Fun PC game to play with 2?

Me and my cousin want to play a PC game together. Prefer RPG or hack n slash would be great, but anything goes!

Any fun games? coop mode would be prefered. He has a really bad pc, so only really old games.
Portal Co-Op
Borderlands best coop game so far

Also magicka is fun with 2
He has a really bad pc, so only really old games.
borderlands, magicka...
well the minimum systemspec you need for both are so marginal that i regard it as a bad PC tbh...
It's a reaaaaally bad pc
well then you cant play any coop games...
or if you own 2 HL1 keys try sven coop mod, dunno if people still play it tho
is that any fun or possible with a cracked version? I have only one HL1 key. Been thinking about trying nwn perhaps :p
if you like old bioware games then NWN... well it is one of them.
and an awesome one at that.
i remember even the super old baldursgate to be playable in MP (coop).
if you like the kind of game you will love that one, mate and me finished it around 3 years ago and it was a blast.
one of my cousins who is thinking about joining us is somewhat younger though, so i doubt he will enjoy BG (allthough i finished it a dozen times and still love it). NWN is abit more combat orientated I recon.
well, bad pc is that when you can't play cod4/borderlands/CSS and so on IMO
and those games have a little higher system req than my pc is...
CSS and cod4 should run on every single PC still out there...
diablo 2
we already played that :)
achtung die kurve
that game was so epic :D:Dd
idd the best :)
But i played it with six guys but we played the bugged version don't know if they fixed it some start and such are shit put deal with it.
joe and strenx played it on UGC lan and there's even stream in own3d about it :P its down though since all owned-vods are.. it had more viewers than cod4 final
Achtung die kurve > cod4
over hamachi ?
for me and my friends we can't play it cuz map doesn't load
Worked for us, but it's not a very teamplay focused game. We would rather play something else :)

I'm still building on our server though!
your server is stabil?
cuz we tried over hamachi, but it really sucks, cause players apart from host just falling
down, map doesn't load, server simply laggs

if you like zombie hunt, then go for killing floor, epic game
for 2 if you play a lot you can do at higher level, really cool
it didnt work with more than one, lagged like crazy. Without hamachi it was fine though and with only 2 ppl on it and hamachi it was decent.
how did you make it work without hamachi ? :o
I couldnt since im behind a few switches, but chizz6l could.
cuz im awesome :)
Friend of mine has a server ^^
Resident evil 5
Little Fighters 2
Battlefield heroes !
get co-op psx/n64/snes games on emulator.
secret of mana on SNES oh maaaaaaaaaaan
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