Roger Waters

As i mentioned in my yesterdays journal, i was going to see AnonymousRoger Waters in that evening. And i did. Had my seat from the third row, which was pretty fucking awesome.

The Wall was my first concert out of the 9000 which actually left me speechless. First time i cried like real manS do. I cried i laughed i was stunned. There seriously ain't enough words to describe it.

I suggest that everyone who ever liked any of Pink Floyd's music should go to see RW:The Wall. I actually suggest this to everyone who has ever listened any music. Just the visual part of the show will make anyone ejaculate.

Inb4 "music elitist" talking bullshit about Waters and/or Gilmour. This is prolly going to be the last time we ever have the chance to see/hear PF's music played live with someone from the original band.

This is from the same tour:

At 4:30 i started spraying cum everywhere last night. As i always do when i hear one of the best guitar solo's in history. And check also 5:50, gives you a really small taste of the visual effects used.

Over and out, have a nice weekend. And for my Finlandbrothers, vitun hyvää vappua :DDDDD älkää juoko liikaa simaa tai syökö itteänne ähkyks munkeilla xDDDDDD
having a seat on a live-rock performance

I hope you're trolling or are you really that dumb?
glad you liked it
deathbringer666 cried cause of gay vocals.
gotta love it
Hard to describe why i cried :) But yes, i cried like a little girl.
thats the gayest shit i ever heard
thats the hetereost shit i ever heard
looks good you should see tool live, twice, once on acid
My dream is to build a time machine, so I can go back in time and go to Pink Floyd at Pulse ;:p
if you could go back in time only once and only for a concert i guess everyone would say woodstock
i put this journal to "care category"
hail kallem8, glad you enjoyed it ;pp
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