some call it dancing, some find it funny, I'm satisfied with both.
1. w/e how much of ur time do u spend for et? 0 hours playing, maybe half an hour on cf
2. Love in a company/circle of friends? not for me atm but why not
3. Best live performance? i dunno lol
4. Are u a dancer? What kind of? 'i may look high but i'm just free dancing'
1. i dont play et :D
2. yes
3. avenged sevenfold/dropkick murphys/hatebreed
4. moshing/slamdancing/violent dancing
1. 2h per day
2. ?
3. Snoop Dogg
4. Morris dancing :DD
1. w/e how much of ur time do u spend for et?
atm just playing once or twice a week for a few mins due to no motivation
2. Love in a company/circle of friends?
not from your closest friends, in work its okay as long as you are not her/his boss or the other way around
3. Best live performance?
Rammstein ofc.
4. Are u a dancer? What kind of?
1. ~4 hours per week
2. not sure what you mean, but i'm not in love with anyone atm!
3. basement jaxx
4. yes! love to dance! can't really describe how i dance though tbh :d
1. Hardly play anymore, thinking about starting to play actively again though.
2. If it's love, why not!
3. Iron Maiden a couple of years ago. It was fucking phenomenal.
4. A drunk dancer at best.
1. w/e how much of ur time do u spend for et? Depends at the moment, probably played 3/4hrs this week
2. Love in a company/circle of friends? Debatable. Interests lie there.
3. Best live performance? Netsky
4. Are u a dancer? What kind of? Drunk dancer for sure.
Questions of the day:
1. w/e how much of ur time do u spend for et? few hours a day, depends
2. Love in a company/circle of friends? ? :D
3. Best live performance? Flux Pavillion, Excision, Datsik
4. Are u a dancer? What kind of? Nope
1. w/e how much of ur time do u spend for et? i play sporadicly, cant really tell. sometimes one game a day sometimes like 5 and most days i dont play
2. Love in a company/circle of friends? yes in circle of friends its okay i guess, if i caught your drift
3. Best live performance? i aint been to no concerts
4. Are u a dancer? What kind of? yes, i dance like a retard to dubstep and just general awesomeness.
1. Too much
2. You love soemone you shouldn't and we're supposed to fix your misery. Not gonna work, lady.
3. Probably Johnossi (talking about individual concerts), Deichkind and Digitalism on Festival
4. Yes. Spastic.
1. too much
2. depends how it would be like, when it fails
3. rage against the machine (without a doubt)
4. not rly :x
Oh you party animal :PPpp

Questions of the day:
1. w/e how much of ur time do u spend for et? Right now, very little. Maybe an hour or so a night if that.

2. Love in a company/circle of friends?
You could say...!

3. Best live performance?
Most fun as been Iron Maiden probably

4. Are u a dancer? What kind of?
A drunken dancer :DDDd
1. atm not much, since i moved to bamberg for university. maybe 1-2 hours the week :p
2. uhm nope
3. havnt seen a lot live performances yet :(
4. yeeee im the first dancer in every club :D what kind ? dnno i like house/electro :p
Hentai's journal is better
expected this from u shy boy :)
You didn't reply to the 30 people who answered the questioned you asked but you replied to me saying your journal sucked? Expected this from you shy girl.
short reply to u thats why
You make this shy boy blush
was my intention :)
Hentai's journal is still better
fuck u alan. leave me alone u bastard of a boy
i like it when u be rude to be
Fuck you Saskia, leave me alone you bitch
its not working if u write fuck off ...

I said fuck off
i cant hear u!

leave now pls
Maybe if you turned off that awful music you always listen to then you might be able to hear me
It's not working if you write fuck off
u want the good way the romantic way?
The good way is the romantic way?
for some yes
who needs romance if u can have alan.
good morning schnee
good morning boy :)
The last week and coming week:

1. None
2. None
4. An epic one

enjoy your day, I won't :(
why not? u sound sad? :O
Boring work for uni, been at it for some time now. Tends to get annoying when all your friends are out having fun :p
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