IIHF: RUS - FIN + Arthyukin

Today 16.15 Global time Finland and Russia is gonna clash together.

Finland got fresh blood to their line-up getting Jani Lajunen to the line-up instead of Janne Lahti who was number one goal scorer in Finnish SM-liiga but haven't done none points in this tournament so far.

Russia got Ovie, we'll see what he can do against Finland, against Czech Republic he didn't do anything special, pretty lazy game from him.

The most interesting thing is Russias "police" Yevgeni Arthyukin. This 198cm and 114kg colossus doesn't not fear to give big hits to the enemy players, sometimes clean, sometimes dirty. When he loses his nerves and gets mad, something bad happens.
Good side for Finland is that Artyukhin takes stupid penalties and this is one way to the win.
Arthyukin stated to the Finnish media that he is going to play same as he played against Czech Republic, hard hits. He managed to get two players injured (Not really injured, Michalek continued playing after that hit from Arthyuikin which was penalized and checked Rachunek and his head started to bleed because the helmet flew off and he hitted his head to the ice.)

Some plays by Arthyukin from yesterdays Czech game, Slovenia game and EHT match against Finland:


Games tonight:

12.15 Slovakia - Danmark
12.15 France - Norway
16.15 Russia - Finland
16.15 Switzerland - USA
20.15 Germany - Czech Republic
20.15 Canada - Sweden

Arthyuking pretty interesting player.

I kinda like his style, but it goes over way too often. Late-plays, pure hunting and the use of elbows.

Physical game rocks, but there has to be some respect.

Too bad that other teams haven't thought about that kinda police-player on their LU since the IIHC-games have been clean and good sportsmanship so far, I guess that is going to change next year.

image: 40300
He is indeed physical player and I, too love big hits but great example about his over-playing is elbowing Michalek.

Many countries just doesn't have that kind of polices which can play on this size of tournament. Right now I really don't get anyone to my head from Finland to that role, maybe Karalahti? But I think he would last to the place two against Arthyukin.
Bring back Helenius ;) While we are at it, give skates to Robert.

And yeah, that Michalek-one was something you need to get your ass kicked, take two players at the time if needed.
Ukraine should get Vitali Klitschko then!:D
awesome player, maybe the best bodychecker in the game
Awesome hits indeed! The fact he is so long makes checks look illegal but actually they are pretty legal. Thing he should watch out is checking players without puck, where danger for penalty is pretty high.
every hitter gets penalties, part of the job
Ye but he takes pretty stupid penalties by rolling over goalies (Slovenia game) and that Michalek "hit".
pretty much every penalty is stupid
Some are more stupidier than some.
Fins shouldnt be as hard as czechs, so Russia should win tonight. Oh and didnt Ovechkin return just recently from America? And if i remember right he hardly played yesterday because of that. Hope Arthyukin will pick a fight witht he fins again :D
Finns and Czechs are pretty equal. The game between them was pretty even, Finland got more places to goal than Czech but they just couldn't score. Big problem in Finnish ice hockey.

Ovechkin, yeah. He recently came back from the NA after losing playoffs. Maybe he was just tired yesterday, we'll see if he gets something done today.
Great player. Stop fucking crying
idd, ice hockey is slowly moving to pussy-football
Lajunen is great!!!
Jani Lajunen replacing Janne Lahti? Didn't you read?!
Arthyukin will MURDER
He will go on killing spree!
I hope Arthyukin destroys a few micey mouses ( kukkonen, granlund) with nice hits. Fun to read the media when its all about a guy who is just big.
Big player and agressive play style. What a wonderful combination. Like to see him play and I can imagine what happens when he hits Granlund or so.

And to be honest he just sometimes gets crazy and does not so sportmanship moves.
icehockey polices "are supposed" to do some not so fairplay moves from time to time. wake up your team, etc etc

great player and a clone of him would fit in my Finland team anytime.
Elbowing or any other kind of moves that clearly can hurt players is not a wake up to your time, at least when you get penalty from it.
what if the team finland would have pulkkinen instead of granlund? :)
Puhe oli mikkihiirista, ja semmonenhan grane on niin kauan kunnes saa NHL vaha paremmat vitamiinit. sama tietenki pulkkisella mutta se ei oo kisoissa :)

ei mun kommentissa ollu mitaan "hifk-vihaa" ehka enemmankin oululaisen kiekkokoulun kasvatti lasse "hazardi" kukko
Mites treenit? Joko oot Arthyukinin kokone?
en oo kerenny kaymaan kun 2x viikossa kun oon duunissa illat ollu paitsi nyt tan viikon. onneks duunipaikan toimistolla on penkki ja tarpeeks painoa ni voi vetaa penkkia mavee ja kyykkyy vaikka ei oo kyl ylarautoja kyykylle.
:) Itekki pikkuhiljaa taas ottanu kyykkyä mukaan, onhan se vielä ihan lastenraudoissa...
paljolla vedat ykkosen pohjaan?
100kg ja 130 on paras mitä joskus sain
joo o itel pari vko takaperin vetelin 120 kymppeja ni ei ollu polvet jalkateran kaa iha linjas ni nyt o polvet pikkuse muusia. :/
I hate that fucking bastard. FUcking ugly ryssä who should be killed
Arthyukin & Radulov are retarded players
Arthyukin & Radulov are retarded players
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