Kamz first ride

kamz' first ride on elephant, gets a little startled!

haaaahhahahahhahahahahahahahaha lol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
in his defence hes only used to busses
cheating can happen to anyone
Not for me.

good for you, if nothing wont happen but one thing i dont understand is your devil-you-know mentality. some simply don’t care about their partners or maybe even narcissistic and selfish by nature which simply comes by your name as a drama seeker. However, all cheaters are driven by one common urge, the urge toward self-satisfaction above all else.
yes cheaters are no different, whether or not a cheater can change is completely up to the individual (8
Nope. Cheaters are different cause they were/are cheating. We weren't .

yeah good that we werent : ) since you seem to care so much about that triangle there, i've done some real soul searching and im willing to take all responsibility for the harm that is made by me guid spoofin everyone, it really gives a huge advantage in the game and its wrong
Ok. But u are cheater /!\
yeah ppl like to call me that atleast those who like to look in the past :) even im gone clean they still think im cheatin because they cant handle the truth... bad tickers : )
what a fucking idiotic statement
when it comes to cheating there are no easy answers
well there is the answer 'dont buy an EtBot'. It takes a concious effort to go out and try to find cheats that you can use, so please, dont give me any sort of shit that 'it can happen to anyone'. It doesnt 'happen' to people, people who want to cheat go and download them.
Most cheaters know that what they did was wrong and feel the need to justify their bad behavior they will prolly have a variety of excuses ranging from impairment to something lacking in their ETbotseller, but in the end they cheated because they wanted to :) and being young doesn’t make it easier to deal with cheatin and ETbots In fact, the innocence of youth and first love can make the wounds of infidelity cut even deeper ;D<3 but since you seem to know much more about cheating than me this was prolly waste of my time.
are you suggesting that i am a cheater?! if you had seen me play, you would know that isnt true xDDDDD
maybe i have... or maybe you are just suffering some mental illnes issues and cheating same time so you could keep up the good work in normal level : )
trolololololol sounds pretty akward to go there but you could still take a look on my pants if you want :)
lol cant stop replaying this thing lol :DDDD
Kamz is famous, made it to RWJ!
loled hard :D
fucking funny :D
hahahahahaha :D

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