This is how we do it
28 Apr 2011, 21:11
Beats by Decks > Jeru wearing Terrorym hood :XD > Polish HH music > All
35.2 %
(19 votes)
64.8 %
(35 votes)
But keep it real. What do u think about beat?
i think its cool.
Peja was poor orphan, but after about 20 years of his career he can afford big clips, new Mercedes or so. But he's still singing about poorness etc. Some of his lyrics can just make u smile but most of them are rly smart, direct, with no bullshit.
[pl]Ten kawalek trzyma poziom ale niestety scena schodzi na psy. Coraz czesciej jakies zjebane teledyski z chujowymi tekstami i feat'y z jakimis pedalami "przerost formy nad trescia". Z nowych plyt to tylko eldoka.
moze cos starszego?[/pl]
No ale props za wyp3 i peje na legalu : >
what is not even miracle if you just think what would happen when you put 10 000 poliseh man in same room... the real polish comes out when they gather their brains together... and they realize there is nothing else to do than kill your fellow earthlingers