Winning movie of my schools national short movie contest.

Well my school had it's every-year Short movie contest.
Where all John Bauer schools through out the country participates, about 10 schools.
This year's theme was Joy and Venture.
About 19 different videos was sent in for the contest.

Here's me and my class movie, which was representing our school this year.
It's also the movie which won the contest :)

Hope you enjoy it and the message reaches to you and maybe creates a difference in your daily life.

Have a nice day :)

p.s yea im the emo guy
awesome movie :)
ur fucking awesome man <33

gratz :)
I have to say that this was pretty good, well done!
Riktigt bra gjort =)
Liked it, good idea :).
that was pretty awesome for a school project, seriously. The first minute was bordering on professional imo. Ive seen worse starts in TV shows than this for real.
Thanks man! :)
its stolen from that cs movie, dont know the name tho
not really :x
it definitely is
the ones who know it will agree
nah its another one tbh
the first 30s are 1:1 copy
yea, it also remind me on streL the Movie :)
starting at 0:50
The way you two relate a real life movie with real life matters to some frag movie is just pathetic
sry but if you think your kindergarden moviemaking project does have more eligibility than any random bullshit gaming movie, then you failed.
anyhow i dont give a fuck at all, its just a very strong link which came to my mind
i try to make a difference, what do u do? playing computer games?
i cannot even begin to describe how retarded what you just said is. Let me guess ur a kid whose going nowhere and knows it thus venting your real life problems on the inet.

its the standard thing to do. 10 years ur in some standard job and were going places.

you can flame back all you want you know its true lol. That video is awesome for a school project, its not like hes 30 and made that for a real company. hes a kid at school ffs.

u cant be the worlds best movie maker as a teenager... thats pretty sik for someone young.
how sweet :D
werent you the guy who whined at me about prejudicing people? :D oh boy thats how times change...
however im not much of a kid, to be precise ive been going to university for some while already, but thats another thing :)
okay so what was your point anyway? you wanted to prove that you and that other guy are smart,because he and his kindergarden class have done some random movie, while im the stupid guy? is that correct? so yeah this point is pretty much invalid.
so what was the other thing again? oh yeah, this video thing. ehm you know, i dont give a flying fuck what,who,when,why and where those kids did. i dont give a fuck how old they are or whatever, to be honest i didnt even watch more than 30s because it bored me to death.
still i dont even know whats your actual point,its not that i care too much tho :D
point is your so angry at an obviously good and well made movie for someone young.

Noone is that angry at something without a real life problem. i figured your real life problem was that your going nowhere and takeing it out on people that might be going somewhere.

so my point is why are you so angry at something someone has done, regardless of what you think of the video you seem to hate it with a passion rather than simply saying u dont like it which would have been more appropriate.
cant see myself hatin' it. i just said the beginning is very very similar to some other movie.thats it..
hush, we don't listen to albanian scum.
pls, now dont act like you are mr rl only.
e: and no, idc what you say.
Pretty nice done
check this one out its a short i worked on in school:
den var fan bra :)
Hah, den va bra =)
what a fucking old bitch- hope this is only on this movie and Swedish grannies are not like this one
the guy at 2m 32 forgets his back again

just messing around knas friend, very nice.
i also did 2 short movies ( around 10min ) for school and i know how much work it is to do a movie, we got the background of: reasons of living, so a bit the same like you guys did. it was so much work so i have to pull the hat of what you've done because it is really awesome and i like it much :>
thanks alot :) appreciate your comment
I actually enjoyed this, and it's true aswell, random encounters can really cheer up your day sometimes.
Like when someone borrow your wallet.
Exactly, I'm sure he spent those 25 EUR well :)
Nice work well made
Jättebra kNas :)!
I came to think about bullying in the end but also about being friendly and spreading joy to others :). Makes me happy when I see it irl!
phone dissapear@1:59 :D

but nice overall
:DDD unexpected
najs knas! :D
nice one :)
Really nice :) actually enjoyed it very much :) You guys got talent :)

Gratz knasiboy <3
Nice movie :D
but your water faucet sucks!
Idea is nice, the "actors" are not that bad for amateurs so REALLY GREAT JOB :)
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