I find it mildly disguisting that so many people are so quick to judge; that women are no longer allowed to roam the streets pantyless, without being branded as some kind of whore; I thought the suffragettes quashed you sexist pigs.
OMG. Britney Spears suck, I agree with Flying DJ I think she is disgusting. And wtf, Paris Hilton driving? I have a slight feeling with her driving an accident is lurking around the corner. Which can be good in this case, because I feel like I want to see them both die of pain.
Britney Spears and Paris Hilton are thoose kinda persons that makes me wanna bake a really great pie, and smash it in there faces. :)
Are you gay FDJ?
Britney Spears and Paris Hilton are thoose kinda persons that makes me wanna bake a really great pie, and smash it in there faces. :)
Just like Rhand!
intoxicated maby ?
EDIT: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Erotic
made me laugh :D
Anyway Britney is fugly eventhough she was pretty hot at the begining.
how can someone wear such an ugly dress pls??
this is 101 % white trash. shes so ugly
*edit* nice resizing my picture...