Cooking (aleman is allowed

Since starting to live in my own appartment 6 months ago, I basically live from convenience food as I don't like to spend much time on cooking & cleaning. I guess this is somewhat not healthy though and could taste better, so give me your favorite easy & fast prepared meals :)

Thanks everyone! :)
mackaroner och köttbullar
PASTA, takes 15 minutes max and its awesome. otherwise i just used to get some vegetables out of jars + baked potatoes and some piece of meat/schnitzel
isnt that the site from Urtier or smtn? :p
might come in handy, saved to mah favorites :D
his food tastes like shit, he made spaghettis a few months ago. worst i ever ate, pizza was great though!
His grilled chicken looks good, but don't have a grillpan and if, no space to use it:S
Du bist einfach nur unfähig Georg! Welche waren das denn :D

E: Ah lol, die in Serfaus? Nur weil Peter zu faul war Salz zu holen :D
go cook like urtier so you can be as obese as he is.
Knorr Pasta-Mozzarella Gratin
image: 1505288

You just need some pasta, water, chicken breast fillet, whipping cream, mozzarella
Just buy those Knorr packs, theyll tell u exactly what to do :) Plus making spaghetti or rice is always easy
yes =D
You can't do something wrong
unless ur a complete retard ;d
true true true :)
döner bestelln ... :D
Ye, unfortunately I don't have an oven yet, so the choice of it isn't so various for now.
wait what, you got loads of those prepacked ones that come with rice and suace all you have to do is buy the meat, basically tells you everything u should do. Doesn't need an oven!

+ piece of meat, potatoes + veggies always goes down well.
Cooking isn't hard, just mess around + ask your mom, i bet she knows how to make food :)
Possibly, always goin' right to the freezed meals x)
lazy bastard! :D
Cooking is easy as fuck man, especially stuff like pasta.
Just google some simple recipies, get yourself a decent stash of dried herbs (as they last longer and are cheaper than fresh ones), and you're pretty much good to go!
(basic) Pasta & chicken/pork/something: Start to boil the water, fry meat at the same time, cook pasta & mix with meat.

(little bit advanced) Pizza: Make the crust (mixing things ~3min), let it be so it "grows" for 30-45min. Meanwhile, prepare ingredients (cook meat, chop onions etc, pre-heat oven). Put the crust on the oven-thingie, pour ingredients on, stuck them to the oven, wait ~30min, eat.

(basic) Wok: Buy a wok-bag and some meat (or veggies if you pref, some bags have them all). Just fry them on the pan, eat.

(drunken master-skilled)

Take potatoes, any meat you can find, beans (pref chili-beans), some white bread and anything you can imagine. Jalopenoes work good! Especially the "juice", use it too. Fry them at pan, wait for the nice color. Then add eggs as mamy as possible (first put eggs in a glass or bowl, add some cream & spices, mix them all up), make a scramble out of them. Enjoy your ~1kg yummie-yummie until you pass out on couch.
Last one looke interesting : D
+Tx, pan takes just longer than wok!?
"+Tx, pan takes just longer than wok!? " What? :D
Thanks, it just takes longer to cook it in the pan than in the wok or is there another difference?
Well, depends what you use at the mix-pan, though wok-bags usually have everything pre-cooked, you just have to warm them up & they have basic spices with them.
potatoes, rice or nudeln with any kind of meat
or buy some hackfleisch roast it and you have somethign for like 1-3 days
I can give you some advices to make omelette au fromage friend
Can we replace omelette with pancakes?
ya but it tastes different otherwise you can still get a gf

image: Classy_Trollface
: D
Girls want too much time, no chance before holidays if I don't find an awesome one ;o
How do your omlettes au fromage look like though? Never put in cheese in them.
Well since im in the same situation for some days, i know how u feel :p

basicly everything related to noodles is GOOD and EASY !

next to noodles you can also make some, steak, sausages, eggs, soup, salad, taosties (tuna+cheese=awesome), chicken wings etc...

yesterday i made some BRATKARTOFFELN. thats not that hard neither. You just have to peel the potatoes, and boil them. While they are boiling, you can broil some chickenbreast and cut some karottes, paprika etc. When the potatoes are boiled you need to cut them into small pieces and put them to a pan. dont forget some pepper and salt! After some time you can put all the vegetables together with the chickenbreat to the pan and voila - finished

tasty !
I don't like noodles that much, but I could try Bratkartoffeln wit yummytummy chicken, ty.
image: istockphoto_2798770-hot-dog-and-soda
what i cook at my appartement ":D"
Maultaschen im Topf oder in der Pfanne! :XD

Bürgermaultaschen >*
Ich bin doch kein Schwabe :PppP
Egal, das geht äußerst schnell!
Päckle auf, Maultaschen raus, zusammen mit nem Brühwürfel und ner Zwiebel in den Topf und fertig.

Zweite Variante: Ab in die Pfanne, leicht anbraten, derweil Eier vermischen und dann darüber geben.
Hab noch nie fertige Maultaschen gesehn, werd aber mal die Augen aufhalten
maggi tüten > *
image: doenerkl

cheap, fast, lecker :)
2 schnelle nudel-soßen:

aglio olio: olivenöl erhitzen (sollte ein gutes öl sein und nicht übertrieben heiß werden lassen), knoblauch, chili rein, kurz anbraten, aber knoblauch NICHT braun werden lassen. topf vom feuer, kräuter rein (getrocknete oder frische - bei frischen aufpassen dass sie nicht anbrennen). fertige soße unter nudeln mischen, salzen und pfeffern, parmesan drüber, fertig.

pasta mit cocktailtomaten: zwiebeln und knoblauch in einer pfanne anbraten. halbierte cocktailtomaten dazugeben, paar minuten heiß werden lassen. mit rotwein ablöschen, salz pfeffer dran, etwas tomatenmark, brühe oder brühpulver und etwas wasser damit sich ein wenig soße bilded. unter die nudeln mischen, parmesan drüber, fertig. lässt sich mit gemüse oder fleisch erweitern wie man lustig ist oder zuhause hat. krabben passen auch gut.

bei beiden soßen ist es wichtig die soßen mit den nudeln gut zu vermischen. am besten die nudeln in die fertige soße in der pfanne / topf geben und 2-3 minuten ziehen lassen.


steak a la wsk mit balsamicosoße: steak von beiden seiten ordentlich mit schmackes anbraten. steak aus der pfanne, zwiebeln anbraten. mit balsamico ablöschen. ein wenig senf dazu, balsamico-creme draufgeben (dann wirds nicht so sauer und es bindet). gewünschte sämigkeit der soße mit wasser (":D") herstellen. salz, pfeffer, brühe dran. kurz aufkochen, steak in die soße legen. pfanne vom herd, deckel drauf. 5-10 minuten warten (je nachdem wie blutig man das steak will). deckel nicht abnehmen. in der zwischenzeit kann man beispielsweise fertige schupfnudeln braten. oder einfach frisches baguette dazu.
Balsamico-creme? Mach ich die irgendwie aus dem Essig, oder gibts sowas zu kaufen? :o
Ahh, im Restaurant schon mal auf dem Teller gehabt, danke!
Du bist mir ja ein richtiger Gourmet.
ein gourmand gar
sagt der, der die letzte woche sandwich, pizza und mcdonalds hatte ;D
alles zu seiner zeit :p
wenn die frau kocht, was? :D
nein, ich bin der chefkoch ;)
du hast also die schürze um, ja?
ja, und zwar nur eine schürze
DAs stell ich mir jetzt nicht vor hahahaha
das so lecka alles :) mach ich auch ähnlich !
Gravy & buttered bread!
pls cooking is easy and fast :) love to cook for me alone.
pasta, auflauf, rice, chinese, italian everything i lilke all u can combine
auflauf für sich alleine = no go
auflaufformen sind scheiße zu spülen :D
Ein Topf steht bei schon immer ewig..
ich hatte die wahl ceran feld oder geschirrspüler. take a guess :DDDDDDD
ich hab auch nen geschirrspüler, aber wenn was mit käse überbacken wurde wirds nicht sauber :(
auflauf für sich alleine ist voll ok, das macht wenigstens satt^^
buy, chicken, pure tomatoe sauce, garlic, onions, a vegtable mix with broccoli carrots etc, some mixed sweet peppers, some tuna, decent cold pressed oil, low fat joghurts, some feta, olives, applesauce, bananas, whole wheat bread and some other shit and shove it up your ass as far as you can so it's nice and mushy, then eat it and die..


nah seriously, this is easy and takes like 25 minutes max

80g chicken, sliced, meanwhile put some mixed fresh or frozen vegtables in topf, let it heat up a bit.. when chicken is done, put half medium size onion in, let it sweat a bit then pour some tomatoe sauce on it, the pure stuff.. then take about 1 cm of feta slice and dice it and put it into the pan, it's for the sauce.. then let that sit a minute or so and put the vegtables in.. turn heat off.. mix a clove of garlic in there and enjoy with 2-3 slices of wholegrain toast or bread

should be arround 27g protein, 47g carbs, 8g fat (with the feta)
No need to watch my weight :P
tuna+joghurt+carps etc is awesome though! However you exaggerated a bit ;)
I eat similar to that 7x a day, you can choose which one I'm referring to :D
boil some pasta, chop up + fry some chikcen/mince/any meat + onions, then add veg once the frying stuff is cooked, + pasta sauce, + chicken stock cube, add to pasta, winrar
You like those canned pasta sauces? I puke when I just smell them :< I just use smashed or pasterized or whatever its called tomatoes add a little bit of feta cheese and some spices, basilikum etc.. tastes way better is healthier and is even cheaper :D
they come in like jars here, really nice
I've been through 15 different sauces and they all taste like shit or have artificial crap and loads of sugar in them, no thx :<
well...i always wait for mom to come home... :(
spaghetti, most easy dish ever + fun
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