Err, so, fragmovies?

is it me or no good fragmovies were released lately? I checked swertcw and nothing good is there. What happened to shewie's movie, kris second movie, etc?
they got owned :o
what happened to qkr's movie?
i'm still doing it.. i had some problems.. i changed pc etc... but soon.. will be 100% done.... like.. 2 weeks...
rtcw movies ftw!
well, link me to some good ones then
try searching google.. i tried to download them from swertcw.. but they have been removed i guess:( theyre some left @

-GMPO's road to qcon
-iNfensus the movie
-RaZiel movies
-EUROCUP X (vry good)
Well like the release of kris 2nd movie trailer isn't that long ago and cointozz is busy with other things too. You movie-addicted bitch :o)
im not gna make kris movie :o] and i actually dno how this projects goin
and team nd movie its surely gna take its time
anyway i'm waiting for Zaigon .. allstars 2 .. rize and nd movie.... moove bitchies!
wasn't there a parodia fragmovie trailer released about a year ago?
excuse me?=)
Incrimated++ the Foehners

Release Date: Summer 2007!!!1111

Stay tuned!!!111
There are some sweet material coming shortly :O)
sajfar you are thinking right. keep walking! EVERYTHING COMING FAST!

QkR movie coming soon ;D
Germanyviols movie on the way

i saw some scenes, awesome frags
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