Hey guys! For those who remember.

Hey guys, long time no see =)
See not much has changed here :P
Some of you maybe remind me as : blazen/fusion/fuZion and a dickload of other names that i cant think of atm.

Anyways, reason im back on crossfire is i wondered if you guys are focusing on brink for xbox360 aswell, or is it just PC.

care, whats ur name again??
you beat me to it , i wanted to disparage him first , how dare you sir.
here's an inherent piece of advice , no one really cares mate : ( sry to burst your bubble
well im sorry my bubble has burst, lol
meh, shit really hasnt changed here has it
i think not many will focus on brink and even less will focus on xbox360
howcome, i thought crossfire community was all into brink? last time i was on here Richard Ham came here to talk about brink even, so yeah, maybe i was wrong tho
i mean it depends how good it will be and how near it will get to ET gameplay. but basically im pretty sure brink will be a new wolfenstein, nobody will care because it will be shit
lol you said ham
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