Bullet lag: take two!!!


has anyone else experienced (and solved) this at all???

this problem has plagued me something chronic, and I'm completely stumped as to how to solve it.

many thanks in advance...

shit ISP
Try playing ET 2.55 (new ET install without patches or ETpro) and see if the problem still exists. Afaik they changed something about with the hitsounds in later ETpro, making them use no bandwith. Dunno if it might help you, but maybe its worth checking out if the problem exist in old and new ET?

Also try cl_packetdup "1", that seems to help a few laggers / packetdroppers out there.

ps: do you mean hitsounds are delayed (they usualy are a lil bit) or the hits (smoke puffs)?

Hi gelatine,

That's my journal you're quoting. Unfortunately I wasn't able to solve the problem. I started to play cs and everything is fine there... I don't think I will be playing ET untill I get a new PC, and cause I'm short of money it's going to be a long time. Also a new PC might solve shit, so I'm not counting to have a normal gameplay after that...

Thing is, I don't have any idea if it's PC's fault or my ISP. If it is ISP's fault, then why am I having 48 stable ping, and everything's fine in any other game? If it's the PC's problem, then why is this 'bullet lag' so inconsistent (one time I play everything's fine, next time it's shitty)?

You can do 2 things:
1. Switch to another game.
2. Play cw not minding the lotto factor if your bullets will actually hit anything...

I was fed up with 2. so I did 1.
its both...

the puffs, the hitsounds, the wall marks - which i usually have turned off - but turned em on to test...

this delay is not like a small delay, its extremely noticeable

i recently churned over from one isp to another isp with no difference so am not convinced that the problem lies squarely with them, although its possible

the lagometer looks really clean as well and my ping stays really steady (about 48-50 or so)

ive tried the cl_packetdup "1" and "0" with no noticeable difference. I've tried various net settings and nothing has made it go away.

I'll give it a shot with no et patching or etpro and see how it goes.

*edit* - yeah gottie, i was really hoping you had actually solved the problem - but im pretty much over playing cw when i have this problem :(

(i have even reinstalled steam after about a year or so :P)
Its just in your head xD
tested default config (no autoexec.cfg) in etmain (fresh reinstall), jaymod and etpub and there are no delays.

there are delays in etpro after the reinstall.

time to give up altogether now :/
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