Way to go Barça

they sound like idiots when i dont know what theyre sayin.
spanish, well... they just sayin pepe didnt touch dani, and that it should have been yellow card only, cause of dangerous playing
thats french isnt it?!
e: the first one i mean
i guess so, i did put that video, since ppl were complaining about spanish :P
spanishes are so retarded
So explain to me what he has to do? Hold his leg stretched so he breaks it?

Btw, what about that discusting kick of Marcelo or the fist in the face into Busquets from Adebayor??

Exactly, silence

fuckoff scum
Not really, won 0-2
oh pls, he didnt touch dani, and IF U WERE WATCHING THE GAME, u see dani alves complaying about PAIN and leaving the pitch.... oh well. gotta love it
get the fuck off moron , what's your excuse for marcelo and adebayor?

21 - 79% possesion @ home , playing without 1 attacker :DDDDD , get lost moron
u look kinda depressed calling me moron like that, i guess ur just like dani alves.

oh he mad. grow up dumb
Didn't know Inter was Real
spot the point nerd
Frustrated Real fan sees 500 million euro transfer budget + fagget coach wasted again against the best footballing team around
what has running into defenders, then diving and acting like got hit by a truck to do with football? what has taking acting classes for dummies to do with good football? they know how to play football, but they are fucking lost when they have to attack against wall of 10 players (maybe its not pretty or entertaining football, but its definatelly way to win barca nowadays), so they just dive&cry their way to win...
what has doing a flying ninja kick that has the possibility to break a great player's leg and punching a guy in the face got to do with football?:)
nothing, but u obviously didnt get my point...
Apparently enough since we won 5 / 7 clasicos & 1 draw :)
and what was the rest of years? they got raped like little kids, so be quiet.
The last 15 years Barcelona won 31 prizes , real 18 :-)
haha yeh right, we saw who been raped and who still won most CL titles, only last couple of years barca is being better than real as real got completely new team + morinho.
You won 6 CL in a row in 1954-1960 when Franco was the king in Spain, with threats towards refs and Barcelona, since then Barca has won more .. Do some research kiddo :)

Completely new team? I only saw the addition of Ozil & Khedira, soz
oh and what was at the time when Figo, zidane, ronaldo, raul and others were rolling everyone? Where was barca that time? oh right..nowhere...

QuoteDo some research kiddo :)

QuoteCompletely new team? I only saw the addition of Ozil & Khedira, soz

Think ur the one who should be doing that, as u obviously lack of knowledge about new additionals to their squad.

Xabi Alonso, Khedira, Ozil , Di María , Benzema , Cristiano Ronaldo , Adebayor , Carvalho.... u dont just check last year only, u need to check 1 or 2 years back, + new coach, it does make alot of diffrence between the years of Figo, zidane, beckham when they were used to play with each other and had teamwork and now, when its completely new team which need alot of work, not to mention Kaka was most of the time injured so u cant really put him into considiration that he played much in the last year.
Your addoration of those 3 players is irrelevant, they won 3 CL in the last 20 years, same as Barcelona ... :)

Fact is some years we are better, some years Real Madrid, but you can't deny that Barcelona are far superior the past 2-3 years , despite millions of investments...

investments that were made to have an immediate impact and NOT on a long-term period...
peek-a-boo-skets never gets old
hey hey hey, where's your red triangle?
just stfu, and see that your "barca" are just litle retarded trash that simulates everything.
what's the problem here?
The only problem I can see here is that you need glasses
and you need a tranquilizer if you don't want to have white hair at 20
e: oh you're 22.
guy who couldn't spot his own wallhack on his own screenshot talking about getting glasses, lol
this was to show busquets what pain is, so he stops crying when people caress him
Barca fans are so retarded LOLOLOL.
They even bust themselves LOL
typical barca fan... get lost...
Typical moron , bye
typical tarded cheater, gtfo.
Why do Spaniards and, for that matter Italians, always have to shout like god damn idiots?
spanish sounds awefully retarded.
Ahah love how the player just yell of pain, rly fagz :D
I have to agree with vila. That's a dangerous move from Pepe, worthy of a red card...
You don't need to see his leg broken to give out a red card...
Alves is amazing, he did that 360 wtihout even being touched.
the thing is HE DIVES LIKE A FKING FAGGOT when pepe didnt even touch him, so he should deserve getting his leg broken for being such a fking retard.
haha against barca's faggots noone cant compete at diving so u shouldnt even talk about diving from real.
Out of arguments cause Portugese fagball can't roll barca? xDDDDD
yeh we saw that, each time they got into 1on1 vs him, buy glasses, u might spot smth then.
He didn't touch 1 ball idiot
why the hate with spaniards? i didnt see a spaniard near this action.
dani alves is from brazil
the referee is from germany
and pepe is from portugal.
And btw, its esay to won vs 10. and care about possesion, remember last wednesday.
they were talking about 2nd video... that was mainly 1st before..
I want back football from 90', I miss real with zidane, figo, raul, morientes, carlos, that was awesome and enjoyable
well, morientes were already gone when ronaldo came to real, but ronaldo was real striker
but I would say, since pussy named Beckham joined RM, everything got fucked up
ah not really, they still won everything, even with Beckham noone couldnt win them.
well, it went downhill since then (if I remember correctly, their last CL win came in 2002, beckham came after that season), it just wasnt as attractive football anymore as before. At least after buying beckham my "feelings" towards real got colder.
yeh but even with him and that golden middle they had, they were unbeatable (zidane, figo, beckham and rest.
I would say since Makelele left RM
as far as I remember, Makelele got replaced by Beckham (last season in RM of Makelele was 2001/2002, Beckham came in 2002/2003) :P
so i guess ur right :)
he's not there anymore :(
redondo !!!
watch schalke if u want to see raul
barça = team of little whores who are crying non stop.

That's all.
Too sad that Ramos will not play :(
brb telling my players to get a yellow card
its a red card, he was obviously trying to hit alves. and even trying means red

but alves should at least get yellow for acting like a piece of shit, same with busquets
the fifa rules clearly state that without physical contact a red card cannot be given in a situation like this

does he deserve a yellow for the intent of tackling? Definitely because if he would have "hit" then this would have been one of those "Orlfoflofl monstertackle-youtubevideos" again, but without physical contact a red card cannot be given in theory
why always real got huge problems after match against barca? clearly better team has luck on their side :o)
or like, they have more diving faggots begging judge to give cards, so think again before posting crap.
so maybe real should do the same to win. if dissalowing to cut grass on stadium cant help ;D
they dont need to do that, as they aint so desperate to win against them as barca is to do everything to see them being booked..
I think it should be a yellow card but fifa rules state that referee may show a red card for "attempt", even without making a contact. So fifa and marks can justify that red card using this rule :p
i heard often that even a try means red. are the rules somewhere available online or so? ;d

edit: german wikipedia

"Tätlichkeiten (direkte körperliche Attacke, indirekte Attacke, z. B. durch Wurf des Balles oder eines Gegenstandes, aber auch anspucken), wobei auch der Versuch bestraft wird"

means something like

physical attack, even the try will be punished

and that sentence was under "red card punishments"

oh and here its without a doubt


page 41 -> decision 4
same crap with that crouch guy when real played vs them, he did tackle directly on that real's guy leg and he only got yellow and he didnt get directly red... so nuff said.
Barcelona is the most pathetic club ever.
both teams were lame
absolute fucking disgrace

my brains cannot accept how anything like that can be a sport, and supposedly a popular one
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