More Brink

Hello Crossies! On This lovely Friday I wanted to show you some new footage from game Brink. It is 12 min of gameplay. Enjoy
i dont rly like, closed after 1min,

cu at ET, and forever ET 8)
the ai looks dumb..
anyway preordered
looks rather disappointing imo.

movement of the characters looks really unnatural.

"floating gun" when running looks just ridiculous.

player obivously aiming like a newb but i guess that is on purpose to not show that the hitreg is just bad (couldnt think of any other reason to demonstrate this random spray and pray).

People constantly standing out in the open while enemys just sit there and wait to be shot. I guess that as for many other game demos they wanted to show a representative clip of stuff that you can expect but it just looks so weird and artifical.

Tbh i didnt even finish it and i am quite glad that i did not pre-order.
Yea I have same opinion. I want to see it first in action on PC and maybe read some reviews of a good websites... maybe even like Crossfire. After that gonna buy it.

I know that making a demo is not a cheap or easy to do, but still... demo would be nice. Maybe they are afraid?
Idd they are. Cause of QW beta the game only sold 5 copies.
But if you upload a video of how its gonna be there can be minor things in it (imo the shaking of the gun while running looks REALLY bad) but nothing like the bad aim being displayed. I mean what is that supposed to show us? That noobs can play the game? That aim does not matter? That it does not work properly?
And why is he always out in the open, there are 3 enemies in front of him and one shooting him from behind. Still there is no visible knockback and/or any other influences on him and he will stay alive for way too long. Then he is on the ground, 5 enemies around him and he can still just revive himself w/o them taking any actions...

all that stuff looks/feels just plain wrong and one has to wonder again: did the people in charge of the game ever actually play ET themselfs or were they handed a list of possible mechanics to add?
I notice that most of the people who test this game never played FPS games. People on Reddit & Youtube compare this game to the TF2 and nobody knows anything about Enemy Territory. Some people even remember Enemy Territory Quakewars and well they like Brink. It just feels that people never knew better.

I think this game will sell... just because of advertising and it will be alive for few months, half a year maybe and thats all :). But lets hope there will be some nice competitions with a lot of money so "e-sport" will grow.
Look fucking boring... No way I'm going to buy.
forever et
Aiming and movement looks like right from Wolfenstein 2009, even the score system and other shizzle is similiar

I was thinking about buying, but that game needs a serious makeover if it's intended for competetive gaming as well
I just hate this CODish crosshair.
Mwahh gonna buy this because of the niggers in the beginnen syeah mi mang!
Looks promising though you can clearly see that it is a console version and the people playing it are low-
looks like CoD to be honest
quiki pelaa sit munkaa brinkkiä :D
cancelled preorder
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