John Petrucci!

lame -_-
you have to know how good he is to understand it :-)
hehe i know how good he is, the jokes are lame :)
yeah maybe you are right but hey im a fanboy ;-)
me too.

John petrucci you are is my idol.
David Gilmour

Your journal is invalid.
gewoon andere stijl e man, maar ook briljant :) roger waters!
gtfo with this faggot shit
So ya he's pretty much like amazing...anyway.
check dees

die gast is fucking geniaal. wel ni zijn liekes zien me zen groepke want die sucken hard, ma al die zijn solonummers zijn insane goe ;)
ja tziet er ni slecht uit :p welke festivals doeje van de vakantie e ?
nog geen tickets gekocht
oh en btw

John Petrucci you are is my idol.
it's funny, i watched a video of him doing an interview about his Musicman guitars and stuff, but half way through they played a video of Once in a LIVEtime when he still had those Ibanez guitars.. :o I lol'd a little
image: pantene

better use this.
fuck yea look at my awesome hair :

image: blondz
image: blond1d
Old but gold!
There is a video where JP actually commented on these videos, apparently he loved them :P
and we love him! ;-)
Oh yeah!
Did you hear about the new drummer? Mike Mangini, the guy is pretty sick, I remember he used to play with Steve Vai.. He's one of the fastest out there, he does drumrolls with one hand, and I've seen him do a drum solo with one time signature per limb (feet and 1 arm), all of them unrelated, and then doing onehand rolls with the last arm. He is PRETTY SICK! Almost as sick as JP!
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