Oh Finland you so poor

"1 Day Ago by Evoke War Vomit

I myself am Finnish and would rather live anywhere else in the world. The so called welfare is but a joke and only handed out to Finnish kids who spend it on weed & alcohol, Romanian gypsies and Somalians. Meanwhile I don't get student support for studying or unemployment pay while unemployed and basic stuff like food costs 10 times more than an hour and a bay away in Estonia. **** you, Finland. Seriously.

Not to mention the Finnish gamer kids in the 21st century are some of the most annoying supertards I've ever come across on the internet.

Haven't you learned from LoL that you shouldn't give power to simpletons like the average person of any country in the world? I'm still debating with myself whether it is right to give them even a voice in all this. Democracy is only as clever as it's weakest link, and 99% of everyone are weakest links.

Politics in Finland... who cares. Same **** in different wrappings. Nobody's ever happy, yet you couldn't tell the different between a bad government and a good one. Scentless, tasteless, boring, safe - that's Finland."

- http://eu.leagueoflegends.com/board/showthread.php?t=191568
repost? yes
He shares the opinions of

image: pekka-eric-auvinen
weed is illegal
Can we have couple more posts about this?

Portugal could sell the gold they have first and ask for loan after that.

What country comes next? Spain, italy? It's not like we should be the ones helping em out always.

"We invented the prepaid card for mobile phones"

You couldnt get a contract because of a bad credit-details? :D

EDIT: Finnish reply for Portugal (official), http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l5U2cOGObjw&NR=1
inb4 another boring shitstorm
Finland is for the Finns!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
not that either of the two is of any importance to anyone :s
your ronaldo is not better than the real ronaldo

also you suck dick
Too bad the video forgot to mention the historical fact Portugal extorted and hoarded tons of gold of their colonies which they hold on to this day and refuse to sell in order to get out of a mess they brought on to themselves... Leecing fuckers :(

Finland great figure of authority and world saviour these days
it's also some nazigold :o(
Yes I'm pretty sure after the 213245356356th repost everyone has seen it by now.
are you fucking kidding me? just a few weeks ago I looked at a chart comparing Estonian and Finnish prices for food.. if not the same, they were more expensive in Estonia since Euro came :(
not this shit again
"We are the country with the most world titles in a sport that is no longer played anywhere else in the world (hockey on roller-blades)"

clap clap clap
Portugal is a city, isnt it ?
Portugal, Barcelona, big cities in spain yes?
u'r drugged !
While Brazil was a colony, Portugal stole all gold it could steal, and still, they are fucking poor nowadays. And now comes with this stupid video trying to show who they aren't. They could easily be a great country, but as always, they had to screw it up...
abs1 Goin badass FUCKYEAH!
nossa, que rapidez na resposta
shadap cunt and get on vent!
shadap cunt and get on vent!
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