Weekend journal

So what you are planning to do this weekend? I am going to study some books in order to get into UNI, gonna also play some tennis tomorrow and watch football ( ManU vs Chelsea on sunday!). Also on sunday we are going to [at least in finland ] celebrite mother's day. Now gonna play some Football manager. Also would like to get answer to some random questions!

Is it hard to get uni around Europe? Of course for some are but for areas what are in fashion (LOL couldn't invent better word for that). Wondering that cause I am at school because I would like to get into uni and study international business.

Also would like to test some new games since I bought "gaming-comp" 2years ago and I have bought 3games for this comp (red alert 3 and 2x Football manager) so I would like to try some like ET or Hidden & Dangerous / Rainbow series.

Would be nice to know if there are some guys who are doing betting as their job. Would like to get some recommendation/tips for basic since I have study that field only as hobby.

Have a nice weekend!

Random song http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x0ekElyQfqI&feature=bf_prev&list=AVGxdCwVVULXe_yTJhpOVvJ9i8u8HCYQSc&index=3

PS. Might look offi 5o5 for sunday, quite sucky rank.

PPS : Good music for next 2hours, not sure if this is avi outside finland http://areena.yle.fi/player/index.php?channel=2
Bears all weekend long.
Sober all weekend!
need to actually give it a try once in a while. is it worth it?
drinking alone doesn't count as real drinking
but it's still not being sober
Are you sure? Or do you mean drinking by getting drunked or is it drinking if you take 1-4 glasses for cola+bacardi
Depends on how you define "worth of it". It is okay if you got something to do, for example watch football, do some sports yourself, read books(dunno if you like that!) go some trip for example. Was planning to drink only once in next six weeks so it isn't hard to be one weekend sober.
Im gonna paly World of Warcraft all day long
im scared 10 guys/girls cming over.
Basically anyone can get into university in England, getting into a good university is difficult though. Plus, the fees are getting redonculous.
so is it based on weathy or intellegency or both? I got feeling that for wealthy but since I am not sure won't say it!

How much one year costs? IN finland one semester is 150e + 50 per course in open uni, "normal" uni is free
I think it's around £3,000 per year but some charge up to £9,000. Most people take out student loans then repay it when they get a job after leaving university. We go college then once you pass the college course you get to choose which uni. Better grades get better uni's & vice versa. Subjects vary, but college is pretty easy for anyone with average intelligence.
+ livin and other stuff? That is fucking expensive <O, so collage is like applied study of science? How I remember that there is that old-fashioned style like in USA in Great Britan too! well that opened up it, thanks!:p
what do you mean by "is it hard to get in uni"? do you mean the amount of places available or the needed degree?
places available, for example in Finland where I try get there are last year was 1900 my age tried to get in and less than 200 got in, so basically it is quite hard to get. Numbers are even harder in Turku + Helsinki. If you got in you can basically do your degree in 10years if you want to do so(normal time is 5-6y)
depends on which study you want. some have a numerus fixus which basically means there is a limited amount of people allowed to get in. it's a lottery with a bigger chance for those with higher grades. i don't know how this works for foreign students though
Yeah sounds like same system in Finland or is there entrance examination? Or you get in because of your good report(couldn't get better word for that) from school?

If I remeber right EE has legislated share for foreign students
well here in holland we have pre university education, which is like middle school. you need this degree to get in university (there are more ways, but this is the most common way). if your middle school grades are higher you have a bigger chance to get in.
so basically those who get uni are going to be in manager positions? And rest of guys are normal workers? Sounds quite logical and way easier than in Finland
Im going to a friends tonight for his birthday celebration, but got work at 9 and Im poor so nothing good is going to happen.

Tomorrow I think im getting high and skating with a few friends, I don't skate though.

Sunday I might be going for coffee with a friend, got a lot of work due in though.
no probs here in switzerland.. there are expensive and cheap (good) universities
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