Portal 2 co-op

wanna play anyone? best co-op game i have played so far!

also oki if you got the downloaded version

I gotta DL it at some point, Portal was fun, but short
yeah, and if you liked portal 1 you gonna love portal 2^^

way longer and you get to know more of the story
ahah, i played portal 1, co op looks really nice :)
i got portal 2, hows coop?:)
funniest thing you can play with a mate!
ur not a mate of me..
yeah thats why i added it
yep that is what we call a hug, weird huh?
is it easy to play co-op with a downloaded version?

What do you need to play it with a friend? (e.g. hamachi)
nope and hamachi
very easy and don't need hamachi, just forward 27015 on your router

then have someone start connecting to your ip, and load hit up "map mp_coop_start" in the console

you'll have to remember what map you got to since you cant really save though (you can see the map with cl_showfps 1) and sometimes it'll glitch out and send you back to the lobby map so you need to load the next in order

map order + guide: http://pastebin.com/upC0dQQ0

this worked pretty well for me and aza and no need to install fakelan bs

edit: i haven't tested it but i also think you can use this method to play with someone who has retail game if they are connecting to you
plus not everyone is geeky enough to forward a port on the router
you need ports forwarded to host any tcp/ip co-op game... whether your router does this automatically through UPnP or you do it manually it is being done
hamachi did the job for me!

referring to this worked pretty well for me and aza and no need to install fakelan bs
that online was terrible :D
but the singleplayer was freakin awesome

i didnt even know there was online
postal 2 had LAN/online if i am right. else it was just LAN only
expansion of postal 2 i believe. Capture the flag with a bitch on your back haha
Just played 4 hours straight with rl mate, on the last chamber now but going bed :D
good luck tomorrow!

and aint you supposed to become a pilot?
I was having lessons, yes. But they are VERY expensive so I am putting it on hold for when I have enough money to complete all the training :)

you didnt go sleep or what :o
trooo best COOP game evah x3
ja mon, too bad there is only 1 time of real playing it :(
yeah but hey i think some custom maps will start to come out sooner or later xD
too short too easy
played with Czech Republic Wizrox, fuckin epic game! <3 only 1 bad thing on that COOP, its TOO SHORT! :(
is die shit gratis?

gief link
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