ET and Linux


I need some help since I already read here that some of you use Linux and i've read lots of webpages but I can't solve my problem I don't know why.

I have installed ubuntu in my pc cause lots of ppl said me that fps are more stable under Linux.

So I downloaded ET for Linux and have instaled it, np at all. But now if I want to move my config into ET folder as some maps that I already have Linux says that I dont have permission!

I've tryed all that I saw in lots of foruns but I still can't have permission to edit etfolder.

try chowning your mounted windows partition.
I dont have windows here. :) I can't move my config for example from desktop into et folder

login as root then "chown -R youruser:yourgroup youretfolder"

Finally found some one that could help!

Thx :)))
same as mine, but I thought you were transfering from a windows partition, like I usually do.
same but with a little more explanation for the linuxnoobs :P
I forgot do say that i dont have windows atm.. My problem.. :)

Thx too mate :)
you probably used windows before you used linux. What you recommend is highly insecure and sucks. (no offense)

The linux way of installing and changing application behaviour (configs and settings) is a bit different from windows, mainly because it is mostly used in multi-user environments and all distributions provide a seperate user account by default, which doesn't have access to everything.

An application (for instance Enemy Territory) has one global configuration and one per-user configuration. To change the global configuration you have to be root, which is why you get 'Permission denied' or something similar in case you are not. The per-user configuration is usually safed in /home/username/.* files. For instance the directory ~/.etwolf/ (~/ usually means your homedir or /home/username) resembles the Enemy Territory base installation directory and is created automatically when the user starts et for the first time. Files starting with a dot in linux are hidden files, thus you need to do a right-click Show Hidden FIles or something (depends on your filemanager) to see them.

Using the shell you can use 'ls -a' where -a stands for 'show all including files and directories starting with a dot' :>

If you change the permission for the global directory this would mean anyone who gets access to your useraccount is also able to delete your ET, which might in the case of ET be not that bad, but if you do it with ET, you probably do it with everything else in which case you could as well log into your desktop with root privileges or could type sudo chmod -R $USER /

Short answer to valdispert:
Put your config into ~/.etwolf/etpro/ or ~/.etwolf/etmain/ .. putting it into etmain means when your playing on etpub servers that config is loaded as well, which might be kind of useless, as b_hitsounds is afaik not working on etpub servers, but it is no problem if b_hitsounds is set on a etpub server either.

Hope you enjoyed reading, i didn't writing.
I get better fps under Linux, but can't use Teamspeak thanks to my crappy Notebook soundcard :(

wasnt TS3 promised 6 months ago?
They are currently in alpha (which usually means, the base is done, some more features will be implemented and there are some first tests) has a developer blog which is updated very frequently... NOT! :>
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