graphic card accident

good evening!

I did a major mistake that I realized later. so my graphic card was on a verge of death and I disabled it in windows hoping that I had an onboard one - later I've seen I don't.
so I'm buying a new card now and when I'll insert it I'm not sure it will work. already downloaded erd commander but I'm not quite sure what to do about it.
when I connect on windows I can hear sounds but there is no picture.
is there chance of re-enabling it?

please crossfire, I need your help!
u trolled yourself!

lol burnt
boot up with windows cd
Let's talk about " when I connect on windows I can hear sounds but there is no picture. "
it's as I said. windows boot screen is still on screen but when it's supposed to come into windows, it doesn't.
if u remember all the steps by heart, yes.(altho disabling graphic card?????)
if ur graphic card died, then new one should work.
do u see post?
it was a stupid idea in the end.. I never had any trouble with graphic card so that's why I lack experience with it. my friend suggested it without knowing I have no on-board card. so inserting a new card should do the thing or I'll have to somehow re-enable my display adapter?
i fear it aint possible
so u see post or bios loadup?
I can see loading till windows boot screen, when it starts to load if that's what you mean?
oke, unless safemode works, ul have to enable it in the dark, know your keyboard only shortcuts and ways. also format works, if u want to back up some software use linux livecd or windows pre-installation environment.
nah I have installed windows on different partition. already tried it booting in safe mode but it didn't work. this disable shouldn't affect linux graphic settings right? I already tried to go in but it didn't work :x so I thought that graphic card already completely died? I tried to do a system recovery from ERD Commander but that doesn't really work.
and yeah I tried that on blind with a laptop next to me but it didn't work in the end.
could windows repair also enable it?
connect soundcard to your monitor, perhaps it makes pictures!
Did you disable it under BIOS or what?
nope I did it inside windows under settings of the graphic card
and I already did reset BIOS but it didn't work
*shrug* You'll have to reformat is the only thing I can think of, I thought maybe you had somehow forced it to stop checking the x16 lane for a video card or something lol
reformat or
get another hard drive or
borrow/buy cheap motherboard with onboard
better to buy new gcard then mombo, changing mombo is (at least for me) most stupid thing when fixint hardware
boot windows in safemode (with standart drivers).
also you deserve it as that was a masterpiece of dumbness.

take out the card, boot the PC.
put card back in, PC will think its a new card and use standart settings.
totally agree on that. but as I said, I don't have an on-board graphic card
well usually people check that first (is there something i can plug my monitor into???) before they fuck up their current setup.
well at first I felt so stupid, my friend said I should probably just disable the card and the onboard will activate.. then I realized something was weird. well that's all from my friend
as i wrote try taking out the card
okay, I'll give it a try. but isn't the port you put in the graphic card disabled and it doesn't have to do anything with trying to boot without the card? I mean if that's gonna affect anything or not, I am just simply thinking about it :)
no you did not deactivate the port on the mainboard but the specific hardware.
as soon as you remove the hardware (and then reinstall it) your PC has no way of telling that it is the same so it will use it with standart settings, including it being activated ofc.
ohh yeah, I think I got it now :) thanks, will give it a try tomorrow!
Hang on where did you 'disable' it? Where abouts in windows? I've never heard of being able to that inside windows, usually its in your Bios.

Just read your reply to someone else up there.

Do you have 2 pci slots that your graphics card will fit in? Swap it over to the other one
well under graphic card/screen settings. you can also disable it in device manager. I guess I know how to fucking disable a thing at all times :D yeah but it's not the BIOS, it's windows. I have to re-enable it in there
Do you have 2 pci slots that your graphics card will fit in? Swap it over to the other one ?
nah I don't, already tried borrowing a card from my friend and it didn't even fit in the end.. but it's only one slot in there so this is no-go after all :(
try holding F8 and click load "last known good configuration"

Safe mode really should work though.. what happens when you try load it?
already tried all boot options. it starts to throw out lines but it doesn't come inside windows in the end. do you think that inserting different card should do the trick?
It should do yea. How do you mean lines? Are you sure your card just hasnt given up on you? sometimes messing with settings can cause them to stop working if they are already on their last legs.

The last thing i'd try would be booting from windows cd and try using the recovery console, or clicking repair installation which should turn back windows settings to default
I'm sure because I had BSOD with driver display being interrupted or something. first I thought it was only drivers but now it completely crashed. I get purple lines and black spots which move from time to time all over monitor. as if you played snake :D as I read on the internet, these options don't always help at this problem. you know when you get to safe mode and lines appear before the windows starts? and using recovery or repair is quite hard since letters are missing in there.. literally. and on startup the letters are all fuzzy. so yeah, I'm pretty sure my card is dead
Yea I think your card has just died and thats why you can't get into safe mode,

the thing on your screen are called "artifacts"

By the way are you sure the fan is working on your graphics card? Might be worth having a look to check when you switch your pc on
artifacts sure suits it well. already tried that, all fans were working, cleaned the dust and I think that it was never overheating. sometimes it just froze over some time and it worked slowly until the BSOD appeared and it rebooted. everything always started normally. but I'm already planning on buying a new card but I'm still concerned after changing it, it will still be disabled. but it should reset to default afaik
tbh this graphic card was a bit corrupted ever since I bought it. it wasn't working as it should, if you ask me
How long do you have the card? And who is the maker I know its a Nvidia card, but who was the actual manufacturer of the card, like MSI, Asus, EVGA etc?
yeah, it's Shitidia. I had it like for 3-4 years now. it was Gigabyte who made it
ah was gonna say you might still be in warranty but gigabyte's warranty is only 3 years :(

best of luck with your new card anyway!
I don't want this graphic card anymore tbh, it brought too much misery :D thanks for your help and patience. cheers mate!
Yea good thing about warrantys tho, if they havent got your card in stock they send you a free upgrade thats what happened my 7950GT I got a 8800 replacement for it. and no probs sorry couldnt be more help!
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