
So afai have understood, its a new mod with ETXreal graphics and improved Q3 engine? Or have I misunderstood something? Came out from nowhere. Coolio/failure?
stick to the jaymod Boss
h b-d to you
Sense? No. Why it should make sense. I though that since u are making so much b-d journals, someone should say h b-d to you too. Sense? Yes.
you're like month+1 week late with those wishes bro
h b-d to you <3
oh im to late sorry bro =(
looks good
"[...] but without the added Xreal Renderer."
Wrong ET.exe version with etpro :$
it is exactly without xreal gfx... so many random "mods" that random ppl put together and publish in a days work.. kinda annoying
You should get back to work, small (Year) motivational break, gather new team up and continue where it was left the last time :p
just waay too much work for me to deligate and I simply lack experience and skill for the project, sad truth
is the project dead?
pretty much since the last autumn when he (eiM) started on a new school :/
yes, cancelled it after one year of quite well progress (that was 6month ago?). The simple "problem" with creating a game is that you need all the models, maps, assets, animations... For modern games that is just so much more than I was used to from idtech3. We already had a quite active artist-team, but in order to make the real progress we still lacked so many essential artists for various areas such as animation. And paying someone for doing that would have went too far and would have become too expensive.
need screenshots.
the Xreal renderer is NOT included. nothing special to be seen...

i dont rly get what that mod is supposed to be good for :s
i dont understand any of that shit :(, i just want to see screenies for these mods, if they look good i download!
no new renderer means: no Xreal graphics.
it does not look "new".
Increased the Limit of CL_Maxpackets to 125
The Minimum maxpackets have increased to 30 from 15

Let's lag.
there is indeed fps boost.

Quotechanged R_customwidth/R_customheight to \\\"R_width\\\" and \\\"R_height\\\"

not working

etpro not working
tested jaymod/etmain(mayb other mods work too). maps working on host game/replays. mayb will work on servers too.

Quotedaz2007 has released an update for his ET Forever mod. The name is now ET Gold and can be played on servers as well, unlike ET Forever.
It´s bugfix project,nothing more.
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