ET and cheaters

was just reading some really old post on estonian ET community site about some cheaters for nostalgia and thought that i havent seen any cheat accusations on CF for a while, has SLAC saved ET from cheaters?

discuss :mant likes penis
we're all used to it now, since 50% uses one :D
We're all sure you don't :)
everyone cheats for you, your vote doesnt count 8)
yes and no
Definately NO.
Too many around :(
tehere is an EE community site?

used to be really popular when EE's community was alive, kinda dead now tho :)
yea i knew that was around, but its been dead as long as i can remember :S
I don't know to be honest. In a game this old there are legitimate players who play better than cheaters, and aimbots are so humanized that they look more legitimate than actual clean players.

I really don't know.

I haven't met OBVIOUS hackers since SLAC though (reconnect with 20% accuracy and 50% headshot boost etc.)
SLAC save nothing
there are still cheaters for sure. I haven't played for some time now though
played a cheater like 2 weeks ago and it was sexclick from portugal , he then reconnected with slac on and shot like a newb
get addon_server :::::::::
dunno... There is no anymore "new faces" to play againts.. ET is dieing. you always play againts same noobs / highskillers. And care about random 3v3 irc cheaters you can always quit.

my cheater list:
-Polandtmoe landodgers

Add wss"too drunkzor to paly at lan"quad to that list. <o/
i have played some lately and then seen mostly pretty good 5v5 teams with players i have never heard of before, maybe nicklaming idk?
if u mean b2k those are their names.
if u mean tmoe same
Finland turbot landodgers & oc premier losers
We never said we going to lans:) unlike u
talking about lans & going to lans are two different things he he
sponsor all of us and nP
you had sponsor:D
yea we had,
thanks for #1 in 5o5 ladder by the way...
ye np we are dead
we are dead too
nigga pls b2k are playing together since looooong time they are just good
tmoe i lold
wss agreed
those b2k guys played with some polish cheaters who got busted instantly on slac and you think why people think they are cheaters? ok it does not make them cheaters but they deserve all the hate in the world for beeing utter brainless retards
cmon that must be some polish inside truth you dont know shit about...
like not everyone is playing with cheaters
shut up /!\ xD
yez my problem which you btw created and you know that ;)
hm i dont know their past that well, with whom exactly did they play?
I am sure swani didnt know about it either he just whines coz they play rly good and raped his tA clan which is plain stupidity coz this guys have been praccing hard with almost the same lu for over a year now
mlody and abselsomething (or is that Abject?) fear traktory? Id guess they're same guys still. mag used to search "5v5 high hs" and one time was enough to tell why they search "high", then they got busted but mag had new "high" clan which supposedly is "b2k or whatever theyre called" Id be quite suprised if they arent same hackers with new aliases.
well it was only mag that was playing with Fear crap and yeah that was rly stupid of him. The only members that could be hackers with new aliases are mag and abject but there are so many busted hackers that are playing on a high lvl and are respected by the community atm that i cant see it being a problem for anyone
b2k went from low+ to med+ in a few weeks :/
we (low+/med-) almost won vs them in low OC league, 2 weeks later they rolled magico and his friends (not that they are that good but still).
thats the magic of praccing hard!
mant likes penis
Real men don't cheat and sweat for victory!
i'm a cheater for someone :3
slac doesnt bust shit but it shuts people up
well now
was wondering the same, where are all SLAC bust list ? X)
Perhaps there were fewer cheaters than people thought, and now the whiners just can't complain as much when they're getting pwned by somebody with SLAC. :P
Playing on slac servers is fine. I didn't meet any real cheater.

Playing on pb servers sucks anyway because the skill is mostly really low.
I didn't play for 2 months, then I connected at purefrag, had 50% hs of the hits within first 2 minutes in a 3vs3 and first guy called me hacker... >_<

I don't know why some people do not use slac except the linux or mac fanboys.
Maybe because the slac server's skill is to high for some because there are only like 4 public servers used at once at max. :(

slac cheater list:
slac is bullshit
Polandshitbox, slac banned tho :)
I think most of the cheaters are afraid of taking their chances with slac.

afaik its shitbox account, have't seen him for a while, but wheres "ban" ?
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