hello brink

meh, gonna buy it for ps3.
me too when the psn is back :d
Fucking console playing faggots :D
This is a console game, end of.
u mad at brink. end of.
I've never played it, so why would I be mad?:D. Looking at the clips and the features, it seems very spam whoring for XP... anyone can pick up this game and be good, even the CSS players would outdo the high ET players here, and CSS requires no aiming tbh, well I wouldn't say aim, but tracking atleast. This game has no skill needed to be the best. Will just be...

Hey can I join your clan
... well you have to prove yourself
How do I do that?
... what XP do you have and rank on leaderboard?
I'm rank 102 with 20202282382727XP
... right you're in we're top of CB and this is our first ever game and clan
cool, my alias is butchji btw.

I wish I could say your logic is terrible. But there is ZERO logic you used in your arguement here. Why does a game have to have 5000 Euro cup and 10000 ladder games each week? But, I have to keep reminding myself, this is crossfire where everyone expects compatition and games to be like ET.

so now stop being so mad.
lol, you obviously haven't played any other game other than ET and CoD... perhaps some RTS and MMO games... but that's not useful here....

I quit ET for real in 2006 dawg, I returned in 2010 and it is addicting yes, and that was me starting fresh again... but playing games like CoD, Mirrors Edge, TF2, Borderlands etc... these do not hold onto me, ET is fun and requires skill... this game isn't going to hold me personally, and I don't think it will keep the ET scene happy for long. The game was meant to be an ET replacement and 'LOOK A LIKE' it was even said so by one of the creators on this website itself, you even posted in the topic FFS lol... then I don't see what they took, apart from the Engineer fixing ability, which was also in ETQW... which also failed....

Let's make another Doom 3 game and all go migrate to it... would be more competitive.
You "obviously" know my life better than I do if I haven't tried any other games...

Want me to place a carrot on my keyboard so you can have a convo with something more on your level?
No thanks, a carrot is obviously too high for you bro, don't go near them.

Yep it's true though, so please tell me how this game is suitable for the competitive scene... and how it is similar to ET... as it was said officially it was taking the best things from ET... what is there?

You provide no information on your point, I provided about 10 points why it isn't like ET and why I think it will fail.
You are fucking stupid....

Where have I asked for the "next ET" or where did I say I wanted it for competitive play or even that it will be succesfull comp mode?

Oh wait I didn't...

Go back to watching Jermy Kyle
Your point is still shit...

I win end of, you still haven't given evidence or points to back up your pathetic attempt of a reply.

I missed it today, and On Demand isn't working atm as there is too many dirty chavs around here trying to watch it.
i hate to admit it, but pc shooters are dieing.. everything is a goddamn port or unfinished product.. :(
dont rly get why anyone would ever want to play a FPS on a console.
I know its fun for splitscreen stuff and H&S but not for real games
Console is fun for just relaxing and playing with friends... it beats the installing, configuring configs etc...
cause Brink is a casual console game ? :D
you do make a good point right there but as you can read in the reviews it does not seem to be working that well on console.
so its either down to a patch and a decent mod or its... well "a not so good game".
watched few streams now, it's not looking so bad tbh, but the hud makes me crazy... so much stuff O_o
may i remind you that in ET we (can) have a little face that goes rapemode when we fire?
not that this was needed or anything.
it will take some getting used to but i guess thats a minor thing.
i do not have to get used to it, since i won't play (and buy) Brink... but not for any graphical or esports reasons etc...
well then pre-order BF3 that is sure as hell gonna be good.
na... i do not wanna play any teamshooter anymore in common...
meaning you prefer those aweful QL style games?
Downloading as I write this.
is it just me or do you also get a headache from the 5 million hud features ?
+ I am sure many of them are optional anyway.
Holy shit that guy plays with a high sens.
He is pretty bad, the guys he is playing with though seem half decent.
oh look another fps game, few days of hype before release, people will play it 2-3 weeks, then call it shit and stop playing
shit game
lol while watching it u prolly already earned 1000 xp by playing the game :D
has nothing to do with what i said :o
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