Help my brother! Photo thing

My brother SO wanna get into the Photo world and spends alot of money on it.
So if ur like into photos, help him by voting Premium quality. BUT! dont just vote to be nice, do it if you like the picture.
I just do this to be nice to him beacuse he helped me alot with other things and maybe if I could help him with some votes i would be very glad!
Theres been 2 missions to take photos of. So here u go and tnx for ur time.

"Mission 1 the Sign, Search for a sign that represents you or something imporant in your life. Take a close-up photograph of it."

"Mission 2 the Splash, Search for a splahs of color in the an otherwise grey universe."

So this is a journal ? well its wat ive been hearing all day from my brother....
didnt actually read, but 2 weeks
umm, for someone that has spent money on photo stuff, the pictures look like something I could make with my digicam of 100 euros.

nofi, just try to read about photography more
¸i dont get it
rätt unikt att hitta en GB glass gubbe som typ är fast på en balkong tbh o_O

jag röstar x]
plz civan :P

käka lunch imorgon? XD
lowskilled plx
Är du full ?
Half of those pictures on there [not just this dudes bro] seem to be just point and shoot, no effort into them, no thought of composition blah blah, I didn't vote :>
links dont work
agree what panda said & need more sharpness - the one with the sign ain't that bad tho - it just could be better.

the 2nd pic is not really good - tell him to go out and find better things to take pix of :-)
I'm no expert in photography, but if i go to some exposition of a gf of mine there's usualy a ton of better pixs :'( soz dude
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