
Online Role Play game - Torn City

Does anyone else play Torn City? It's an online role play game where you can fight, build your own company, work for someone else, get married/divorced/married again, train, join a warring faction, race cars, take drugs, mug, kill, assasinate other players. You'll do crimes, get arrested, bust out of jail, gamble, buy big houses, travel the world and kill exotic animals.

It's quite a slow game to start, and a bit strange once you 1st start playing, but once you get into it you're easily hooked.

If anyone fancies having a go, try the link below (I'll get goodies for every person that joins and reaches level 10)

I'll also see who joins, and will help you out where and when I can.

TORN | Best text based game and multiplayer crime RPG online
Get a life, stop playing these nerd games and you can experience all of the above you mentioned then :)))))))))))))))
Gonna try this shit out cause i love you Rich m8.
text based :d
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