Waking Up v81
6 May 2011, 05:17
I hate those first 10 minutes after you get up :((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((
Cigarette, pure black coffee, and gnarls barkley
I hate those first 10 minutes after you get up :((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((
Cigarette, pure black coffee, and gnarls barkley
breakfast + computer + tv
brush teeth
its just...i cant sleep now. :( so much thoughts in my head and i am not really feeling tired.
thats one of the cons of this type of shift...you get used to stay awake for a long time.
I see my friends
then jump out of bed (crawling doesnt work for me)
brushing teeth
get dressed
dry hair
drink coffee
put shoes on
leave the house
Gotta work at 1 again though and 3 party's tonight so gnna be broken after :)) But was all worth it!
eat+pc+tv->brush teeth->uni, if uni at 10
7:15 get up
- 7:25 eat a bowl cereal + sometimes drink a glass of fatfree yoghurt drink
- 7:35 wash myself + brush teeth
- 7:45 do situps + pushups
- 7:50 get dressed + do hair
- 8:00 have huggie-times with cat
8:05 get stuff and leave
and you work out then don't shower also :XXXX
Nice smelly kid you must be
2. there's wash myself right after breakfast. that might be a shower, or washing at the sink (depends if i took a bath the day before)
3. my situps and pushups are not a workout. they take 5minutes and i don't even break a sweat (50 situps, 30-40 pushups). they're just in my morning routine to wake up my body.
drink something
check weather @ interwebs + check facebook
pack lunch & stuff
coffee from nearby gas station