Brink madness

Why everyone so mad about the game ?:PP i think its cool game and im gonna roll noobs on public!!!!

stick to your ET you bunch of lonely faggots.

but dont have good enough computer :(
saying the game is good, doesnt turn it into good game
Has it ever occurred to you that people might like different things than you?
has it ever ocurred to you that the majority of people dont have their own taste or preferences and like what others like, and even if they do have their own preferences, they will play it just because others play it, AND THAT, STILL DOESNT MAKE IT A GOOD GAME ? (example css and cod)
same goes for bad u fucking moron
chill the fuck out

cant say if good or bad until played it

apparently others can....
actually, it can. because, whether a game is good or not, depends on the people who it is directed to. if people actually like the game and consider it good, then it's good.
that is AFTER the game proves itself good, never before
ah, you mean "wait until the game actually gets released"? then i agree :)
stfu & gtfo
+1 fuck yeah
the game has some nice potential tbh...
I will order it tomorrow, when is the release date for PC in Europe ?
cant play brink :(
medics throw revives and inject medpacks
mind = blown
For you UK folks out there you can preorder it on for £23. has it for 22/23 quid as well (for anyone that wants!).
but they only have standart delivery to austria which means it takes ages until i recive it :(
Parent - 1 day delivery £23.99 :D
Items: £35.99 (xbox 360)
Postage & Packing: £23.98
0o ok for xbox the price is far lower aswell...still wtf at shipment. for DVD shipment is for free :x
I would've already pre-ordered and pre-loaded it if paypal wasn't a pain in the arse :/
Pre-ordered it today. Even if it's not all that great I fancy something new for a while (even if it's just a few weeks before it dies - which I certainly hope is not the case).

If the game is not buggy like Wolfenstein's leaked version (which actually did an already bad game no favours) then I'd imagine there will be some sort of community.
insulting people makes you look so cool man...seriously
im still all :D:D::D:D about the people who simply assume its gonna be good.
not considering everything "subjective" we have seen/heard about it: experience simply tells us that chances its gonna be competetive are very slim. so i see no reason to argue "just relax its gonna be good" but rather "be critical and picky about it cause the odds are against us".
if you want it to be good there is no need to preorder and hype it for no reason but to test it and demand what it takes to become competetive.
yall need to learn ET so u r not so desperate for a new game to defeat this community at.
you have some serious issues. you need to learn to move on instead of sticking on one thing, that's how life goes, but i guess you never experienced it. so here some pity for the obsessed skinny nerd virgin. (don't cut your wrists after this reply, thanks ;))
i bet my RL outperforms yours by miles so id rather stfu you fucking skinny nerd virgin and bring on something else than random flame i can read in any journal.
now you go cut your wrists because im pretty certain i played more MP games since ET than you did so not only do i pwn u in RL and arguing but also in gaming.
sad fuck
nice comeback! using my words back at me, ouch that hurts! how is it going with your wrists? ye i don't play much mp games, i'm not really a nerd you know like you. whos the sad fuck now? pwnd.
so you actually argue that you cant even stand up to the only point you made ("get over ET") before going on a random rant insulting my RL?
wow man you got that argumentation thing sorted out for yourself, havent you?
and i thought i was a smart guy being able to use your own words to point out how idiotic they were.
pls stop twisting my words, you're looking like a moron atm.
how could you tell?
are you for real? if you wanna talk with me just ask my PIN, but i guess you don't know what that is, cause you're locked up in your room with taped windows. again here some pity for the skinny nerd vrigin.
you mad or something?
im prolly not the first person to point out that you are pathetic so why the hate?
deal with it
*giving some pity*
yes you keep on repeating that but its kinda out of context cause if anything i had to pity you... but i wont cause you are not awesome enough for my pity.
let me care a lil
you are. trying a comback after days is giving quite a lot of a damn.
come on lie some more trying to convince yourself that u r not an idiot.
i'm not 24/7 on cf like you *wink wink*, so sorry for having a life.
oh and one more thing:
you could you life possibly be any good what so ever?
you are a suriname nigger, bottom of the food chain.
i'd rather be a Suriname nigger than a hitler fuck, bye.
pre-ordered it a while ago :D
think im gonna buy it for ps3.. since pc gaming is getting killed anyway.
ordered it for the xbox360.. think its going to be fun
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