physx +ME2

Just installed ME2 again due to replay value. Thing is that it demands PhysX System Software, which I downloaded but now it doesn't install properly. Is it due to ATI card? What do I need to download?

image: 240938
Uh, just don't activate the PhysX system ? And if you want it, tell us what video card you have. And just dl an Ati PhysX crack :x
It has worked before when I first played it before a format, so I'm confused. And how would I deactivate it? It's an HD5700 btw.
Could you please link me the PhysX System Software you dled ? Also when you say "it" won't install, are you talking about the software or the game ?
The software obviously.

PhysX_8.09.04_SystemSoftware.exe, as I've read the newer versions don't work with ME2...
Do you have the DVD version of the game, or did you dl it ? :x
Warez all teh way. And the game itself isn't the problem, it's just the software.
Ah well, sux for you :D The DVD version comes with the good version of the Physx software, and the Steam version does install it by itself, too.

Maybe try this one :

I don't know dude :(
I installed the one from the .iso, still doesn't work. I'm updating my graphic card driver as we speak, maybe this will help.
Wise idea. If it still doesn't work, desinstall everything Nvidia & Physx related, with the install/remove program in windows' control panel, and lauch the game... Maybe your PC will finally realize you have an Ati card :D
Seems to work now. Took a lot of install/uninstall and Don't-know-whats but I guess I'm fine now.

Thanks anyway :)
Yay \o/ No problem :)
Thought PhysX was Nvidia only?? i must be wrong :p
So did I. It requested it anyway so I obeyed.
Actually, there's a crack that allows Physx to use the CPU instead of GPU (it doesn't work so well).
Also, your main video card can be an Ati one, and you can have another Nvidia card that will do the physx thing (do I make sense, I ain't sure :D)

Next to that, Mass Effect 2 just want the Physx software to be installed, even if you won't use it.
Ahh ok

I guess they'll make physx use Ati cards (through OpenCL) soon but does it make a difference?

is physx actually any good?
Not really. You'll see the difference with smoke and small things (dust, broken glass etc), and it will make your FPS drop.
ME1 > all!
Yeah, but there is a bunch of DLC that I haven't played yet for ME2.
Most of them are very limited though.
But Shadow broker's lair and the Kasumi one are worth it.

You should do the one Kasumi gives when you can, you get a great smg and its pretty fun!
Was Zaeed in the original game? I don't seem to remember him and I'm not sure whether he came with one of the DLCs either.
Zaeed is a dlc by himself ;)
Ah okay. There was an additional few-gigs-sized file I downloaded so I'm not sure what I missed on the first play-through and what is actually from a DLC.
Mainly some weapons (one of each iirc), armors (terminus, inferno, dragon blood etc), Lair of the Shadow broker (new learnable ability + mission), Kasumi (Mission + weapon + companion),
Zaeed (companion), Hammerhead (missions with a hovering vehicle, pretty fun)

You can also visit the crashed Normandy, but thats pretty boring :p
That's most of them I think.

Btw, if you haven't played adept yet, watch one of Average Gatsby's videos for adepting on insanity. I watched a few techniques he used and had great fun with it on my second playthrough :)

image: 653831

That's the ones I have.

Already played the mission at the wrecked Normandy 1, it's indeed boring as fuck, but actually quite pretty to look at.
rightclick open DVD/ISO
open physX folder
my right click not work, what nao? explain

Got it to work eventually, not sure how though.
usually the needed redists (c++, physx, directx, ...) are in special folders on the DVD/ISO. just install em from there and u should generally be fine
I did, didn't work either at first. A combination of reinstalling graphic card drivers and repeatedly installing the PhysX from the .iso seemed to have done it.
am i the only one who noticed ze nipple
Ofcourse, not! But skinny and dissapointing :s
It took me a while myself, I hadn't even noticed it when I put it here.
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