Dream about miNd

Yesterday evening we played vs. Queens in a prac and I was talking to FinlandmiNd. This is the only trigger I can think of. So, I had this dream last night:

I was out playing golf with two friends, one from my primary school and one from Uni (they don't know eachother but in the dream they seemed to). As we were playing golf it started snowing so we were like 'shit guys gtg'. We ran to our jeep and started driving home. When we got to my house there was this girl waiting outside saying we need to get in quick before the snowstorm. Went inside my house, and in the kitchen there was my dog, Luna, and a husky dog chained in the corner. It was really aggressive and I was like "who's dog is this?". The girl said "it's minds". I turned around and FinlandmiNd was leaning on my kitchen counter. I said his dog looked angry and underfed, he said he feeds it enough. I tried to stroke the husky but it tried to bite my hand. I said "calm your dog down or it's going to have to leave" but I didn't get a reply. I looked over my shoulder and mind was gone. I walked towards the front door and my wallet was on the floor. I picked it up and all my money and cards were gone. The girl was next to me and said that mind took it. I was on my knees looking out at the snowstorm and I knew I would never find him. Then I woke up.
u need help lol
i dreamed about me being some kind of a serial killer, like the jigsaw, just diff methods, they wer nailed to the "wooden stage", hung from the roof, by their feet to the floor ofthe stage, dunno where they had their hands , like 8 of them, at the end of the dream he pretended to be jesus, some chick that was hung from the roof, was sudenly in a chair on the table, like the rest of the dudes who wer hung from the celling, then i realised that dude is me, and she jelld, hes a gangsta then i wokeup oO
lol, just lol
the story is short, and it was more creepy than it sounds oO couldnt get more details in to spice things up but its hard to describe in english what i saw/dreamed about :x
ye i agree its hard to describe in english since you have vocabulary skills equal to material realised in elementary schools

again i agree, first and last time with you
Hi, my name is
was not to become what I became with this level of fame
My soul is possessed by this devil my new name is....

im a writer, what do you think how big my vocabulary is?
while u was dreaming i stealed your mother and selled her on ebay.pl XD
... nice english and making no sens
not in swenglish aight!
you bastard! :<
some germans bought you for 1000 polish dollars thx 4 money i buy aimbot XDDD
miNd is such a thief
A clear sign of God's will
i think getting robbed by FinlandmiNd is a metaphor for him stealing ur EC victory
you fucking nerd having ET players in your dreams :D need to slow down on the game mate and get out more :)
I've played ET 4-5 nights a week for years, of course I'll dream about it or other games, and I'm fine with that!
have fun being in your weird and wonderfull mystical land
Mystical land?
Finlandmystical land
and do you feel relieved by saying this kind of stuff ? :-D
just like abusing him :)
he deserves it tbh :-p
U dont remember ur dreams
idd, normally it's really hard to remember them :o
Unless he's been keeping a dream diary, which makes it easier to remember dreams
Dream diary,

i lol'd, ty :')
keeping a dream diary helps you lucid dreaming :$
unless you wake up and go to sleep again, then you start dreaming all sorts of random shit :D at least I do.
hmm, interesting.. So u sayin a dream gets a will of its own..?

brb, sleeping to find that out
there are no words to describe all the shit I've dreamt :D
found cats in my pockets that ended up attacking me, sliding around the floor in an empty building, etc. standard :D

I don't do shrooms but I can asume it would be similar.

The most insane dream experience I had was that I was dreaming standard random shit and all of a sudden the dream switched to a 3rd person perspective where I watched some group of people from a skyview and heard noises coming from different areas and shadows approaching them. I somehow managed to force myself to wake up, although when I woke up I wasn't exactly fully awake, I was struggling hard to keep my eyes open (I was sort of getting dragged into the dream again, fucking freddy kruger shit seriously :D) my eyes were like half open and I could move my arms but not my body. I was fucking panicing and held my hands up to my face and I couldn't see my hands (!). Eventually I managed to "fully" wake up and had get out of bed instantly to make sure I wouldn't fall asleep again :D

I'm fucking curious to know what that was about because I've never heard anything like it before. Was insane.
lol, bet you shitted bricks xd
must have been some scary shit :E
stop taking lsd. Weird shit for ur brains
Theres a term for it my friend:


I also have them after waking and going asleep again.. It happens more often if you lie on your back.
lol, wth, yea that seems to be it.. interesting.
Well then you should try shrooms, you won't hallucinate persay but shit looks awesome, infact all your senses just go insane, you think you enjoy music sober? Take some shrooms and you'll fucking experience music like never before.
thats so true, had it today aswell! woke up @ 10.00, fell asleep and then i woke up like every 30mins untill 13.00 and in those 30mins ive slept each time i had this fucking weird dream about me looking at trees and talking to them and shit ;d
i am dreaming about trees also
lol, it's hilarious
I dream of having sex :(
keep on dreaming
well, maybe you don't...
I remember quite alot of dreams and its fucking awesome
You play too much
to much text to read..
One day, i dreamt that my garden was exactly the same than supply cp stage..
control your dog.
I had dreams of fuckin' an R'n'B bitch like Mya
When I saw dat ass on a front of that King
Read the article in a magazine
She loved gangsters, loved nasty things
So I'm the glass house havin' nasty dreams!
Good girls neva' give it up
But anything is possible ,if 50 fucked Vivica
Hurdled life's obstacles,found my way through the maze
Then joy turned to pain like, Frankie Beverly and Maze
Used to dream about bein' Unsigned Hype
Till I was crushed my Dave Mase, almost let my pen fall asleep on a page
Daydreamin' yesterday
Dozin' on offback stage
I tought I saw Eazy talkin' to Jam Master Jay
So I walked over heard Jam Master say
It's a hardknock life, then you pass away
They say sleep is the cousin' of death
So my eyes wide open cuz a dream is kin to ya last breath

Blushin' in this 40 ounce
Lettin' the ink from my pen bleed
Cuz Marthin Luther King had a "DREAM!"
Aalyah had a "DREAM!"
Left Eye had a "DREAM!"
So I reached out to Kanye and "brought you all my dream!"

sleep well baggiez!
Why don't you tell them about the gay dream you had involving rahul????
yea, i want to hear that story again !
dreams are so cool coz they are so fucked up
ive seen normanm8 shitloadz
nerd alert!
How can u dream about miNd , really.How can u dream about hentai , really.
You have serious problems
How can you dream about fucking NetherlandsRonner?
You said you wouldn't tell anyone!

*abusing admin powers.reported
everyone has dreamt about Ronner
I dreamed about being a soldier in the d-day battle but instead of fighting i went to see a girl and when i got back everyone was dead :DD
Get a grip, this is just sad
Waki joins me in my dreams every week, at least once without fail...

I suppose that's what you get from constant playing with the same guy for 7 years!
you are such a nerd
i think it was cuz ur scared he will drop from your lan team image: rptmb
Go to see your psychologist man
flo / gifty says:
you were in my dream
we were somewhere in the holidays
and we walked through some gardens with rapt6rr
I dream about Ste all the time... one day.. one day it will come true..
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