CompET - Ready For Testing!

Some of you already heard of CompET, a new "competition" oriented mod (often criticized) I've been slowly working on for a while.

I finally found enough free time to fix some SQLite bugs and build 1.1.9.

I've updated my test servers.

CompET 1.1.9 can be tested on :

Major/Noticeable changes:
  • SQLite Database (Admins/XPSave if enabled/Bans)
  • Started working on SQLite Scores database (Idle code, will have effect in future versions)
  • New ConfigStrings System: Fixes "MAX_GAMESTATE_CHARS exceeded" error. Server sends less commands to clients while playing.
  • Added value 2 to cg_tracers cvar : Only trace other players' bullets.
  • Added cg_fireteamLatchedClass cvar : 0 Show player rank in fireteam / 1 show latched player class in fireteam.
  • Fixed lagometer size and position
  • Fixed "Connection Interrupted" and blinking disconnect icon size and position.
  • Disabled OmniBot Support (build with OmniBot support can be provided on request)
  • Code cleanup

XPSave is NOT enabled on test servers!
"Fun" stuff (as seen on LBC* server) has been removed.

Once enough tests have been performed, it will be available for public download.

Contact me on XFire if you have any questions or if you wanna talk about CompET with me. My XFire username : joyce975

There are many features/changes that are not listed here, but the goal is to match ETPro features as much as possible, and add some new features/bugfixes.

Jaymod > CompET
If nobody wanna give this mod a chance, it will surely fail.
Most people just test it for 30 seconds, notice something they don't like and think it's not worth it, instead of telling me what to change/improve.
But hey, maybe that's how ET players think they can bring this game back to life :/
Seriosuly I love to see your work! EtPro is old and gameplay had change, we need something new and I hope you'll get it! ETpro is good anyway but one thing and obviously the first thing to change is hitboxes. If you get it, it's gonna be awesome.
You have to think about how to improve etpro and not about create another mode which won't be like ETPro. You have to think for the guys who play it all day with wars.
me more positive :)

will test when i get home
I've already played it, I did when it was first released, but was against bots afaik... was nice to hit the players, the hitboxes seems a bit bigger for some reason, that might be my head though lol...

Has potential...



Someone with Photoshop skills can show you...

* Minimalistic look, only numbers, no need for bars and all the graphical stuff
* New player board / scoreboard... - no need for GEO Flags... just name... XP .. ping and SLAC/PB AUTHED... would be nice to have it on the scoreboard...
* New models, high detailed models, same weapons, few changes,
* Perhaps more server side changes, like weapon colours, and CVARS not so strict (picmip)
* Remove XP SAVE
* Work on editing the design of the game tbh... smaller hitboxes would be awesome... hitboxes with holes in legs, fix the prone hitboxes...
New main menu...
* improved download system

Done... new ET and it will win... people will play......
a big HP score pls :)
+ make the pro mod work with ET-Xreal

tbh thats a better option overall
will it be "closed" source like etpro?
If yes, it will surely fail.
put a link to download your compET mod, on the ycn server im downloading at 12ko/s,

so upload it on ycn also..
what features/bugfixes do you add beside the etpro features?
Good work but I feel you are 6 years too late.
whats the point of including xp save to "competition" mod?
Very true... it's just like BRINK, like everyone can't get into their brains... XP MEANS FUCKING SKILL MATE... NO JUST NO
no omnibot support, no win
keep up the good work,and dont let any1 stay in your way!
dload link plz..
Looks good, I really like the fact there is no prone delay. Its nice to know you can actually prone behind a rock now without he et hitboxes lagging behind and you can still get shot for 2 seconds with etpro.

And for all the people whining about xp save, there is still command for xp_save 0 So in war configs when they get released (5v5/3v3 fall or w.e) It will have 0 xp 0 upgrades etc just like etpro.
Alright, a few players tested the mod today, and it's a complete shame for me...

The mod had not been tested in ages and a lot of bugs came out today.

I made a list of things that don't feel right, and i'm gonna try to fix them ASAP.

It would be pretty nice to report bugs in the "General talk" section of the mod forums if you test the mod and find a bug, or something wrong.

Once again, i'm alone working on the mod, i don't have much time, and i can't test it alone. I really need help and advices in order to get the mod right.
good effort!
Why fix something that aint broken?!
ETpro is here and will be here, the game is not ddead, ppl who love the game who play with passion are still playing it, even butchji played an offi last time, night coming back, mystic played.. who said its dead? alot of ppl play it, and its still fun as it was 6years ago.
if ppl still play quake3 and RTCW, why do you think ET is dead? dont fix smthn that doesnt need fixing,... making a pub mode is a waste of time 2 since ppl play the game for 6+- years, and they are loyal to the mod they play... no1 wil change the mod, like if some1 made a better IRC network for gamers, no1 will use it since we are used to quakenet.

It does need fixing though. Playing since 2003 makes ET boring... yes it is addictive but it is old and need a change.
im not bored by the old game
it needs fixing + some people (me included) are getting bored of it

im playing since the very begining
so hes changing the mod back to the old etmain mod with hitsounds, that doenst sound boring? :P its gonna be the same game, just diff bugs.
i was saying that this mod was a good idea or smth

i just wanted to tell you that the game is a bit boring after sometime and that there are some things to fix
ye ofc it gets boring,but i can still play 12hours per day with having loads of fun :D depends with who r u playing with, even if the game was shit, americans play it and other pps with 200ping and having fun while laging :) i think some maps could be fixed a bit but thats about it.. i like it the way it is :)
i thought exactly the same as you 5 years ago
Why doesn't give it a try ? If he doesn't manage to do better than Etpro, he will just have lost his time, like most of the mapper who see their map they have done for comp only played on pub (etpub, jaymod) server.

If he does, why should we refuse to play on it whether than on etpro ?

For now, gameplay is almost the same, let alone the prone-delay that isnt implemented for now (I hope it will be). Hitbox seems a bit better (cant really say if it is better I'm too low for that :) ). He is mostly fixing bug for now.

Et is not dead, it is almost reviving, Etpro is an old mod that can't anymore be implemented, it have bugs, CompET have too, but Nitrox can fix them, Bani will never.

It is still work in progress, so its almost it's gonna feel like a bit better than etmain, for now but he can make some advance.

The worst I can see to happen is that Khaplja doesn't want to develope a slac build for CompET.

Of course nobody will switch from IRC to ESL gather i.e, but CompET is a tool like ETpro, and PB and SLAC.
Btw at first, didn't you though that slac would never work ?
For now it does and people get used to it, I hope CompET will do the same :)

Sry for my poor english, I'm french :D
newer doubted slac tbh.
ofc let him do the mod, i wish him GL with it, just why make a new comp mod if thers already 1 working rly good :)
hitboxes are good in etpro, no problems with them, sometimes ur net interupts ur hits but thats not hitboxes prob u/him laging + spread.

i dont think we need a new comp mod, is what im saying :)
tbh you need to look through the etpro change logs and fix ALL those bugs before you do anything, then implement most of their changes, THEN add in new stuff
hitboxes are little bit messed up
I started working on 1.2.0, gonna try to fix every bugs that have been noticed today.

Hopefully I can get the job done quickly...

And as someone said, CompET will be actively developped for a while, and will go open source if i ever stop working on it, unlike ETPro that has been and will stay closed source forever.

Active developpement counts!
make CompET work with ET-Xreal and you'll be loved <3

ET xreal + CompEt = new et :)

when i finish uni i might be able to help though i dont know idtech3 stuff (yet :p)
I can give you webspace if need be, I have too much space and unlimited bandwidth.
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