Road To Wembley

Continues tonight, let's hope we can see some football now that Real Madrid has to attack, cut the defensive crap & the fake tackles etc ! Vamos culés !

omg vila omg omg
vamos barca
Most embarrassing game of football that I have ever seen. The amount of cheating involved was extraordinary and I cannot imagine how they can ever be proud of themselves after it all.

Are they really men at all?
I was rly irritated the game for the spanish cup. Both teams were crying like little babies.
I hope both teams will stop with fucking eachother up.
THX4reminding (:
Unfortunately this match is tarnished by the mistakes of the Referee in the first match.
I think the Champions League is tarnished by the referee mistakes in every Barcelona match. Jose Mourinho may have took what he said to far but he was totally right in questioning what was going on.
izy for Messi
First part is awesome
fuck wembley, road to dublin for porto!
best club ever<3
Famous actors ain't half as good as these guys :D
:) The show must go on!
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