Osama Bin Laden dead?

Is osama really dead?

image: 227168_10150235345644458_568154457_8847420_1183318_n

See the date in this pic.
image: 201105020044

Obama is faking this because he wants to win the upcoming elections.

They have also thrown the body in the sea so that all the proof is gone if its real osama or not.

image: barack-obama2lol2

edit: if US wanted to show the world they could have taken a more clear/proper pic of osama and that never happened.
You dumb?
you cannot kill undead
image: skill1028_0 Might of Heaven - Inflicts damage to an undead monster.
was proven a while ago that this is not the real picture and that osamas body was dumped in the sea to prevent the grave of becoming a shrine to fagiefollowers.
Or more like nerds digging it up to prove it's him.
or yeah, that.
I'm pretty sure he's not dead

E: on a side note, we can say that he's the best Hide&Seek player you ever seen
or he was killed already long time ago
wouldnt be surprised.
Then you really are stupid.

Consider the fact that if he would still be alive he would make a video statement and USA and OBama would lose every integrity they ever had.
All about secrets stuff between USA and them.
:D:D:D Stupid mongol
seriously, that definitely is everything but a stupid statement...
True, that none of us clearly can say what it all is about but i guess you see things a little too green..
So you believe everything governments tell you without questioning anything? You're the stupid one if you accept everything they spew as fact.
Do you think that they (al-Qaeda) would just sit there quietly and hide Osama (if he was still alive) when USA claims that they've 'won' something by killing him?
Reports say pakistan helped osama, no person can stay alive like that for so many years without any help from outside.
Yes, but if he wasn't dead he'd surely have already appeared in the media proclaiming that he's still alive and making USA lose its face.
Well, we've seen videos of him in the past 10 years - however, not in the past couple of years. He was deemed alive in 2009, though, wasn't he?
For once I really agree with you. I don't by any means think we get the full story from the media or our governments, but some people take the conspiracy theories far to far.
Yeah, there seem to be a plenty of those nutjobs here on CF, too.
I don't believe al-Qaeda is even a real organisation, so I cannot say that I think they would definitely make a statement when they aren't even real.
I see.

After reading a few of your comments in this journal, I don't believe you're completely mentally healthy.
lol, well I just think that you are ignorant. When you research things more you would understand. You cannot believe news stories which are biased to the British & American government. I've never stated what is fact or not - because I don't know, I just believe that there is more to it than we are told & if you think that the media & the governments are 100% trust worthy, then I think you are the one with the mental health problems :)
Of course they (british & american media, that is) are not 100% trustworthy, but they still can't spoof a thing that big. Osama released his videos and announcements through other sources anyways.

And what would USA gain by spoofing that thing anyways? Lose tens of thousands of lives from their own side, kill hundreds of thousands of arabs, innocent and otherwise, and spend billions or trillions of dollars on warfare. For what? A few gallons of oil (the price of which went actually up by these ordeals anyways)? Totally worth it.
You do realise that war involves loaning huge amounts of money from the central bank which in turn feathers the nest of the wealthiest people? The same people who fund the election campaigns. The USA are in a pretty bad situation at the moment, so it would be a perfect opportunity to boost morale. It will almost certainly guarantee Obama gets back into presidency next term & I wouldn't be suprised if they used this opportunity to slip a few acts into place whilst everyone is focused on the Bin Laden scenario. A few gallons of oil? You do realise this will be a stepping stone for multi-billion pound industries? When you say that there is little reason for it you are wrong, there is a multitude of very profitable reasons for it. I'm not saying it is fake because that would be ludicrous with no proof, but I certainly don't believe that they (USA & Britain) are innocent in this.
You clearly have no fucking idea what I just said

So i quote it for you just one more time

QuoteConsider the fact that if he would still be alive he would make a video statement and USA and OBama would lose every integrity they ever had.

Now read it like 10x times. maybe then you will get the point.
Within my beliefs about the whole terrorism thing I cannot believe any of the propaganda in which the media forces upon us. All of it is well thought out & delivered unto us at times to have the greatest effect, so forgive me for being cynical. For you to call someone "stupid" is ridiculous, as you have as much proof as any of us & thus you believe what has been told without question.
I dont believe the Obama statement blindly. FFs cant u fucking read?

I am clearly saying that USA wouldnt come up with a story like this unless they are sure Osama is dead. The story could be so easily overthrown with one simple video. Even USA and Obama are not that stupid to risk with that.

Learn to read really. I dont care about your ignorant conspiracy theories etc.Keep them to yourself.
is it too much to ask for a normal way to talk?
youre acting as if i truely offended you and behave like a kid now,....
Acting like a kid ?

How should i act if i simply told you that osama is dead, but you come here and start with your 9/11 consipiracy crap etc.
okay its pointless, youre not willing to keep up a discussion, you just ignorantly flame around about anybody having a different opinion than you.
noone here offended you in any way but since you re unable to reply in a non retarded way, i m not gonna talk to you.
You came here to talk about some conspiracies and fahrenheit. That wasnt my point and i dont care for them.
go watch Fahrenheit 9/11 (but do that with care! also dont easily believe everything given by MM) and you will have a pretty good idea that there is so much happening in the background of the USA..
I agree mate Farenheit 9/11 is a good film to watch. Some of the Zeitgeist films are good also, I don't believe them 100% and I research a lot about points they raise, but they definitely are thought prevoking.
I dont believe the Obama statement blindly. FFs cant u fucking read?

I am clearly saying that USA wouldnt come up with a story like this unless they are sure Osama is dead. The story could be so easily overthrown with one simple video. Even USA and Obama are not that stupid to risk with that.

Learn to read really. I dont care about your ignorant conspiracy theories etc.Keep them to yourself....
You called him stupid for having an opinion, now you're mad because I don't agree? Grow up. If you could read properly you would see I asked you a question and you responded with abuse. Here i'll give you the question to help you out;

QuoteSo you believe everything governments tell you without questioning anything?

A simple yes or no would have sufficed, yet I suppose when you have the IQ of a goat it's hard to comprehend the little squiggle with a dot on the end eh?
opinion ?


Do you understand that????

Tell me then, if Osama is alive, why hasnt he made a video/statement or anything involing being alive? It would fuck USA up for good then.

Are you talking to me? I think you have problems with the English language or a problem responding to the correct person on crossfire. I stated that there are events which have taken place which we will never be told of & the scale of these events is unknown. It appears you have tried to understand what I have written in my replies but not had the knowledge to comprehend some of the big words & assumed one of them was conspiracy.
do you really think things would be going as straight as you suppose?
im quite sure, there is so much more behind that AlQuaida-USA shit, which nobody knows of.
There re certainly a few more options than that they really killed him...
Excellent point.
who gives a fuck if osama is dead or not. nothing will be changed.
it will change
damn Estonia are most of the times WRONG
France French frog telling me that :D:D

Nice immigrant politics you have, oh wait.

And we will see what the effects are. Killing an authorizing leader will bring more good, because noone can step in and fill his shoes.
damn Estonia are most of the times WRONG

what a lovely man, I mean the one who said that, and you just proved he tells the truth !
ayman al-zawahiri
My history teacher told me one year ago that he played his role at sep11 and after that, it wouldnt be much help killing him anymore since he already did what he wanted to do (set the western world up vs the eastern world)

So wether hes dead or not, it doesnt matter much cause he fucked our minds up.

Let me proof this with eg: youre in a plane and you are being told in secret that 1 guy wants to hijack (not bombing or anything) it. You gotta go search him. Who do you think are the first sort of ppl you gonna look for that would be on the plane? Obv looking for muslim looking guys.

And thats why killing osama bin laden doesnt matter!
Then you really have no idea how leadership works :D:D
How and what will/can it change?
true but US are the biggest fakers in the world.
yes but i don't believe if they would fake that they killed osama.
did they faked, that they got sadam hussein?
that doesnt mean that they wont fake about osama.
i don't think that is fake but we don't know, let's wait what wikileagues will write xD
wikileagues xD you are playing too much ^^
they are called wikileaks :D
atm i don't play realy only sometimes when i have a bit free time.
Just think about how embarrassing it would be, if it was proven false. Especially for a nation that proud of itself. But yeah, go on, I guess 9/11 and the moonlanding was a conspiracy, too.. Fuckin' attentionwhores.
Just love those stupid mongols like you.
when they killed sadam, many videos and pictures "leaked". They are searching for this mothafucka since 2001, and now that they found , they kill him and throw the body into the sea? I dont fuck believe. OSAMA CREATION OF THE USA!
Thats my boy
nah barcelona are
hahaha actually they both are trying hard to be on top.
you are an idiot, obama didn't photoshop the picture
yeah was almost whining
goddamn it..! fucking soldiers with no brains!
I'm fairly confident the man is dead. Whether it happened when and where they say, who knows. I'm sure we'd know fairly quickly if the man is alive. Whether or not it's something to rejoice about in the long run remains to be seen.
well kind of harsh to say but, I hope bin laden bombs something to wake everyone up and see that el president is fucking over the world by lying his ass off :)
I hope he starts at your house then ur family ... then friends . etc etc
he is has an apprentice! and he will bomb all of ya
The collapse of our modern world has already begun.
care much
yeah cause thats a sure tactic to get votes and not a dumb risk, surely no chance that the guy would make a video saying "IM NOT DEAD LOL" for you to worry about if you're obama faking this

pissing hell you are fucking dumb
dumb what if he's dead already in past 10 years?
dewd you expect too much from CF, remember where you are. :0)
ah sry i forgot my bad :(
nvm i just read that he was in the illuminati and is half lizard its just a plan by him to control oil prices around the world so they can buy more diamonds to build a crystal stealth plane that they are going to fly into the center of the earth so they can gain immortality

guess you're right
ya not hear the other conspiracy theory, he died in 2003 and they had him frozen until they had presidential ballots coming
but who defrosted jerry adams?
hahah i have nearly run out of stuff
:P well i can tell you that that's the first time i'm laughing that much seeing a pic :p
: D

i might open a post office deposit box for people to send stuff to
Ahah good idea :p you'll recieve all the stuffs in my house xD
Yo rAmbostar

There is not official pic out there.
Every picture you have seen is fake.

Osama is dead though
why no proper pic?
because posting gore in any newspaper u know is not cool
that pic is kinda old, some pakistanian newspaper published it believing it was real
Welcome to yesterday that picture was faked years ago. They are still to release proof he's dead there is a video of the operation itself happening so.
nice research bro

so true
9/11 was an inside job

shit it about to get real,
new world order will come soon
I can see us getting bombed pretty soon.. Fallout will save my life
hes waiting for 2012 olympics
I heard the US officials are going to release pics and vids of whole operation to prove his death.
Like they can't fake videos and pictures
Osama dead for the second time! When will be the third time?
image: 3nUy3p6ieE
and its true !
that pic is fake, it's known for a long time.
i don't think hes DEAD
I had to giggle at the "dumped in the sea to make sure his followers would not have a place of worship"..

The most likely scenario is that he was already dead a long time ago and they're just using it now to boost the morale of a financially crying country... Or they didn't kill him but captured him and are keeping him somewhere very very hidden to beat all kinds of information out of him.

One thing is for sure, the common ppl like us will NEVER know the truth.
I think he is not dead because USA is just a full of crap.
USA is looking bad to other countries, so they "kill" bin laden and they think europeans think they are cool :D and ofc the whole USA :D! but they arent :C because who kills innocent people in iraq ? the USA ofc :D
that was beautifully constructed
haha not :D
No different from 'I KNOW BUSH DESTROYED TRADE TOWERS, BECAUSE ZEITGEIST TOLD ME SO'. Common people can't be sure, that's the only fact. No hard proof either way.
Zeitgeist is not much more than disinformation.
My point is that anyone can believe in anything, and be labeled a moron by somebody. In cases like this, nobody has proved he isn't dead either.
There are conspiracies and conspiracies. I don't care about Osama, because there is no such things as terrorist group called Al-Qaeda, nor Jihad, nor terrorists as you know them.
Somewhat hard to imagine, especially given the history of the tribes in that part of the world that bought Al-Qaeda about. Osama wasn't always the symbol of anti-Americanism you know.
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