open your eyes

Sup cf,

so lately ive been watchin alot of videos n stuff with the whole "osama bin laden dead' thing
so i found video's with conspiracy theorys about 9/11 & stuff
illuminati, area 51, government lies,...

at first i thought "wow this is total bs" untill i started to get into it & started to look up stuff, cuz this stuff isnt just gonna come floating up, u have to look for it

& basicly my eyes were opened, eventho most of it is about United States of America they are world leaders & they are not good people whatsoever, they lie, they kill, they do everything to get money & power

So heres a video i liked alot

Just to throw it out there, something to think about

So just let me know what you guys think about whats happened the last 10 years & if you have found most things suspition lately

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its best not to give a shit
thats the problem, i get so fed up with injustice & lies
and u cry in ur room alot?
did a little project about 9/11 when I was still in highschool, i got so into that shit I started believing Rumsfeld & Bush were involved in a conspiracy and they ordered the towers to be brought down so they'd had a reason for their lucrative war in Iraq.

Fahrenheit 9/11 is a pretty nice documentary to watch if you're in to it.
and "Loose change"
thats what some chick tells me, and she is actually smart but i dont wnan get into it since its pointless, and i usually make fun of ridiculous conspiracys but its bush who were talking about... u think that could be true? i dno shit about it tbh.
Quotethats what some chick tells me, and she is actually smart

a smart woman? you sure it wasn't a man?

i was going to put something in between brackets but i was like, "dude this is too sexist"
amerca is far far away from EU
so care
I was listening Gamma Ray's song from their album No World Order, and startedd to stumble to comments like:
"@Hiph0paddiction No, im not, so I'm not fooling anyone, because theres nothing to fool. I am not an atheist either. The illuminati do not worship satan. You are biased, and brainwashed by the bigoted by the catholic church. besides, prove that god exists. the bible? Yes, a book that was written by some guy long ago has all the answers to life. some big guy in the sky created earth and everything that we know. A book proves nothing. "

Illuminati here, illuminati there, 2pac died because of illuminati blalalblablablal
first smart american video on youtube ive seen +1
The only good thing about that video is the song in the background, This Will Destroy You <3
the thing about those vids/documentaries etc is the following:

they only show their opinion and try everything to convience you with facts that sound reasonable, but infact,
1.they mostly arent even correct
2.there is a simple explanation to it which doesnt get mentioned
in addition there is no controversy but a one-sided view on the matter. this makes you think they are right, because you dont know the opinion of both sides
but dont u think questioning the truth can be a good thing?
theres thousands of lies that the cia & the gouvernment have admitted,
why would you just still believe anything they say?

how can u say that most of those things arent even correct, is it because your basing your thuth on what the government tell you?
sure questioning is a good thing, but in the does it effect you life?
basically those conspiracy theories are just for smartasses or people who are not happy with their personal life and blame the government for it.

and im not saying the governemnt is all right, but im saying, most of the stuff in such conspiracy videos only sounds reasonable because its wrong information.
ive seen such a doecumentary about 9/11 in tv. first they showed a conspiracy video and you would think "damn, this sounds pretty logical"
after that they proofed all those statements wrong by asking real experts etc, who provided basic empirical explanations and after that you are like "hmm oh, basically this stuff sounds alot more logical"

you know what i mean? you think those stuff sounds right because you dont know the exact truth..
yea i get what ur sayin & i guess that i havnt found video's of disproving those theories
but then again, when i do find video's where they basicly say what the government says, i start doubting again

but like with the osama story, it just doesnt feel right
they threw his body in the ocean?
they have already released 2 photo's & afterwards admited that those are faked,
i just was another image of the ppl shot in that house osama was hiding in, but its just 2 or 3 dead guys, that doesnt prove anything
also, this is like the 8th time they anounced that they killed him?
3/4 new leaders of al qaida used to work for the government or cia, heck, even osama did
bush already had plans to invade afganistan, few days later the twin towers came down, good excuse to go to war rite?

e: ofc you prolly cant prove everything, but can u prove anything that the government says is true?

theres just so much stuff that doesnt make sens
have you ever considered the fact that there are people that are happy with their lives and unhappy with the world?
welcome to the world
"cuz this stuff isnt just gonna come floating up, u have to look for it"

lol ok...
theres more articles about the death of osama rather than the hoax
just because ppl believe what they hear & just go like "hurrr mister president said so, so i believe them, cuz they would never lie to us".. oh wait..
image: 3nUy3p6ieE
is it you? :D
well he prolly was dead a while ago & they just waited for a good time to officialy anounce it
Yeah terrorists don't kill innocent people, it's all set up by the american government
well actualy United States of America killed more ppl innocent ppl than the terrorists did :)
Because it's more of a right thing to sacrifice lives of innocents in order to reach important strategic goals as a powerful government than as a lowly terrorist group
strategic goals such as oil, heroine & opium?
so.. if i kill a person & say its becuz he had oil, i wont go to jail?
As long as you're the biggest bully around with most arms.
gotta love ppl like you ^_^
explain urself further
dumb comes to mind
dumb because.. i dont just listen to what a government that has admitted to so many lies says?
ok then im dumb
He can't, television hasn't taught him that yet.
Watch the Zeitgeist films, they're a good watch if you're open things like this. The 2nd video is actually an excerpt from Zeitgeist.

I don't believe everything which is mentioned, but it's good to think about it & not just accept things blindly.

image: 29szn5

Joe Rogan is a legend!
QuoteI don't believe everything which is mentioned, but it's good to think about it & not just accept things blindly.

you are 110% correct
& ty for the sugestion, i will watch it
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