Osama pics and vids?

In relation to the journal below many people said that they would be releasing pics and videos of the whole operation and would release photos of "Dead" osama.


They are not going to release it as expected.

WP USA and Obama
image: trollface

Nothing more to say.
People who think that Osama is still alive are stupid
the point is that he has been dead before and they have faked everything :p
I personally think he could be dead years ago. But theres no way obama killed him now. I think hes alive america wouldnt kill him, the bush family and binladens no eachother anyway. also al qaeda are the organisation on the CIA pay list. So america wouldnt go and kill him tbh. Obama only done this for votes because he was losing out on elections
ignorance of some people :DDDDDDDDDD.

you need to stay in school if you believe all conspiracy theories. Random bloggers dream up conspiracies and I MUST BELIEVE BECAUSE INET TOLD ME.

not a way you want to live your life bro. get off the PC lol
its a shame that this world is led by a false government mate.
i realy do feel sorry for you lol. Seriously dont live your life in this way. Your whole life you live believeing conspiracy theories, sooner or later your belief system will collapse.
Wrong, I live my life day by day how I want to live it. I dont go home and read this everyday.
but you think 9/11 was coined by americans and Bin Laden died years ago.

that isnt something you read once an believe. you realy have to search into it to believe something like that.

however if you believe 9/11 conspiracy and bin laden conspiracy after 1 quick read of some random blog then you sir are retarded :D

even if you search into it and believe it thats still fucked up lol
it was tbh.

I dont search everyday but I have read a lot. It is a fact that america was involved with it. like 40 years ago there was documents, and someone made the idea to use a controlled plane and crash it into a building and blame it on another country. and oh it randomly happened 40+ years later. World war 1 & world war 2 was fixed. Its your choice what you believe in. I have learned a lot of what really happened in history compared to what the government want schools to teach. but w.e if you dont belive it dont. But I am not some sad nerd who reads 24/7.
ww2 was fixed?

as in, the result was set up in advance??
no apparently they didnt care who won seeming as both sides where getting funded by the people involved.

This was a very nice video.
who are "they"?

how were these people funding anything?

you might be able to argue that manufacturers benefit from production of arms for war, and sure contractors make billions building technology even to this day but that doesn't mean they have a say in the outcomes of a war (except by making one side vastly superior in arms perhaps)
if you watch the video you will learn who they are. This last reply I will do on the subject the video explains everything. Wether you watch it and believe or not.

before WW2 happens. Hitler sends a message to Europe and Russia. Btw im going to invade you, however i would like to let the world know i got somewhere so dont kill us instantly, let us kill millions of people first then stop us.

WE DIDNT GAS ANY JEWS THE MEDIA MADE THAT UP. so where have 4 million jews gone then?

i duno... holiday i guess

ive heard some fucked up things but that takes the cake.

4 million -> 6 million
dont be that guy
haha, come on 2 million is not a reasonable margin of error :P
i know i should have actualy looked and checked it was closer to 6 milion.

but in all seriousness in your real life. dont be that guy

and you know what i mean by that lol.
i really dont have a clue what you mean :s
that guy who corrects anything and everything that someone says about anything and everything in life.

the guy who is never wrong. even when hes wrong hes right about everything. argue the point until death to win an argument.

you must know what im on about, or know someone in life like this. i got a m8 at uni like this and noone debates with him and when he joins the debate we just nod and agree just so he doesnt go on some rant.

sheldon from the big bang theory TV programme basicly
i see it more like, if you're going to debate about something with someone and you want to pull some figures you ought to know the correct number when you say it or it's quite easy for the other person to turn it around and show that your figures are wrong and cast doubt on your otherwise valid arguments

anyway THAT figure, is significant enough that everyone should know it without having to double check

£4/6 million is a much less significant variance than 4/6 million lives taken
yea your definitely that guy
well i was explaining why i wanted to clarify that point in particular it to show you i probably aren't "that guy" but i don't really mind :)

obviously whatever i say now you're just going to think im being that guy so i guess i am him now \o/
There's nothing wrong with being "that guy" as long as you don't have narrow minded fools for friends, and if they have above average intelligence aswell ofcourse.

Ted Mosby is that guy aswell, and everyone loves him!
:) noone understands me like you!
I don't think you're that guy <3
: D its alive!?!
i don't think you're that guy!
:D its alive?!
thats ArtStar's job
the man who knows all about ET games.

got a m8 irl whose the same with football, knows anything and everything about football and football players. kinda epic
is that a bad or a good thing
They did die, just because it was fixed you think the guys pushing this war to happen think about killing people? They killed so many during 9/11 we are nothing to them.
honestly dude, you're the dumbest fuck I've ever heard anything from.
Actually you're being ignorant there because you immediately forfeit the idea and believe anything you're told.
The truth is simply that we can't know what happened but the incident is suspicious to say the least.

Obama's ratings are falling and suddenly they first find his long lost birth certificate and a few days later they magically find and kill bin Laden who just happened to live in Pakistan for seven years.
Instead of providing proper evidence they then dump his body in the sea because "it's according to Muslim law".
Yeah, right, when did they ever give a shit about Muslim law.

If they really found him there they've taken him prisoner because no one would forsake the informations he has, there'd be no point in killing him.
I agree with you but taking him alive back to US would not have been an ideal thing to do what if terrorist hijack a plane and say free osama or we gonna crash the plane or something.
that's possible
It's possible that he was killed a couple of years ago, then Obama did a good job ending the search. As for the relations between Bin Laden and the CIA (i don't know about the Bush family but i doubt it) were/are non existant. Stop your bullshit tin-foil hat behaviour.
ending the search by saying they killed osama. Taking the credit for something they have not done and feeling proud about it.
Once more that's just a possiblity, but if he was killed before then credit should have been taken then but was obviously not so that they could continue their war on terror. If Obama exposed that he would have created a huge political shitstorm and he deserves credit for ending the search.
he want votes for the next elections, US are celebrating like crazy = people happy = gonna get votes.
and he should get votes for it. I honestly don't see your problem.
tbh this was the first time the president personally publishes it
you got proof hes dead?
Where is the proof. Tbh CIA pay al Qaeda so there not going to kill them. But whatever you belive the false government if you want to believe in shit.
the cia don't "pay bin laden", the us government via the cia trained, equipped and funded some of the mujahideen when they were opposing the soviets in afghanistan because they didn't want the soviets to extend their power (and control of oil) - look up "reagen doctrine" or read some books about cold war politics (not websites though please)

bin laden himself was from a very wealthy saudi family (we're talking super rich present day dubai style) but was disillusioned and shunned them, (giving up a substantial inheritance) in order to join the fight against the communists

why would he give up billions to go live in relatively destitute conditions on a us paycheck?
Not sure why he done it, only him himself would know that. All I am stating basically really though is this world is fucked up. and not everything what gets released to public is the truth, and the illuminati is real. and there will be a one world government. It will happen.

My opinion is that bin ladens so called death was part of the illuminati dates. Just as on the same day adolf hitlers death come out to the public. There is definitely something fucked up going on in this world. Rather scary tbh.
i'd suggest you read some books offering both points of view and not use the internet as the only basis for your opinions (not saying you do)

but if you don't want to that is up to you
Maybe you will find the video interesting. I found it very good two hours is a long time. But I really liked the video. Gives you a big overview of what is happening these days.
are you a christian?

e: ten mins in and this is christian propaganda, framed in a conspiracy theorist ideas to make it sensationalist and attempt to dupe more viewers, really i can't suggest strongly enough that you disregard this or at least balance it with some BOOKS by reputable authors
ignorace is bliss
i'm never sure if youre in agreement with me or flaming me you know :p
its a mind fuck
Much of the mainstream news is now utterly and completely fabricated these days. The news about the war in Libya, the coverage of the economy and the U.S. debt... it's all so utterly false and unbelievable that an intelligent person watching the news can't help but explode with laughter.

One of the most disturbing signs of our times is the great dumbing-down of the masses though. The drooling, CNN/BBC/etc-watching television zombies who dominate our landscape offer absolutely nothing of value to the world. They are the "mindless consumers" who get vaccinated, watch television and eat processed, pasteurized junk food. They're on psychiatric meds and believe everything the government tells them.

Your links sir. are not more than a load of garbage, it results quite sad that people don't question things and swallow everything that comes down to them from the main street media. Nobody questions things any more, everybody is too fat and happy. Everybody's got a cell phone that'll make pancakes and rub their balls now.



QuoteMuch of the mainstream news is now utterly and completely fabricated these days

bin like this for so long lol. they shouldnt call news 'News' they should call it 'Bad News'
not often do you see 'man saved women from burning building' heroic. its just 'man stabbed to death by 4 people' 'women kidnapped' 'debt worse'

you have to keep the public ignorant to turn the world round. In the distant future it will get harder and harder to convince people of all this bollocks since education will just keep getting better and people get cleverer. although by the state of some places you think their born on another planet and theyl never be changed.
ignorant of what?
ignorant just means you get sucked in easily to things. If people dont get sucked in easily to things then advertising wouldnt work nearly as well. People wouldnt spend nearly as much.

SKIN CREAM THAT GUARANTEES TO FIGHT AGEING. genuinly just saw that on a tv ad.

wel yea it 'guarantees' to fight it at some ridiculously slow pace that really doesnt affect it. yet genuinly some people think SHIT IL BUY THAT IT STOPS AGEING.

trust me people on this site are not nearly as ignorant as some people ive met. people that drop out of school at like 16 and live in council estates, they will literaly believe anything you tell them. its wierd.

i put a TV ad out that apples are linked to hair loss i bet i could convince 1000s of people to stop eating apples.
sounds like you're ought to be saying gullible to me :z

ignorance implies being unaware of something entirely
ignorant, gullable, all these things rly.
this is purely your opinion, no facts at all, and you want me to swallow it in the same way you say people do watching news coverage??

what were the last books you read on the subject by reputable authors?
where is the evidence for your claims?
what are your sources and why are they reliable?
Some people believe they are more intelligent when they question everything, to an extent this is true. But some just take it too far and instead of questioning things, they just immediatly say they are untrue. To their pleasure the internet is always there with garbage-arguments to support them.

Too much deduction on the internet, not enough induction.
yeah, you can see i didn't expect him to reply when i actually questioned him :)
the unintelligent ftw.

i use credible sites to argue points only. The day i google an argument and use a random blog to copy and paste from is when hell freezes over.
Most sensible comment in the whole Journal.
couldnt agree more.
What is wrong with getting vaccinated?
What proof are you looking for out of interest? Easily fakeable pictures? A video (which could be his body double).

The only intelligent comments regarding stuff like this are the ones that indicate the writer is smart enough to not believe everything we are told, INCLUDING stuff posted on the internet which points in completely the other direction. The video you linked, what makes that a more valid source than any other?
You are correct what makes it more valid? It is a belief mate and it is something I believe and it inspired me. Its whatever you believe. That video shocked me tbh. As I stated somewhere I werent gunna reply anymore to any more comments so I will change the subject and say OMFG BRINK TOMORROW !
Ye I'm looking forward to brink as well.

I'm not bashing you for your opinions, as I don't know anymore than the next guy does, I just always find it curious to find people's motives when they go from believing what they are told in school, to completely the opposite.
ppl who claim something like this are stupid as well :)
So are people who think Americans killed him!
its bullshit anyway. Hes not dead america organising something else like 9/11 I guess
what do you think would happen to America's credibility if Osama sends a video to the world proving he's still alive
Wouldnt happen. Seeming as americans and binladen will know eachother he would know to stay private.
why would he want the world to know he's still alive if he is/was on a run?
can you imagine how sad americans would be?

have you noticed how obama is much better recieved in the middle east than previous incumbent for example?

instability in the middle east would benefit bin ladens cause more than pretending to be dead and that would most likely increase if some retard like palin became president because everyone hated on obama for faking shit

also if the us were faking they could still keep hunting him..

you guys need to stop lapping up the shit conspiracy theorists feed you without questioning it first
if he wasn't dead, he would have made a video by now to drop America's moral.
Yeah I've kinda expected that, even a video done by a look-alike but surprisingly there has been nothing.
has no 1 seen rtl4 ? i have seen the picture of osama binlade his head.... he is dead
which picture are you talking about?

the one which is given in the journal related to this?
dutch telivision has shown a bit of it
Conspiracy!!! Matrix is real, believe me!
looking for a nice picture razzah'''?????
There's no way he's still alive, if he did get shot in the operation in pakistan it bothers me that they didn't gave him a fair trial, if he died a couple of years ago then you should congratulate the action by obama for ending the search on him and thus ending the reason why they went to invade the middle-east.
i know what you are saying, but where would you send him for fair trial? :p

if he was announced to be in captivity and alive that would be strong justification for waves of kidnapping of westerners by extremists and then you have the political fallout of watching those guys get killed on tv because theres no way you're going to accept a ransom ;p
Hmm I see your point but even so it strikes me as wrong executing an unarmed person. And even if hypothetically a dozens of people would die in kidnappings, we should not lower ourselves to their standards.
I would fully agree with you in 99 % of the cases, but not in this one. The terror Al Qaeda could release upon the western world ( hypothetical ), is not worth the "honest trial" in this case. It's better to be safe than sorry in some situations.
could you imagine being Bin Ladens lawyer :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

more chance that KRP would go to lan than him winning the case.

Oh snap, having studied law myself for a while, that is just too funny to think about.
It's not about winning the case. It's about human rights.
Conspiracy freaks having a field day.


The moon landing was staged
9/11 was planned by the US Government
UFO's were recovered at Roswell
The CIA killed John F. Kennedy
Global warming is a fraud
Princess Diana was murdered by the Royal Family
The Jewish community is behind every leader on the planet
Pearl Harbor was allowed to happen
Federal agencies are poisoning us (Chemtrails)
The aids virus was created in a laboratory
London tube bombings were staged by the Brittish government
Elvis Presley faked his own death

image: tm-fun-conspiracy
Michael Jackson did too.
Where is the reality?
Seriously, even if it sounds sterotype, mass media is sending ONLY faked news except for the cute animal babys. News that have been summed up based on sum ups, based on censorship. Another oil platform exploded in the pacific last year, same shit like deepwater horizon, have you heard about it? No.
The problem with all those news and "conspiracy theory" counter arguments is that everything has been said like a million times before, and people got that kind of arguments categorized in their minds as "conspiracy theories", hence they cant be true. Most people dont actually inform theirselfs from different sources, theirs so much free media, like here in switzerland everyone is reading free newspapers (who make money only with advertising) and even if they dont really beleive it, it still affects you big time if you dont read consciously.
My biggest concern about the path our societys are going is, that it CANT, it simply CANT go on like this forever. And i think that its already to late to stop the comming events, either you die or you witness it.
Still, this is not an ending , its a new beginning.
shit. crossfires getting real up in here.
Still there is a difference between censorship and "ONLY faked news", a governement covering something up and ILLUMANTI/..9/11 was staged etc.
"the comming events, either you die or you witness it. " Could you please elaborate on this?
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