slac probs

Just got a new computer, and new OS "wohoo". Windows7 32bit

anyways, tried to install slac and browsed the ET.exe there, pressed start; ET Console "Couldn't load default.cfg - I am missing essential files - verify your installation?"

And after the first time it did that, I don't get the "log in" screen anymore, when I run slac it automatically starts ET.

also, why is the slac folder empty? Start>All Programs>Slac works just fine but when I go to the folder its empty. _Z__ZZ
inb4 slac forum. already browsing there.

PS: Windows 7 sucks. I wan't my old XP back. I'm the fucking administrator and yet it needs to ask the permission every single time I fucking do anything.
ownd by slac

and get win7 64bit imo :/ or u got 2GB memory?
Yeah I know, got it for free so doesn't matter right now.
32 can handle 3 gb ram :o
tried the slac forum?
No. I was expecting you to do it for me.

u missing some pk3 from et installation and also probably slac is fucked up.i think u should uninstall both et and slac and also delete all remaining files,and download new version of et i suggest the one from and also get the new slac client from slac site.make sure u run et as administrator
Since I'm always running ET via slac, is it enough to just run slac as administrator or should/is there a way to make ET always go as administrator?
i m not quite sure, i might say a stupid thing.but also try to run et as administrator too ,since u are on win7
just go away to slac forums
Just go ahead and kill yourself already ugly polish fag. Nobody wants you here.
:XDDDDD y u so mean @ polishs broski? eheheheheheh
Disable UAC.
viperish ei vaan osaa
no korjaa se mulle homo
if slac folder is empty, antivirus might've blocked it when you tried to install it. try turning av and firewalls off and reinstalling
I'll try that. Though I've never had such problems before, and slac is still starting.
ask perfo
run ET as an admin
right click on et shortcut then properties --> run as administator

about the permission problem
you can turn UAC off google for it

Start -> type "UAC"

Still get this, Couldn't load default.cfg - I am missing essential files - verify your installation?

Doesn't happen without slac and I've tried reinstalling it.
not for that prob. idk why u have that prob but u whine about the asking u xd
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