Legal action against p2p users.

'More than 8,000 alleged file sharers are facing legal action'

scary shit tbh.

Just wondering if theres any programs out there to hide my ip etc when downloading from programs such as limewire. also torrents? Or anything to lessen the chance of facing legal action etc?

United Kingdom Switzerland Anonymous
Man, you're busted. I wish you pleasant moments in jail.
just destroy your hard drive if you get caught, how they gonna prove it 100% that you downloaded shit if they dont have anything to search
lol its not like they send you a letter stating "we think you download illegal"
its more like police visits you at home, take pc and then they got proof enough
If you got a big magnet, you can erase your hard drive in 2 sec, then they can never know what you had on it. If they ask why did you do that, you can say you had some porn and you where ashamed of it.
and how do you get to porns mostely? d0wnl04d
home made gay porn with your bro
you are disgusting!
Yes but free porn can be legal if you are over 18, torrents are illegal no matter how old you are.
mhhh good idea. i will do it next time -.-...and what to do with the hundreds of cd's/dvd's u got at home to watch the downloaded movies at TV?
Don't make them.
You should pay me for using these flags that often!
Wow, you must've studied hard to gather that much intelligence!
You hide them somewhere safe away from your PC, normally they just take your tower and storing devices around the computer.
some external harddrives has a 'panic' button that erases all the content with a click also =P
Yes, but the most advanced software from the police can read what is overwritten up to 5 times (afaik), so if it overwrites your hard drive content only once, you are fucked. And then you cant say anymore: I didn't know it was illegal :))
There was a journal about this recently.
Scare tactics imo. It would cost them more than it's worth to try to sue everybody, filesharers will always find a way around the authorities - all this will do is to boost legal downloading for a short while.
oh noes... :f
use proxy servers that dont give details of the users on the other side?
They are after people who distribute the files not the people who download the files.
A dude in my town got fined 5k for selling a few copied DVD's..

Maybe use some anon proxy / encrypt HDD blahdy blah blah
but if they was to search your pc, they'd find out some way or another unless it self destructs :>
8000 in how many million? Scare tactics.

If you're that bothered don't download.
I imagine peerguardian, a firewall which filters government and filespoofing ip's, amongst other things, would be of much help to your burdened conscience.
I'd also recommend getting one of these:
image: Tin_foil_hat_4
They're great for... just about everything!
If you check my profile, you'll see I am already covered in that department.
äijä on h-foorumilta, busted!
If I was a recognised band atm, I would release my self from the record label, set up a simple website with free download, and simply ask people to donate whatever they think the albums worth.

They get, what, 1p or something from each album sold, maybe a bit more, but it would mean only a small percentage of the people would need to donate a small amount of cash for the band to make money. Wouldn't work if you're just starting up though!
Well having a website that provides fast-music downloads costs a lot and if most people then don't like it, only a very few people will pay, so you loose already most of your money you got. On the other hand everything which is higher than your own costs will then go directly to the artists.
if you are offering them free in the first place just distribute them via bittorrent, that way the users are actually having to give up something in the first place to get the music.

What I'd do is follow The Streets method, they let you listen to their full album in a flash player on their website but you had to buy the album to listen to the last song, and because the whole album was like a story and the last song was 8 minutes long which also finished the story, alot of people did it
I use peerguardian to protect, seems effective - also they catch you on upload more so than download.
does that protect you from them knowing who you are?
I guess (and i dont know) if they wanted to find that info they wouldnt struggle to overcome an opensource program.
Never use limewire.

Never use public torrent trackers.

unless by private tracker you mean a tracker you yourself, or someone you know and trust outside of the internet set up then I laugh at your false sense of security
just hire al qaeda to bomb these fuckers that come after our free download

any suicide bomber volunteers ?
I can't even download songs and stuff from bittorrent/limewire now for some reason, and it pisses me off :/
hade också så, ominstallerade och uppdaterade sen funkade det fin fint :)
What did he say?
he said that he re-installer & updated and it worked.
Laws in the UK state that no-one can track your internet records.

Oh, and btw, its only in shitty countries like poland + brazil so dont worry.
Most of those articles are fake and sponsored by recording companies such as Sony(r), don't worry too much about it.
idd..we are all just small fishes in a big ocean full of sharks. we are not in the "public interest". They look out for who make profit out of it like selling dozens of copies illegal. the fine you could get for personal download/usage are just a few hundred euros and thats it...never jailtime or sth they make advertising with...i know what i am talkin about -.-
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