Ye coz u lie, or the people who sell beer there are retarted.
I were working @ store, and lots of teenagers or pre-teens tried to buy tobacco or beer from me. they didint succeed. i cant imagine someone to sell alcohol to a kid.
13 d00d, thats dangerous to even drink in that age, not even talking about smoking.
Man I just told the truth. Maybe it is different between finland and germany? Ask somebody else, it was never a problem. It was a nice coversation. Good Night ;)
Er is er een jarig hoera hoera
dat kun je wel zien dat is hij!
dat vinden wij allen zo prettig jaja
en daarom zingen wij blij blij BLIJ
jetro leve lang HOERA HOERA
hij leeft lang hoera hoera!
P.S.: And still finnland has fucking many alcoholics.
I were working @ store, and lots of teenagers or pre-teens tried to buy tobacco or beer from me. they didint succeed. i cant imagine someone to sell alcohol to a kid.
13 d00d, thats dangerous to even drink in that age, not even talking about smoking.
Er is er een jarig hoera hoera
dat kun je wel zien dat is hij!
dat vinden wij allen zo prettig jaja
en daarom zingen wij blij blij BLIJ
jetro leve lang HOERA HOERA
hij leeft lang hoera hoera!