Osama thingy

I cant understand people who are saying that he isnt dead and he is hiding etc.

You really believe that the worlds leading nation would come up with a story like this?

Consider this, if obama made a video from a week now and prove he is alive with some details/facts etc, it would destroy Obama and quite frankly USA's competence.

They wouldnt publish this story unless there was some evidence.

Ps. And for those who dont understand the sea thing. It's according to Muslim religion and the fact that the burial site wouldnt become the new Meka.
You really believe that the worlds leading nation would come up with a story like this?

yes, been hunting him 10 years without success leads to this :P
After 10 years this news for propaganda is quite insufficent i think.

If Bush would have caught him right away, it would have shown USA power more :):)
Yeah, but Obama 2012.
If they were gonna fake Osama's death they would have done it 2-3 months before the election not a year :D
Well if it actually IS fake (which I, until further evidence either way appears, doubt) it's sheer opportunism. Maybe they just had the chance to fake his death so they went with it, and maybe this is just the start of a bigger plan to create more votership (symbolic enemy dead -> draw soldiers out of Afghanistan -> democratic + libertarian votership happy).
ever considered bush and bin laden are friends?
leading nation and still only place in the world where 2 buildings made of steel collapses with a speed of freefall just becuase there was jet fuel burning for less than 1 hour.. :D and tell me about the wtc7 ? :D same thing but no fire or plane hit :>
Ah just cant be arsed to get into your conspiracy theories :D:D
its my opinion based on facts. I dont give a fuck about conspiracy theories :)
see, ur believing something u havent even read about, i have read various documents because shit was interesting back then. so please stop acting like some kind of oracle and read some information about stuff before you start making arguments @ nerdfire :)

e: steel starts to melt around ~1500 degrees, jet fuel burns max. @ 1000 degrees if its in perfect enviroment.. how in the hell jet fuel can make building made of steel collapse at the speed of freefall :E thats pretty weird shit since all of those buildings are made to last big impacts etc :) there has been shitload of weaker buildings on fire for 2 days and still only few floors collapsed.. and still after 1 hour of "burning jet fuel" over 100 floors collapsed in just under 10 seconds :( pretty weird imo.
those documents are not facts.

Some hippy wrote thema nd you take them seriously, nerd.
actually those things are stuff ive read by myself from different internet sources (like material charts) :) nothing to do with any video / documents from hippies etc :) never watched any conspiracy videos about it sorry.. but it seem that you have seen many USA statements/ "facts" / videos about it since you got so hard opinion about it.. sadly you got zero facts :D so unless you got something real to say that you have researched by yourself, please stfu and respect my opinions.
i didnt even read your previous reply nor i will read this one :D:D
well actually you are reading my comments :) stupid kid :D
nobody leads the world
haha funny =)
Well I do understand those people who think that.
2012 new elections in USA right? he might get some extra votes now.
Then you havent followed the President run. Watch Saturday night's speech which Obama gave @ the white house correspondence dinner. He doesnt need OSama dude :D
I do and I have seen the roast.

Im just telling I do understand people who say "bullshit" or whatever. I believe he is dead and I think having Osama alive would be way better.
hitler is alive
I would have wanted to see him captured alived tbh.
Agree on that. They shot him to fast! That man has to suffer..
True. Lower yourself to your enemy's standards.
why does he have to suffer?
he killed over 3000 people!!!!!
do you have any proof for that?
no, but, would you rather punish someone for what he's accused of without having any proof of it, or would you leave him alone until it's proven?
There are so many stories about 9/11 etc.. What to believe?

But he is the brain behind Al Qaida!

And I also think Bush fucked up.
uve never seen the vids where he talks about what he did n stuff
how can u doubt that he did it
it's a fucking translation, they could say anything they want, you can't know what he said unless you speak persian.
k w/e dude im not even gonna start arguing :DD
there's nothing funny about what i said, you can't just go around and believe everything you're told
i thought he spoke arabic?
Yes, America faked the translation of his speeches and NOBODY IN THE WORLD says something about it.
Yeah, I've read your other posts here and your anything but credible. Go watch some more conspiracy documentaries.
i haven't watched a single conspiracy theory documentary in my life
and u go and drink coca cola and eat the food american companies manufacture for us and say its best, full of vitamins and proteins !!!
I don't drink coke nor do I eat much American food.

Strange reply btw.
strange belive in every shit reporting around

who is good and who is bad ?? what is good what is bad ?? just look around
Yes, Muslim terrorists are good.

Go to bed.
real muslims cant be terrorists
Oh not this crap again.

People do bad things, regardless of religion. But when a believer of a certain religion does something bad, it doesn't mean he's not a "real" believer of that certain religion. It's just a bad person.

And christians, muslims, jews, etc. can all be terorrists.
so now we must go deeper and define what is good and what is bad -- where is the border ?
Osama himself took the responsibility of 9/11 attack. so nothing to prove.
cuz he's arabian
nop, if they torture him, he will just get the status of a martyr, which he wants!
"You really believe that the worlds leading nation would come up with a story like this?"

they did with the moon landings u know... wouldnt surprise me if they trolling us now.....
even the mythbusters know it's real and they really tested everything with every angle and unless they had the best realtime photoshop and hollywood cgi effects I think it's quite scientifically sound, you should google mythbusters + moon. I could give you other sources but that should make you question your current views.

e: http://www.viddler.com/explore/Ampo/videos/1/
wtf is this... im english :DDD i dont understand a word they are saying :DDD. i dont belive they landed when they did... i belive since then they have been to the moon thou ;)
just google and watch it, they did the gravity tests, lighting tests and even the flag waving in a vacuum... It's some "form" of education at the least :p
QuoteUSA's competence

image: alg_jersey_shore_mtv
this journal got fropped
aweseome series!
none here thought that you could understand :)
u cant be sure if hes dead or not, face it and live with it, i actually dont give a shit since you cant be 100% sure

mission accomplished
image: new-kids-turbo-original
shit movie:/
If he was alive, there would have been a video where he denies being dead. Simple as that.

Let's wait and see.
i bet al qaeda and osama dont even exist:D
yea indeed, i dont think obama would just go do a speech on smthing he's not sure about
but i can see why ppl think its fake, there was a rly rly rly obvious shooped pic of him, but that doesnt mean the gov published that, can just be a random person
u dont get it, i dont know if he is alive or dead but they have the worlds most dumb people, u can tell em whatever u want to and they will just eat it.
"You really believe that the worlds leading nation would come up with a story like this?"

- 2004, USA invades Iraq, because they have PROOF that Saddam has weapons of mass destruction. ":D"

Dunno if Osama is dead, but couldn't care less, since there always will be terrorism as long as the CIA and other intitutions keep supporting them. Like they did in Afghanistan and Iraq...same thing in Lybia, first they support Ghaddafi, now they're with the revolutionists. And same shit went down in south america, as they supported numerous dictators. So just dont act like "american goverment must tell the truth, because they are democrats and starry-eyed idealist".
its all about the OIL:PPPPP
never thought bout that, sounds logical yo
You didnt get my point.

I was pointing out that the most powerful nation wouldnt come up with this story, which could be so easily overthrown.

I mentioned nothing about democracy and other political decisions they have made. Learn to read.
image: mission
oh please more journals about it, we dont have enough yet
new most wanted

Ayman al-Zawahiri
Truth is the americans killed him years ago. They just wanted to keep it as a secret so they could keep invading poor countries and steal their resources, rape women etc. Now that Obama's reputation is decreasing they figure that by announcing osama's death would give Obama more respect, and therefore power. Then they make a masterplan to give a false document to mr. Wikileaks which says that if Osama is killed, there will be a massive nuclear bomb explosion in Europe.
Well, the next what's happening is that americans explode a small atomic bomb in sweden, in Ikea HQ, which they have put there earlier. Then americans come to "help" sweden and invade there, taking care of that all the Ikea's shit is destroyed and vanished for good. A few months after a successful operation Apple, corrupted by government, announces their latest masterplan, the iFurniture, which will be a new world wide phenomenom, selling furniture same price as Ikea did, earning billions and billions.
sounds reasonable
What's with your Ikea and Sweden :D
Ikea is secretly planning a world wide invasion
they faked 9/11 so I wouldn't put it past them
QuoteConsider this, if obama made a video from a week now and prove he is alive with some details/facts etc, it would destroy Obama and quite frankly USA's competence.
Wtf, so many still believe all those conspiracy theories? : D
dont think he was the head of the organisation. there are probably other people behind him, who have much more power
Deniz "Flying Kebab" D. :P

j/k deniz:PpPpPP
:D:D:D:D Nice troll attempt
i hope there are
DJ WICEK - Osama bin laden(Alkaida Dirty Remix)
seems like u believe the USA was the first on the MOON!!!
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